Right now, as far as my browsing and searching related to this are concerned, the expected bout between Crawford and Spence is still unclear up to this point. No ongoing negotiations or status is been released.
But this has to happen no matter what. Even Jemell Charlo said that Crawford needs to pass Spence.
Unfortunately for Crawford, Charlo thinks that he won't stand a chance against Spence that's why there will be no discussion of future fights between him and Crawford. What's your opinion on this guys?
If this is true, then it's heartbreaking news for us boxing fans because we already speculating the kind of fight these two will give us inside the ring. Boxers can't do anything when their manager is against it and they are just following it despite their fans wanting it to happen. Anyway, hoping to see more of their fight no matter who will be the opponent, and let's just hope they will gonna end up negotiating their fight in the future after winning some fights against other boxers of course.
I haven't seen some news related to it yet but it doesn't mean it won't happen. Maybe there are ongoing works but information related to that maybe not just disclosing it to the public to avoid the spoil. That's usual and who knows we might be got surprised with the official announcement anytime.
Remember what Spence Jr. said before his fight against Yordenis Ugas? He will have 2 fights before moving up weight - that was against Yordenis Ugas and surely, the other one is against Terence Crawford.