
Topic: BTCD is no more - page 386. (Read 1328507 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
August 12, 2014, 05:07:40 AM
transport bunny attempt 237:

amount.(0.10000000) minage.(10) 10 | M.1 N.1
12927190866050319905 -> teleport 0.10000000 BTCD -> 4370196924948076496 minage.10 | M.1 N.1
evolve maxiters.0 with n.1
   hwm    0.10000000 height.56916    BTCD RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq 1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33/vout_1
-> evolved with bestn.1 0x101817bb0
(4370196924948076496) [4370196924948076496] need to implement query (and propagation) mechanism for pubkeys
start evolving at 17273.124000
evolve maxiters.10 with n.1
metric.1.968246 youngest.15 agesum 15 n 1, (10000000 - 10000000)
i.0 of 10, replacei.0 j.0 inhwm.1
i.1 of 10, replacei.0 j.0 inhwm.1
i.2 of 10, replacei.0 j.0 inhwm.1
i.3 of 10, replacei.0 j.0 inhwm.1
i.4 of 10, replacei.0 j.0 inhwm.1
i.5 of 10, replacei.0 j.0 inhwm.1
i.6 of 10, replacei.0 j.0 inhwm.1
i.7 of 10, replacei.0 j.0 inhwm.1
i.8 of 10, replacei.0 j.0 inhwm.1
i.9 of 10, replacei.0 j.0 inhwm.1
   hwm    0.10000000 height.56916    BTCD RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq 1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33/vout_1
-> evolved with bestn.1 0x101a07d70
finished evolving at 17273.191000
(backups/telepods/BTCD_BTCD.0) update    0.10000000 height.56916    BTCD RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq 1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33/vout_1
ONIONIZE: np.0x10307b800 NXT.4370196924948076496 4370196924948076496 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.326 -> new len.382 + 42 = 424
sendmessage ([{"requestType":"transporter","coin":"BTCD","height":56931,"minage":10,"M":1,"N":1,"value":"0.10000000","telepods":["3024418790"],"totalcrc":985815353},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2s633obkagm81ts6t5jikn3bkq6i l4bnpetcp2f0a07nc83uq1ee47t3gduu1utaep9p1qpqcodrt4q30itt984iv4r5mninb1250hijfum 97"}]) len.327 to 4370196924948076496
ONIONIZE: np.0x102028200 NXT.15261587749512401107 15261587749512401107 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.424 -> new len.480 + 42 = 522
AFTER send_transporter_log to 4370196924948076496 err.0 height.56931 56931 at 0.000000
AFTER send_transporter_log to 4370196924948076496 err.0 height.56931 56931 at 17287.420000
teleport AFTER CREATE BUNDLE to 4370196924948076496 err.0
json_handler returns.({"error":"no pubkey for 4370196924948076496, request sent"})
on_client_udprecv nread.526 flags.0 | total 600
payload_len.480 err.0 new len.424
payload_len.382 err.0 new len.326
decrypted2 len.326 dest.(4370196924948076496)
[[{"requestType":"transporter","coin":"BTCD","height":56931,"minage":10,"M":1,"N":1,"value":"0.10000000","telepods":["3024418790"],"totalcrc":985815353},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2s633obkagm81ts6t5jikn3bkq6i l4bnpetcp2f0a07nc83uq1ee47t3gduu1utaep9p1qpqcodrt4q30itt984iv4r5mninb1250hijfum 97"}]] argjson.0x100f295d0
set UDP.0x101b020a0
29107010142335 pNXT_json_commands sender.(12927190866050319905) valid.1 | size.20 | command.(transporter) orig.({"requestType":"transporter","coin":"BTCD","height":56931,"minage":10,"M":1,"N":1,"value":"0.10000000","telepods":["3024418790"],"totalcrc":985815353})
transporterstatus_func M.1 N.1 []
>>>>>>>>>> No errors, allocated transporter_log
ONIONIZE: np.0x10481e000 NXT.12927190866050319905 12927190866050319905 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.345 -> new len.401 + 42 = 443
sendmessage ([{"requestType":"transporter_status","status":0,"coin":"BTCD","totalcrc":985815353,"height":56931,"minage":10,"value":0.10000000,"num":1,"ind":0,"sharei":255,"M":1,"N":1},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2s6338s75bfg1373vhharie6lb39 n9uafg44nkq4e9sqg008bk11f1nd0jaq6slmg91tsrk6an6a93sp2j15ure494b3qd3t1pq82skult3 sv"}]) len.346 to 12927190866050319905
ONIONIZE: np.0x102028200 NXT.15261587749512401107 15261587749512401107 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.443 -> new len.499 + 42 = 541
send_transporter_ACK.({"status":"12927190866050319905 sends via 15261587749512401107 encrypted sendmessage to 12927190866050319905 pending"})
json_handler returns.(transporter_received from NXT.12927190866050319905 totalcrc.985815353 n.1 height.56931 0.10000000 minage.10 M.1 N.1)
