regardless of whether the removal of the bonus fully offsets the higher house edge or not, it is a positive for the majority of players.
I'm not sure I understand you. For it to be a positive for those players, it needs to fully offset the higher house edge. Otherwise it would be a negative.
Example: a player who bets medium bets and cashes out in the 1.4-1.6x range most games would have lost around -.5% to the house edge. If that player only lost, say, -.2% to the bonus, then they are losing more to the fixed -1% house edge than they did under the bonus system, even if they weren't aware of it.
I can compute when I have the time -- but honestly, for the vast majority of gamblers removing the bonus and the 0x was the right thing to do. When I did some analysis of who was playing for bonuses, I realized there's really only a handful of people doing so. The vast majority of people are simply playing and gambling to have fun.
I agree with you that most players probably weren't bonus hunting, but I was wondering how many lost more than -.5%. Because those are the players that are helped by the flat house edge. Obviously the guys shooting for 10x are helped by the increase, but my theory (completely assumed, no actual stats) is that there are a lot of people who cashed out under 2x who were losing less money (theoretically of course) under the old system than the new system and it's unfair to lump them into the "vast majority" just because they weren't actively bonus hunting.
But mainly I'm just curious.
There's definitely a lot of potential for pvp gambling games, but I think the important thing is ensuring that people fully realize how competitive it is
I was thinking about this yesterday, and I'm not sure. BaB was great because, like you said, there were tons of people who were indifferent to the bonus that it made it a profitable venture. I'm not sure how many people would be attracted to a pure skill game, especially considering how poorly bitcoin poker sites are doing (although that's mostly due to their horrible marketing).