
Topic: Buy the DIP, and HODL! - page 270. (Read 108871 times)

full member
Activity: 181
Merit: 115
January 31, 2024, 10:42:17 PM
Maybe some people still don't understand some of the pressures that have been said previously for this reason, so there are still people who immediately rush to invest in Bitcoin with only minimal capital and their own intentions and determination without considering emergency funds for themselves in life. Because logically, emergency funds are needed to be able to maintain the Bitcoin that we have previously purchased so that the amount of Bitcoin that has been saved will not be disturbed by bad things in real life.

So this needs to be well understood by everyone who wants to store Bitcoin more comfortably by implementing purchases in several stages or by implementing DCA as has been done by many people at this time. In my opinion, Buy the Dip, and Hodl can be done by everyone by making stages or by DCA as long as everyone has prepared emergency funds so as not to disrupt the previously determined Bitcoin purchase plan within a certain time.

Though it has been discussed here severally that emergency funds should the number plan of an investor so that his Bitcoin portfolio will not be tampered from time to time, but I want you to understand that if an investor is waiting for huge of emergency fund he won't be able to invest in Bitcoin.
I think the remedy to this is that, the investor should set his plans with the available fund, keep the emergency fund aside and do the needful with the remaining fund because, there suitable strategy for everyone here, that's why it has been said that invest with the amount within your reach and as your income keep increase, you accumulate more.
An existing or incoming investor that experienced the dip period should buy but am against waiting for the dip itself because it might t favor you as you calculated.
Your statement is very correct because if an individual want everything to be so perfect before they invest, they will most likely not invest. In economics,  we were thought that human needs are insatiable. This means the more you try to satisfy your needs the more new things comes up. Besides, technology and innovation is improving a lot of things so every now and then new and better things comes up. This is the reason some people change their phone as soon as new model is launched like in the case of iPhone.

To be able to invest in Bitcoin, we must know where to draw the line between what is most important and what is not. There should be some level of discipline we must imbibe for the greater good. For instance, if I already have a phone that is fine and can do main thing I need a phone for, no need of changing it to a higher version that can also do the same thing when I can simply use the money and buy Bitcoin. Such a phone is not a basic need,  so it can wait and that craving will just be one of the sacrifices I have to pay to be able to invest in Bitcoin and secure my future.

So it is important to identify the basic needs, set some funds aside for them, keep some for emergency and then one can start investing in Bitcoin. Other things can be varied and must not be done so one can actually build for the future.
Same thing can also be said for those who are using bigger or more than one gadgets but don't have any investment in bitcoin. When you ask them why they don't own a bitcoin they will say I don't have money to invest but, I will invest when money comes. Why wait for when money will come when you can dispose one of the phones. For instance someone using iPhone 14 or 15 with a Samsung phone and is still waiting for money to invest in bitcoin. Such a person can sell one of the phones and use the money realized and invest in bitcoin. He/she will still have one phone left and his life won't be negatively affected and he has also started his bitcoin journey. When more money comes in he can keep buying more. Instead waiting such person has taken action in the right direction.
sr. member
Activity: 224
Merit: 195
January 31, 2024, 09:37:23 PM
As a long time hodler why do you need to be bothering yourself with watching the market? Your sole purpose is just to keep buying and don't let your attention be bothered by market activities. If your goal is to accumulate and hodl for 6 years and above, then the market timing is not something you should be bothering yourself with. You should just be concerned with getting steady flow of liquidity to inject in bitcoin. Any price you meet bitcoin when you liquidity is available you buy. Let the day traders bother themselves with the market timing.
Bitcoin market is volatile which can create different sentiments at any time among those who follow the market. Those who are committed to long-term holding would definitely do well to keep an eye on how to further diversify their portfolio. Those who understand the value of Bitcoin see the dumping of Bitcoin as an opportunity for them. Those who are short-term investors may be happy with small profits but a Bitcoin holder usually dreams big.