respond.(transporter_received from NXT.12927190866050319905 totalcrc.985815353 n.1 height.56931 0.10000000 minage.10 M.1 N.1) to np.0x10481e000 NXT.12927190866050319905 argjson.0x100f29200
payload_len.499 err.0 new len.443
payload_len.401 err.0 new len.345
decrypted2 len.345 dest.(12927190866050319905)
[[{"requestType":"transporter_status","status":0,"coin":"BTCD","totalcrc":985815353,"height":56931,"minage":10,"value":0.10000000,"num":1,"ind":0,"sharei":255,"M":1,"N":1},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2s6338s75bfg1373vhharie6lb39 n9uafg44nkq4e9sqg008bk11f1nd0jaq6slmg91tsrk6an6a93sp2j15ure494b3qd3t1pq82skult3 sv"}]] argjson.0x101e2b5d0
set UDP.0x101a017d0
29107010142335 pNXT_json_commands sender.(12927190866050319905) valid.1 | size.20 | command.(transporter_status) orig.({"requestType":"transporter_status","status":0,"coin":"BTCD","totalcrc":985815353,"height":56931,"minage":10,"value":0.10000000,"num":1,"ind":0,"sharei":255,"M":1,"N":1})
transporterstatus_func sharei.0 M.1 N.1 []
got transporter status.0 BTCD 0.10000000 totalcrc.985815353 num.1 ind.0 crcs.0x0 minage.10, M.1 N.1
json_handler returns.({"result":"ready to start teleporting","status":0,"num":1,"totalcrc":985815353,"value":0.10000000})
respond.({"result":"ready to start teleporting","status":0,"num":1,"totalcrc":985815353,"value":0.10000000}) to np.0x10481e000 NXT.12927190866050319905 argjson.0x101e01f70
after process_packet np.0x10481e000 0x101a00f00 0x7fff5fbffbb8 sentintro.1
15261587749512401107./Users/jl777/xcode/DerivedData/xcode/Build/Products/Debug/xcode send tokenized.({"result":"ready to start teleporting","status":0,"num":1,"totalcrc":985815353,"value":0.10000000}) to 12927190866050319905
ONIONIZE: np.0x10481e000 NXT.12927190866050319905 12927190866050319905 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.274 -> new len.330 + 42 = 372
sendmessage ([{"result":"ready to start teleporting","status":0,"num":1,"totalcrc":985815353,"value":0.10000000},{"token":"32ho5jchp9ioq7fcn60thmq5ql47vjf8vn0bjjqq2lrr8jsdavq2sr214nbjr9015i8suu0gvvt0uhs vl704dhg613i8rsu6k2d4umbtivv0410aob5a88vtd78afaacv4bc4r1ksuddmfqo9kmhmbjeighros d0"}]) len.275 to 12927190866050319905
ONIONIZE: np.0x102028200 NXT.15261587749512401107 15261587749512401107 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.372 -> new len.428 + 42 = 470
sent back via UDP.({"result":"ready to start teleporting","status":0,"num":1,"totalcrc":985815353,"value":0.10000000}) got ({"status":"15261587749512401107 sends via 15261587749512401107 encrypted sendmessage to 12927190866050319905 pending"})
payload_len.428 err.0 new len.372
payload_len.330 err.0 new len.274
decrypted2 len.274 dest.(12927190866050319905)
[[{"result":"ready to start teleporting","status":0,"num":1,"totalcrc":985815353,"value":0.10000000},{"token":"32ho5jchp9ioq7fcn60thmq5ql47vjf8vn0bjjqq2lrr8jsdavq2sr214nbjr9015i8suu0gvvt0uhs vl704dhg613i8rsu6k2d4umbtivv0410aob5a88vtd78afaacv4bc4r1ksuddmfqo9kmhmbjeighros d0"}]] argjson.0x101a6c2e0
set UDP.0x101a017d0
29107010142335 pNXT_json_commands sender.(15261587749512401107) valid.1 | size.20 | command.() orig.({"result":"ready to start teleporting","status":0,"num":1,"totalcrc":985815353,"value":0.10000000})
respond.({"result":"pNXT_jsonhandler returns null from ([{"result":"ready to start teleporting","status":0,"num":1,"totalcrc":985815353,"value":0.10000000},{"token":"32ho5jchp9ioq7fcn60thmq5ql47vjf8vn0bjjqq2lrr8jsdavq2sr214nbjr9015i8suu0gvvt0uhs vl704dhg613i8rsu6k2d4umbtivv0410aob5a88vtd78afaacv4bc4r1ksuddmfqo9kmhmbjeighros d0"}])"}) to np.0x102028200 NXT.15261587749512401107 argjson.0x101a6b420
after process_packet np.0x102028200 0x101a00f00 0x7fff5fbffbb8 sentintro.0
>>>>>>>> send UDP intro
on_client_udprecv nread.300 flags.0 | total 2145
signed by valid NXT.15261587749512401107 valid.1 diff.0
np.0x102028200 created.0 NXT.15261587749512401107 pubkey.a8b3d16fff9a4252db94cf061159e58a929c888b88be5dd7708e4ee29f75af6f (len.32) connect.0x0 sendresponse.0
process_intro got NXT.(15261587749512401107) np.0x102028200 <- I_am_server.0 UDP 0x101b020a0 TCP.0x0
set UDP.0x101b020a0
SETTING PRIVACY SERVER NXT ADDR.(15261587749512401107) (15261587749512401107)
pod sentmilli 0.000000 complete 0.000000 clonetxid.() cloneout.-1

