Could someone explain what the heck I'm looking at here? Why the "?"s, and why the zero payments for a lot of shifts?
Completed Duration Difficulty Pay/Hour at 1 TH/s Total Thps Your Ghps Your work
2014-10-14 12:23 3h 14m 35,002,482,026 ? 1,292.4 1,887.9 5,128,256
2014-10-14 09:09 3h 11m 35,002,482,026 ? 1,313.7 1,934.0 5,162,304
2014-10-14 05:57 3h 09m 35,002,482,026 ? 1,322.9 1,908.9 5,058,240
2014-10-14 02:47 3h 14m 35,002,482,026 ? 1,285.7 1,810.6 4,931,904
2014-10-13 23:32 3h 17m 35,002,482,026 ? 1,270.1 917.9 2,534,532
2014-10-13 20:14 3h 13m 35,002,482,026 ? 1,294.7 422.4 1,142,400
2014-10-13 17:00 3h 14m 35,002,482,026 ? 1,293.7 1,768.8 4,799,488
2014-10-13 13:45 3h 16m 35,002,482,026 ? 1,281.6 1,924.8 5,274,176
2014-10-13 10:28 3h 14m 35,002,482,026 ? 1,291.7 1,956.5 5,305,088
2014-10-13 07:14 3h 12m 35,002,482,026 ? 1,305.0 2,123.9 5,698,752
2014-10-13 04:01 3h 10m 35,002,482,026 0.00000000 1,320.9 2,050.5 5,448,896
2014-10-13 00:50 3h 10m 35,002,482,026 0.00000000 1,318.5 2,110.8 5,606,464
2014-10-12 21:40 3h 10m 35,002,482,026 0.00000000 1,318.1 1,622.0 4,307,568
2014-10-12 18:29 3h 08m 35,002,482,026 0.00000000 1,332.6 2,088.6 5,488,704
2014-10-12 15:20 3h 11m 35,002,482,026 0.00000000 1,310.5 2,104.7 5,625,740
2014-10-12 12:09 3h 13m 35,002,482,026 0.00000000 1,300.1 2,130.1 5,752,512
2014-10-12 08:55 3h 12m 35,002,482,026 0.00059286 1,299.0 2,124.2 5,726,848
2014-10-12 05:42 3h 15m 35,002,482,026 0.00059286 1,283.1 2,056.8 5,628,480
2014-10-12 02:26 3h 15m 35,002,482,026 0.00118696 1,287.3 2,039.1 5,557,632
2014-10-11 23:10 3h 12m 35,002,482,026 0.00118696 1,302.7 1,331.0 3,577,508
Take the number of hours since the last block was found.
The add up the number of hours that the last 10 shifts consist of ~3:10 each.
subtract the time for the shifts from the time since the last block found and that will be the number of hours/shifts that you would get 0.000. This could also be considered hashing with no pay for those shifts. But there is no way to avoid this other than finding more blocks. Last week we hit 9 blocks with lots of luck. This week looks a little more average so far.
by my quick calcs. at the time right now. 2 days 7 hours =55 hours.
Last 10 shifts =~31 hours.
This equals about 24 hours of hashing (8 shifts) without pay because no block was found. These 0.000 shifts will continue until a block is found.
This is going to happen especially on the RED blocks.
I personally have hashed on other sites and Minter still pays better (especially with good luck). The law of averages should balance out if everyone is consistent on hashing. Yes you may do some shifts without pay but when the good times roll again you will be above most other sites.
Thanks for this... but that's a lot of "quick calcs" to be able to do. Personally, I would like better statistics "at a glance."
As a 24x7 BitMinter-only miner, I had come to rely on the "Expected Pay Per Block" as this showed me, based on my miners, as well as their performance and connectivity (and what the rest of the pool is doing), what I would expect to receive for the NEXT block found -- all in one number. Yes, I can look at previous transactions, but as mining is progressing, it was beneficial for me to review that one number as something that I could use as a comparison. For example: Say, it showed that I would receive 0.0175 bitcoins for the next block the pool found (based on my score, etc). But, if logged on to find that the pool hash rate had increased considerably, that number would fall. That's fine. I still know what is "normal" for my miners. Additionally, if I experienced a network connectivity problem and my miners were offline for a few hours, I could see that impact as well.
For me, it was a near real-time snapshot of the health of my mining hash rate vs. the pool hash rate.
I'm all for the new statistics, although I continue to protest about removing what was (to me) a very useful and beneficial statistic. Now, I'm going to have to "do the math." I'm sorry that some people found it confusing... but many of us know nothing else, so it is now more confusing without it. At least to me.
Doc: Appreciate all you have done and are doing to improve things. BitMinter is and has been the one and only BitCoin mining pool I've been a part of since I began this adventure. I've looked at others, but never switched.