Internet is slow over here but i can get 250-300 ms with regular pools. Sadly i have not enough insider knowledge how GPUMAX exactly works.
If i ping the ip java is connected to (GPUMAX) i get this
Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=195ms TTL=50
Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=194ms TTL=50
Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=190ms TTL=50
Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=193ms TTL=50
Ping-Statistik für
Pakete: Gesendet = 4, Empfangen = 4, Verloren = 0
(0% Verlust),
Ca. Zeitangaben in Millisek.:
Minimum = 190ms, Maximum = 195ms, Mittelwert = 193ms
C:\Program Files\NetBalancer>
So no idea why the submit time is that high
=0.99%, hashRate=207.7MH/s, submitted 16 new nonces, luckFactor=0.98
bus-0-1: ztex_ufm1_15d3-0001-02-06: f=212.00MHz, errorRate=0.84%, maxErrorRate
=2.35%, hashRate=210.2MH/s, submitted 9 new nonces, luckFactor=0.97
bus-0-0: poll loop time: 34ms (USB: 0ms network: 34ms) getwork time: 931ms su
bmit time: 964ms
bus-0-1: poll loop time: 36ms (USB: 0ms network: 36ms) getwork time: 938ms su
bmit time: 977ms
Total hash rate: 417.9 MH/s
Total submitted hash rate: 404.8 MH/s
New block detected by long polling
bus-0-0: ztex_ufm1_15d3-0001-02-05: f=208.00MHz, errorRate=0.00%, maxErrorRate
=0.99%, hashRate=208.0MH/s, submitted 16 new nonces, luckFactor=0.98
bus-0-1: ztex_ufm1_15d3-0001-02-06: f=212.00MHz, errorRate=0.69%, maxErrorRate
=2.35%, hashRate=210.5MH/s, submitted 14 new nonces, luckFactor=0.97
bus-0-0: poll loop time: 35ms (USB: 0ms network: 34ms) getwork time: 924ms su
bmit time: 944ms
bus-0-1: poll loop time: 37ms (USB: 0ms network: 37ms) getwork time: 963ms su
bmit time: 990ms
Total hash rate: 418.5 MH/s
Total submitted hash rate: 404.9 MH/s
bus-0-0: ztex_ufm1_15d3-0001-02-05: f=208.00MHz, errorRate=0.02%, maxErrorRate
=0.99%, hashRate=208.0MH/s, submitted 24 new nonces, luckFactor=0.98
bus-0-1: ztex_ufm1_15d3-0001-02-06: f=212.00MHz, errorRate=0.60%, maxErrorRate
=2.35%, hashRate=210.7MH/s, submitted 5 new nonces, luckFactor=0.97
bus-0-0: poll loop time: 36ms (USB: 0ms network: 36ms) getwork time: 908ms su
bmit time: 969ms
bus-0-1: poll loop time: 35ms (USB: 0ms network: 34ms) getwork time: 950ms su
bmit time: 990ms
Total hash rate: 418.7 MH/s
Total submitted hash rate: 404.9 MH/s