ONIONIZE: np.0x10307b800 NXT.4370196924948076496 4370196924948076496 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.568 -> new len.624 + 42 = 666
sendmessage ([{"requestType":"telepod","crc":3024418790,"i":0,"h":56916,"c":"BTCD","v":"0.10000000","a":"RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq","t":"1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33","o":1,"p":"76a914aa1945128d302c94d0eceea6f9030936cebbb11688ac","k":"55736b566d336b68567a434545324133586861764658525953724d356935356777446f536a714b6 44445737a714c706a4a374573","L":985815353,"s":1},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u633ij8tb0g1m9k19ifurki9fnm 85bs36hh8vpptrb33ul729g548lr0t1gpn7heohqte5e90jcf9jgvv43mrfhnv138t8bi9d0sj0un0u ch"}]) len.569 to 4370196924948076496
ONIONIZE: np.0x102028200 NXT.15261587749512401107 15261587749512401107 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.666 -> new len.722 + 42 = 764
sharei.1 N.1 err.0
pod sentmilli 17786.602000 complete 0.000000 clonetxid.() cloneout.-1
on_client_udprecv nread.768 flags.0 | total 2445
payload_len.722 err.0 new len.666
payload_len.624 err.0 new len.568
decrypted2 len.568 dest.(4370196924948076496)
[[{"requestType":"telepod","crc":3024418790,"i":0,"h":56916,"c":"BTCD","v":"0.10000000","a":"RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq","t":"1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33","o":1,"p":"76a914aa1945128d302c94d0eceea6f9030936cebbb11688ac","k":"55736b566d336b68567a434545324133586861764658525953724d356935356777446f536a714b6 44445737a714c706a4a374573","L":985815353,"s":1},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u633ij8tb0g1m9k19ifurki9fnm 85bs36hh8vpptrb33ul729g548lr0t1gpn7heohqte5e90jcf9jgvv43mrfhnv138t8bi9d0sj0un0u ch"}]] argjson.0x101a6b420
set UDP.0x101b020a0
29107010142335 pNXT_json_commands sender.(12927190866050319905) valid.1 | size.20 | command.(telepod) orig.({"requestType":"telepod","crc":3024418790,"i":0,"h":56916,"c":"BTCD","v":"0.10000000","a":"RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq","t":"1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33","o":1,"p":"76a914aa1945128d302c94d0eceea6f9030936cebbb11688ac","k":"55736b566d336b68567a434545324133586861764658525953724d356935356777446f536a714b6 44445737a714c706a4a374573","L":985815353,"s":1})
tp.numvouts.2 tp->vouts[] 0x101966350
1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33) txid unspent 0.10000000
pod.0x103000000 BTCD unspent 0.10000000 clone in 25 blocks
(backups/telepods/BTCD_BTCD.0) update    0.10000000 height.56916    BTCD RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq 1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33/vout_1
completed receipt of 1 telepods from NXT.12927190866050319905 for BTCD 0.10000000 | elapsed 0.51 seconds
ONIONIZE: np.0x10307b800 NXT.4370196924948076496 4370196924948076496 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.268 -> new len.324 + 42 = 366
