The BTCD dev team is hiring for the GUI wallet
I am no coder, but if anyone reading is interested: Description
We need a modified version of the BTCD (Bitcoindark) qt-wallet. My friend James is working on a technology called “Teleport” that allows anonymous transactions that leave no trace in the blockchain.
The things that the GUI needs to do is:
1. Establish connection with a privacyServer (just needs IP, and NXT acct password)
2. Manage Telepods (You need to have a changepod and some unitpods, so requesting a changepod from faucet, creating unitpods)
3. Transporter function to teleport to specific destination
4. Publish public addresses so other people can do number 3 themselves. (I want to support having BTCD, NXT and BTC public addresses)
5. Display NXT address that is linked to a BTCD address (I will make it so that BTCD address’es privatekey is NXT password, so the two addresses are linked)
EDIT: I just found this on
So will this be a fully integrated BTCD-NXT client, which will hold balances for both, and include teleport functionality but also NXT's features (Asset Exchange, MGW if desired, DGS)?
James - possible solution to speed up sending/aging pods in early stages might be for recipients to send change back? Perhaps this is what you had in mind with each user stocking a few unitpods though. Anonymity wouldn't be an issue if they'd purchased them from a reputable telepod vendor in the first place, rather than made them themselves.
There will be two GUI, one is current BTCD qt wallet, it will have a button that opens up a web browser (automatically logs in) and you will get a reskinned NXT GUI with all the NXT features and all the NXTservices features. Of course the latter will be taking time to properly integrate all the NXTservices features and all this will be using the "Nxt Inside" approach.
Think Dell computer using Intel Inside. BTCD is to Dell (or Apple!) as Nxt is to Intel CPU
I am not a GUI expert, but I imagine that a properly designed reskinning would make it a very BTCD user experience, but with access to all the NXT features
I am making some BTCD core changes to solve the change issue. So I am not so worried about this for teleporting BTCD. Once BTCD starts trading on Chinese exchange, then as long as you are outside of China, just fund the transporter acct with a direct withdraw to the transporter address. If you are in China, use a non-Chinese exchange preferably with a country not so friendly so there are problems with obtaining brokerage records.
Eventually there will be autonomous telepod vendors that are basically special purpose tradebots, but for the beginning I think using the exchange withdraw method will get enough liquidity of tradepods. Once there is, then you just need to buy them via InstantDEX and it will continue to circulate in the dark