so one guy programming and the rest managing the project. doing some due diligence this doesn't sound like a seasoned team of developers here. maybe just one. not sure what to expect anymore. don't understand statements like these when the information is readily available about the team (aside Zalfrin, still getting his bio, but he is the designer of the Scrypt implementation and FPGA core).
You seem to be assuming we're just taking an existing FPGA board and programming it, which is inaccurate. We are designing a fully custom FPGA and Scrypt implementation in the form of a complete device and not just a bare board. And I say
we, as we all have design input (you will see my mark as an IT systems guy on it, I am keeping large scale hashfarmers in mind with features not uncommon on a regular production server environment).
ok ahh - to Operatr and Janslee -
I just want to bring up something i posted earlier : -
I’ll summarize it :
" FPGA Devs and large potential buyers and others should be careful because C++ (and other codes) can evolve faster than hardware, and markets generally find a balance that tends toward distribution in this evolutionary information environment"
and now eMuni is in its second Beta - so was I correct ?
i guess we will find out , but if i was correct , it was record time , i'm usually not correct like this for years , but we do live in exponential times ! : D
Operatr - i know by reading back to the thread that you were busy and missed my point and thought i was talking about a 51% attack when i said that so i thought i'd carify it and tell you i was talking about market forces and confidence.
I apologize if I didn't answer your previous post on that
I am scanning back through this for your original post (if you want to help me find it please do
It has been my experience that hardware generally outpaces software by a large degree, but these are definitely not the usual desktop PCs and applications, so those rules are out the window. I think it is very difficult to say with any accuracy where this will all go in the near future
I'm not a c++ programmer so I won't assume too much on that front however.
Yeah Jasinlee I didn't see anything about the hash algorithm it will use or the mining (called hatching nodes I guess?) either, which I thought was odd. We'll see what it does.
To get back on track, I am still interested in your input for what kinds of features you would like to see implemented.
Hoping to update this week with more on the open source
Igniter UI miner software package