sendmessage ([{"coin":"BTCD","value":"0.10000000","telepods":[{"satoshis":"0.10000000","crc":3024418790}]},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u63315aj1po1qohlsjikamrl6jq rsgqcbs6m6qkap5moa1969s9fl7n0bqibruo4q7mgrj772pjjre7jibtlicu5qtfs0fv74kpgmr7q6d 6r"}]) len.269 to 4370196924948076496
ONIONIZE: np.0x102028200 NXT.15261587749512401107 15261587749512401107 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.366 -> new len.422 + 42 = 464
(0x103000000 BTCD)  clone    0.10000000 height.56916    BTCD RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq 1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33/vout_1
ONIONIZE: np.0x10481e000 NXT.12927190866050319905 12927190866050319905 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.355 -> new len.411 + 42 = 453
sendmessage ([{"requestType":"transporter_status","status":0,"coin":"BTCD","totalcrc":985815353,"height":56916,"minage":10,"value":0.10000000,"num":1,"ind":0,"sharei":1,"M":0,"N":03024418790 ]},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u633lfcimk01vfpf4u9ttsq73pg cnvpevs6dva4g0gh360iiq9j3hft0orgtlo13rtcmju80p6ehpceb78se3950c8il3dos2g43turtll 60"}]) len.356 to 12927190866050319905
ONIONIZE: np.0x102028200 NXT.15261587749512401107 15261587749512401107 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.453 -> new len.509 + 42 = 551
send_transporter_ACK.({"status":"12927190866050319905 sends via 15261587749512401107 encrypted sendmessage to 12927190866050319905 pending"})
json_handler returns.(telepod_received from NXT.12927190866050319905 totalcrc.985815353 sharei.1 crc.3024418790 ind.0 height.56916 0.10000000 RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq 1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33/vout1 (76a914aa1945128d302c94d0eceea6f9030936cebbb11688ac) priv.(xxx))
respond.(telepod_received from NXT.12927190866050319905 totalcrc.985815353 sharei.1 crc.3024418790 ind.0 height.56916 0.10000000 RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq 1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33/vout1 (76a914aa1945128d302c94d0eceea6f9030936cebbb11688ac) priv.(xxx)) to np.0x10481e000 NXT.12927190866050319905 argjson.0x101a02a00
payload_len.422 err.0 new len.366
payload_len.324 err.0 new len.268
decrypted2 len.268 dest.(4370196924948076496)
[[{"coin":"BTCD","value":"0.10000000","telepods":[{"satoshis":"0.10000000","crc":3024418790}]},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u63315aj1po1qohlsjikamrl6jq rsgqcbs6m6qkap5moa1969s9fl7n0bqibruo4q7mgrj772pjjre7jibtlicu5qtfs0fv74kpgmr7q6d 6r"}]] argjson.0x101966870
set UDP.0x101a017d0
29107010142335 pNXT_json_commands sender.(12927190866050319905) valid.1 | size.20 | command.() orig.({"coin":"BTCD","value":"0.10000000","telepods":[{"satoshis":"0.10000000","crc":3024418790}]})
respond.({"result":"pNXT_jsonhandler returns null from ([{"coin":"BTCD","value":"0.10000000","telepods":[{"satoshis":"0.10000000","crc":3024418790}]},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u63315aj1po1qohlsjikamrl6jq rsgqcbs6m6qkap5moa1969s9fl7n0bqibruo4q7mgrj772pjjre7jibtlicu5qtfs0fv74kpgmr7q6d 6r"}])"}) to np.0x10481e000 NXT.12927190866050319905 argjson.0x101900e80
