It does not follow 1x kelly and all investors will eventually lose all their money.
RHavar and devans lied about the kelly criteria all while getting their fixed share. They both need to be tagged here and outted on Reddit.
Could you clarify what you think I lied about, please? We openly discussed the reasoning behind accepting some >1x Kelly rounds in this very thread as early as two weeks ago. The site makes no secret of risking 1.5 % of the bankroll per game either.
The worst possible scenario of a single player controlling all bets in a round and targeting a single multiplier has a risk of 1.5x Kelly for investors. At this risk investors still have an expectation that their investment will grow, assuming they don't abuse the offsite system to overleverage.
I am the only the one who–normally–receives any fixed commission from bustabit. A little over a week ago I suspended the commission in order to help investors recover and prop up the max bet and profit.