I still have the local file encrypt/decrypt to link up, but I can test the teleporting without that, so I will probably procrastinate on it until a bit later. So, I am sure I have some small parts not quite right, but at long last I feel I can call it "code almost complete"
Before you get excited, this doesnt have much error handling and it hasnt been ported into BTCD core, but it does have multisig support, ready for user defined cipher sequences for local files, randomized cloning times, and I made it so that it should be pretty much an install it and run it design. As long as your BitcoinDark.conf file has "server=1" and rpcusername/password defined, Teleport should be enabled. No need for hours long reindexing of blockchain and other horribly inconvenient install issues. Turns out 80% of MGW code was needed to achieve this!
With all the new features, especially multisig added after I started, it feels like I need three days to get this debugged, so if I can achieve that timeframe, then on Wed some people will be able to do some command line teleports. After that I need to partition the code to make it easy to implant into BTCD core. I plan to make a libjl777.a that can be linked to the BTCD core and with a few small hooks, we can have just a single wallet executable that has everything needed for Teleport. until the QT has been updated, it would still be command line, but from the QT debug window console
Let's say two days to get it into libjl777.a form and the weekend to get it into BTCD core. This is getting more speculative, but if all goes well, a week from Monday, we could have a BTCD-qt with teleport built into it.
Now this first pass will not have full privacyServer + onion routing. That is a totally independent transport mechanism and I wanted to get a teleport enabled released into testing sooner rather than later. While the basic teleport is being tested, I will make the privacyServer that is embedded in the BTCD-qt do all the things it needs to do.
Even if I meet this schedule it is Aug 18th for the teleport enabled release, so I am three days late...
Blame multisig!
I totally forgot!
The other reason for libjl777 is to allow other coin's to link up to BTCD network, most importantly InstantDEX and Teleport. This will allow creation of a super network composed of all the participating coin's networks. It wont require a hardfork and would be a matter of linking the library and make some few interface functions. After they do that they will be able to utilize the encryption network and more importantly have access to InstantDEX orderbooks. The more people (and tradebots) trading on InstantDEX, the better liquidity, lower spreads, and more commissions. Also, if they can connect directly to the encryption network that increases Teleport traffic (and fees) which increases anon levels (and dividends)
All part of my master plan for liberation from fiat govts