after process_packet np.0x10481e000 0x101a00f00 0x7fff5fbffbb8 sentintro.1
15261587749512401107./Users/jl777/xcode/DerivedData/xcode/Build/Products/Debug/xcode send tokenized.({"result":"pNXT_jsonhandler returns null from ([{"coin":"BTCD","value":"0.10000000","telepods":[{"satoshis":"0.10000000","crc":3024418790}]},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u63315aj1po1qohlsjikamrl6jq rsgqcbs6m6qkap5moa1969s9fl7n0bqibruo4q7mgrj772pjjre7jibtlicu5qtfs0fv74kpgmr7q6d 6r"}])"}) to 12927190866050319905
ONIONIZE: np.0x10481e000 NXT.12927190866050319905 12927190866050319905 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.493 -> new len.549 + 42 = 591
sendmessage ([{"result":"pNXT_jsonhandler returns null from ([{"coin":"BTCD","value":"0.10000000","telepods":[{"satoshis":"0.10000000","crc":3024418790}]},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u63315aj1po1qohlsjikamrl6jq rsgqcbs6m6qkap5moa1969s9fl7n0bqibruo4q7mgrj772pjjre7jibtlicu5qtfs0fv74kpgmr7q6d 6r"}])"},{"token":"32ho5jchp9ioq7fcn60thmq5ql47vjf8vn0bjjqq2lrr8jsdavq2ur21qo8vgsg1upih7acv2of8ajp f0a9u5o3qj0648poq0od6ob4jiqg0dfc44rj2akh79109f1p92mtdanlmrc4e25pi89432pfupok3mp 9p"}]) len.494 to 12927190866050319905
ONIONIZE: np.0x102028200 NXT.15261587749512401107 15261587749512401107 pubkey.52429aff6fd1b3a8 encode len.591 -> new len.647 + 42 = 689
sent back via UDP.({"result":"pNXT_jsonhandler returns null from ([{"coin":"BTCD","value":"0.10000000","telepods":[{"satoshis":"0.10000000","crc":3024418790}]},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u63315aj1po1qohlsjikamrl6jq rsgqcbs6m6qkap5moa1969s9fl7n0bqibruo4q7mgrj772pjjre7jibtlicu5qtfs0fv74kpgmr7q6d 6r"}])"}) got ({"status":"15261587749512401107 sends via 15261587749512401107 encrypted sendmessage to 12927190866050319905 pending"})
payload_len.509 err.0 new len.453
payload_len.411 err.0 new len.355
decrypted2 len.355 dest.(12927190866050319905)
[[{"requestType":"transporter_status","status":0,"coin":"BTCD","totalcrc":985815353,"height":56916,"minage":10,"value":0.10000000,"num":1,"ind":0,"sharei":1,"M":0,"N":03024418790 ]},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u633lfcimk01vfpf4u9ttsq73pg cnvpevs6dva4g0gh360iiq9j3hft0orgtlo13rtcmju80p6ehpceb78se3950c8il3dos2g43turtll 60"}]] argjson.0x0
after process_packet np.0x0 0x101a00f00 0x7fff5fbffbb8 sentintro.0
payload_len.647 err.0 new len.591
payload_len.549 err.0 new len.493
decrypted2 len.493 dest.(12927190866050319905)
[[{"result":"pNXT_jsonhandler returns null from ([{"coin":"BTCD","value":"0.10000000","telepods":[{"satoshis":"0.10000000","crc":3024418790}]},{"token":"6e199r25jda6plakvkvlsn279b7s5ia917cesr9menejhelvavq2u63315aj1po1qohlsjikamrl6jq rsgqcbs6m6qkap5moa1969s9fl7n0bqibruo4q7mgrj772pjjre7jibtlicu5qtfs0fv74kpgmr7q6d 6r"}])"},{"token":"32ho5jchp9ioq7fcn60thmq5ql47vjf8vn0bjjqq2lrr8jsdavq2ur21qo8vgsg1upih7acv2of8ajp f0a9u5o3qj0648poq0od6ob4jiqg0dfc44rj2akh79109f1p92mtdanlmrc4e25pi89432pfupok3mp 9p"}]]

