I have made some market rate exchanges to make sharkfund0 (asset 3006420581923704757) a one stop purchase that will benefit from Teleport
The following numbers are not 100%, I am rounding, but they are pretty close. I wont bother with <10 BTC holdings, such as FIM, NAS, NTX, etc.
sharkfund0 major holdings:
BTCD 10% ~$240K
NXT 0.4% ~$150K
InstantDEX 10% ~$100K
NXTprivacy 20% ~$70K
JLH 10% ~$70K
coinomat(1) 20% ~$50K
XCP 0.5% ~$25K
BBR 10% ~$16K
~$721K / 1415 sharkfund0 assets = ~510 USD -> 14166 NXT
I dont expect to be making many changes to the portfolio for a while and I will announce any such changes. With the above figures anybody should be able to get a pretty good NAV calculation done. I will put some assets for sale and if they sell out, I will make some more available, but maybe with the portfolio composition public info, a reasonably efficient market will form?
I will make available NAV bids for those that need some liquidity if the free market isnt being efficient enough
P.S. Yes, sharkfund0 has 120,000 BTCD and is most likely one of the largest BTCD hodlers. It is like an open ended mutual fund and I think it is the NXT asset with the largest trading volume and a pretty widely held asset.
why on earth would I have XNF? fractional reserve with precious metals that might or might not be there? I didnt understand it when they launched it on ripple, I still dont understand it
Anyway, I wanted sharkfund0 to benefit as directly from Teleport's world domination, so of course lots of BTCD, InstantDEX and NXTprivacy, but also coinomat is going to do a lot of processing. XCP I couldnt figure out how to get it from the burn address to an exchange without doing their horrible all day install and I didnt have time to fiddle with that. BBR is best cryptonote at bargain 10:1 ratio against XMR, so it is nice thing to have. And JLH just to have a broadspectrum holding to smooth things out.
I think overall the mix is pretty good and should provide a reasonably balanced price action. It is up 40% since late May when I first issued it, but of course no promises of such crazy good gains moving forward. It is a quite big fund with ~1500 assets, so over 20 million NXT worth. It can be purchased in .0001 amounts so even 1.4 NXT can get some sharkfund0
P.S. nobody is surprised I have so much BTCD? Cost me 100+ BTC, actually closer to 200 BTC so this is a significant investment of my capital and not to mention my time. You can say I am FULLY motivated to make BTCD have as much value as possible. I wonder how many other coin devs have put so much into their coin? I was willing to put so much in because I trust the dev to deliver the tech he is talking about