It's just not intuitive for people to realize that despite being +EV you can still expect to keep busting due to over-leverage (and funnily enough, even after they should've learnt the hard way and lost most of their bankroll they just resorted to hacks like limiting max-bet instead of addressing the core issue)
One way to think about it that's intuitive to me, is to use extremes. So same +EV of 1% house edge, but increase allowed max profit to 100% of bankroll.
What's the chance the house will be bankrupt by a mega whale after the first bet? 49.5%
After 2 bets? 74.4975%
3 bets? 87.1212375%
4 bets? 93.496224937%
30 bets? 99.999999874%
Since anyone can challenge the house for 100% of it's bankroll at any time, bankruptcy is basically inevitable.
Another way to think about it that may be more intuitive, is what if max profit was 50% of the bankroll, but allowed max bet was 50x the bankroll. A whale could bet 50x the bankroll at 1.01, and basically have a 99% chance to win, and a 1% chance to lose.
Even though the whale could lose on the first round, and increase the house's bankroll by 50x, what will most likely happen is the whale will win about 50 times first. Each time the whale wins, the house bankroll will decrease by half. So by the time the whale actually loses, 50x the house bankroll will basically be nothing (1/22,517,998,136,852 of original bankroll).
A +EV edge has the largest impact if spread out over a large number of rolls; the lower the edge, the more it should be spread out. Let's say you played a coin toss game that's weighted 60:40 in your favor, you had $1000, and your opponent had $1000. You can choose how much you wager each toss, and you keep playing until either you or your opponent is bankrupt.
If you bet $1000 on 1 toss, that's basically a 60% you'll end up finishing the game with $2000, and 40% you finish with $0. Only an idiot would play like this (if you happened to only have 40% to win instead (-EV), then this is actually the optimal way to play).
If however, you bet $1 over several thousands of tosses, it's basically statistically guaranteed you'll bankrupt your opponent and finish the game with $2000.