process cloneQ 0x103000000 (BTCD) 0x104000000 30000
clone telepod
got podaddr.(RURrjmoLs9RyxZMx7qcy9GGAetnvxASdV8) privkey.0x101e009c0
numinputs 1 sum 0.10000000 vs amount 0.10000000 change 0.00000000 -> miners 0.00000000
numdests.1 ({
   "RURrjmoLs9RyxZMx7qcy9GGAetnvxASdV8":   0.10000000
         "txid":   "1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33",
         "vout":   1,
         "scriptPubKey":   "76a914aa1945128d302c94d0eceea6f9030936cebbb11688ac"
      }], {
      "RURrjmoLs9RyxZMx7qcy9GGAetnvxASdV8":   0.10000000

calc_rawtransaction retstr.(01000000f0e1e95301339e83142230b9d3580b45a49560cec62ba1366affce2e2c83d4b98264ba6 4110100000000ffffffff0180969800000000001976a914d20dfd2f1b6205a08de64f22dabc9db8 9c342f9688ac00000000)
sign_rawtransaction rawbytes.(01000000f0e1e95301339e83142230b9d3580b45a49560cec62ba1366affce2e2c83d4b98264ba6 4110100000000ffffffff0180969800000000001976a914d20dfd2f1b6205a08de64f22dabc9db8 9c342f9688ac00000000)
got signparams.(["01000000f0e1e95301339e83142230b9d3580b45a49560cec62ba1366affce2e2c83d4b98264ba6 4110100000000ffffffff0180969800000000001976a914d20dfd2f1b6205a08de64f22dabc9db8 9c342f9688ac00000000",[{"txid":"1164ba6482b9d4832c2eceff6a36a12bc6ce6095a4450b58d3b9302214839e33","vout":1,"scriptPubKey":"76a914aa1945128d302c94d0eceea6f9030936cebbb11688ac"}],["xxx"]])
got retstr.({
   "hex":   "01000000f0e1e95301339e83142230b9d3580b45a49560cec62ba1366affce2e2c83d4b98264ba6 411010000006b483045022100c4051916b790e155ff087a4e92a90ae51ce06520c9d28cb7541d5d 293a432ed6022065e59f5f93e5ef4eb97fd6fc7a0c66f88451968c59967742c58357d0669eab890 1210347d24cef579892add78464968879e5484d85c83a60422308626490aee431d2e5ffffffff01 80969800000000001976a914d20dfd2f1b6205a08de64f22dabc9db89c342f9688ac00000000",
   "complete":   true
about to send.(["01000000f0e1e95301339e83142230b9d3580b45a49560cec62ba1366affce2e2c83d4b98264ba6 411010000006b483045022100c4051916b790e155ff087a4e92a90ae51ce06520c9d28cb7541d5d 293a432ed6022065e59f5f93e5ef4eb97fd6fc7a0c66f88451968c59967742c58357d0669eab890 1210347d24cef579892add78464968879e5484d85c83a60422308626490aee431d2e5ffffffff01 80969800000000001976a914d20dfd2f1b6205a08de64f22dabc9db89c342f9688ac00000000"])
BTCD post_process_bitcoind_RPC (sendrawtransaction) error.{"result":null,"error":{"code":-22,"message":"TX rejected"},"id":"jl777"}

error cloning 0.00000001 telepod.(RQnbDuRi9mZV7bgg7tf1oTuSRDQuKw6mhq) to RURrjmoLs9RyxZMx7qcy9GGAetnvxASdV8

So close, but this error -22 is a catchall that means something was wrong with the rawtx. Since decoderawtransaction works, it is pretty close. But keep in mind this is bare bones teleport attempt that went splat. No local file encryption and no multisig transmission, so fixing this error -22 and adding local encryption and multisig and making it actually handle errors are what is left and if I can do it tomorrow, it will be the three days of debugging that I had estimated.

Still need to add the third onion layer, but localhost is working as privacyServer (at personal privacy level as it doesnt shield your IP).

The above debug log is for the simplest case of a loopback to yourself and so the speed results for a real peer to peer will certainly be slower than this test. Believe it or not, the above is about as simple of a sequence to do this and that explains why it is taking me so long to get this debugged.

So, definitely at least half way done with debugging the simplest teleport. OK, that's it for a while, gotta get some sleep

Activity: 21
Merit: 0
August 12, 2014, 04:51:43 AM

TxId: ce34d77f6fb36dc6fa8264eff9630c2728f855d4775e25beed65f202e00422af
hero member
Activity: 490
Merit: 500
August 12, 2014, 04:41:31 AM
just sold 45 LTC for btc and want to buy more btcd.
should I wait a bit for price to drop ?  Roll Eyes
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
August 12, 2014, 04:33:10 AM
It's nice to be in a coin you don't have to worry about collapsing overnight while you're sleeping.

Bite your tongue.  I've seen even Bitcoin collapse overnight let alone a new alt after a massive run.
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
August 12, 2014, 04:02:35 AM
It's nice to be in a coin you don't have to worry about collapsing overnight while you're sleeping.
hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 550
August 12, 2014, 03:35:19 AM
literally more than a hundred test versions later, and dozens of bug fixes, plus needing to recode a whole new method to keep track of unspent outputs by realtime monitoring the blockchain, and a bunch of other minor fixes, I am not quite there Sad

I have it randomly waiting to clone and I need to set that to 0 delay for testing, had a couple tests where it almost worked, but now have a dozen unusable telepods. transporter problems sure make a mess!

Anyway, I have new telepod file format that should have all the fields needed, but now waiting for a test telepod to age. Getting a bit late though. Maybe it will go easier when I am not so tired.


Hang in there man, thanks for your hard work. You will get there, this is just a small setback in the long run. I think it's amazing that you keep us informed, both about progress and about small setbacks.
hero member
Activity: 635
Merit: 500
August 12, 2014, 03:34:02 AM
literally more than a hundred test versions later, and dozens of bug fixes, plus needing to recode a whole new method to keep track of unspent outputs by realtime monitoring the blockchain, and a bunch of other minor fixes, I am not quite there Sad

I have it randomly waiting to clone and I need to set that to 0 delay for testing, had a couple tests where it almost worked, but now have a dozen unusable telepods. transporter problems sure make a mess!

Anyway, I have new telepod file format that should have all the fields needed, but now waiting for a test telepod to age. Getting a bit late though. Maybe it will go easier when I am not so tired.


Yes bruv go rest  Smiley
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
August 12, 2014, 03:28:34 AM
literally more than a hundred test versions later, and dozens of bug fixes, plus needing to recode a whole new method to keep track of unspent outputs by realtime monitoring the blockchain, and a bunch of other minor fixes, I am not quite there Sad

I have it randomly waiting to clone and I need to set that to 0 delay for testing, had a couple tests where it almost worked, but now have a dozen unusable telepods. transporter problems sure make a mess!

Anyway, I have new telepod file format that should have all the fields needed, but now waiting for a test telepod to age. Getting a bit late though. Maybe it will go easier when I am not so tired.

hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 550
August 12, 2014, 03:17:56 AM

How high do you guys think this coin is gonna go?  Pretty impressive run so far.


ppl are saying top 10 long term, so that's like 400% of the value right now.

Yep, top 10 soon. Look at the charts, a nice double top has formed. Usually this will be either the start of a breakout or a breakdown. With all the developments in the works (Teleport testing) we should see a breakout soon. My prediction is at least 700k short term. If James' testing of the Teleport function is succesful, panic buying will ensue. He has been testing it for a couple of hours (see previous posts by him) It's only a matter of time that he will post his results in this thread. Judging by his skills my bet is that he nailed it and the rabbit has succesfully gone through.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
August 12, 2014, 03:16:01 AM
Hey guys!  I am a very versatile designer whom is currently working with the marketing team, helping to rebrand BitcoinDark. It's gonna be awesome when we are complete be on the lookout, here is a little taste so far (twitter link below). Much more to come! I've also included my other work below. Contact me if you need a coin logo. Donate if you love good design! Thank you so much, cheers!  Cheesy

I dont see the new logo yet on I also think I prefer the current logo. I mean, yours looks good, with the space background and all, but the logo itself It really hasnt much to do with BitcoinDark. It could just be a logo of some random coffeeshop for example. I think you should try to improve the current logo.  But thats just my opinion.  Smiley

Edit: I didnt see the sub-albums, this looks more like it

Activity: 66
Merit: 10
August 12, 2014, 03:06:50 AM

How high do you guys think this coin is gonna go?  Pretty impressive run so far.


ppl are saying top 10 long term, so that's like 400% of the value right now.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
August 12, 2014, 02:51:09 AM

How high do you guys think this coin is gonna go?  Pretty impressive run so far.

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
August 12, 2014, 02:36:59 AM
Donation Update!

The current donation total is 159.3695 BTCD.  The current short term goal is 5000 BTCD.

Please remember that funds for development are very important and will help to contribute to the future value of BTCD.

As always, your donations are greatly appreciated!

BTCD Development donation address: RDtnnLj5LQ8YMxBJbHX1N4jNKeaC67FLGW

couldn't find any info about premined coins. Could you please point it out if/how they were spent?

hero member
Activity: 690
Merit: 501
August 11, 2014, 10:36:14 PM
Hey guys!  I am a very versatile designer whom knows an array of topics. I am currently rebranding BitcoinDark, it's gonna be awesome when we are complete be on the lookout, here is a little taste so far (twitter link below). Much more to come! I've also included my other work below. Contact me if you need a coin logo. Donate if you love good design! Thank you so much, cheers!  Cheesy

Excellent! Thanks for your great work. Donated  Smiley
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
August 11, 2014, 10:35:16 PM
Hey guys!  I am a very versatile designer whom is currently working with the marketing team, helping to rebrand BitcoinDark. It's gonna be awesome when we are complete be on the lookout, here is a little taste so far (twitter link below). Much more to come! I've also included my other work below. Contact me if you need a coin logo. Donate if you love good design! Thank you so much, cheers!  Cheesy
Activity: 1206
Merit: 1000
August 11, 2014, 10:21:16 PM

it's better though to not follow pumpers Tongue

HODL is the best advice.

It can easily go over 0.025

I wouldn't disrespect this coin, the devs, or the community by following suit with the P&D crowd.   Smiley
hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000
August 11, 2014, 09:38:57 PM

it's better though to not follow pumpers Tongue

HODL is the best advice.

It can easily go over 0.025
Activity: 1206
Merit: 1000
August 11, 2014, 09:35:03 PM
And it's off to the races again..

Sure is.... wasn't necessarily expecting a sharp rise this soon after the one we just had.  This coin must be hot!  These silly pumpers need to slow their roll a little
Activity: 89
Merit: 10
August 11, 2014, 09:12:40 PM
Someone surpressing the prise.

When it hits 480k, dump by 1 person

You know what that means.

Big price pump soon

Get Ready for the Launch:

HODL for the longest time:
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