Crypto disverification is a nonsense because at the end of the day, we have to realize that the purpose of disverify is to secure the assets we have in order to avoid great risk and when talking about bitcoin and disverifying it with altcoins, doesn't this make our initially risky condition even more risky?
I think it might be possible to verify with other assets such as gold or real estate that can still be done if you have very large money but disverify bitcoin with altcoins will be a funny situation in the end because we actually make our risk bigger.

If in the end our money is only sober for what to think about diversification because it would be better to just focus on what you want to achieve with your bitcoin.
yeah right diversificating altcoins and bitcoin can be quite risky. Is better to just invest those asset you wanna use in disverifying in other altcoins. When you diversificating thinking it would reduce more risk that even though one of the investment gone bad the other would cover it up you are just increasing more risk unknowingly. Imagine whereby in a scenario that bitcoin surge and the altcoins you are diversificating on didn't pumb and just endup being dump at that point yah bitcoin be the one covering the losses. When you would made good profits is better to make diversificating project to be something outside the crypto space. And focus on BTC alone
Without considering any more opinions Bitcoin is relatively the best of investment in terms of dealing with cryptocurrencies. This same mistakes most people do make encouraging a massive accumulation of Altcoins, sometimes not those that are highly correlated with Bitcoin but just picking their interest on some of these new filthy Altcoins due to generating a new pump giving them 100x of their investment, yet the certainty of making such profits may still be opposed by some certain criterias like the project not being successful or the Devs scamming the investors.

It is best we use our tongue to count our teeth whereas knowing where to invest our money and Bitcoin stands the highest chance of being the subject matters.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 10832
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
January 31, 2024, 09:02:32 PM
Many times in this thread we end up talking about diversification to become necessary after your bitcoin holding might become quite large and even several years the size of your annual expenses/income, and so you are correct that there is no reason to diversify within crypto.. since bitcoin is already a leader in the area, which largely means that other crypto (shitcoins) are dependent upon (or correlated to) bitcoin's performance, so there would not be much if any value to diversify into shitcoins.  So, generally the concept of diversification would relate towards other sectors that are supposed to be non-correlated, such as equities, properties, bonds, commodities,  and/or cash/or cash equivalents (again not referring to shitcoins).  One of the problems with poor people getting into various shitcoins likely come from their not having access to other investments, so they might consider shitcoins as their best option, which may or may not excuse such behavior because if they mostly have bitcoin and they build up their wealth to several times their annual income/expenses, then surely at some point they might have enough value to diversify into various kinds of other traditional asset classes to the extent that it might be justifiable to invest in that direction.
Of course it is true as you have said that if they have accumulated more BTC in their portfolio then they can budget the allocation into several points if they want to complete a small collection in their portfolio. But as long as I am here of course we are still too confident to focus all the budget we have only on buying BTC. Because our investment target has not yet reached a greater level of BTC holdings in our portfolio so I still continue to focus on accumulating BTC for some  next year.

Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating any kind of early diversification, even though I concede that guys have discretion regarding when and how much they end up diversifying beyond bitcoin and dollars (and/or their local fiat).  So even someone who is investing 10% of his annual salary/expenses into BTC, he is still going to take around 10 years before he has invested one years salary/expenses into BTC.

Also, even though we cannot presume exactly where each person is in their bitcoin journey, we still tend to talk quite abit about newbies and getting started because when you are getting started then that is likely where you need to develop the most skills and good practices, and also so many people are not really used to investing, so it does not hurt to continue to aim our discussion towards the most beginner levels while at the same time anticipating that not everyone is in the earliest of the beginner stages of their bitcoin journey, and so there are guys here with all kinds of levels of experiences, but still may need to either hone their basics or prepare themselves for times in which they may well be ready to pass into different stages.  Some of the mistakes that newbies and even intermediate investors make tends to be to prematurely start to believe that they are ready to enter into more advanced levels of BTC accumulation or maintenance or even to start to screw around with selling and/or trading BTC before their BTC portfolio sizes are sufficiently built up.

It could be that guys only diversify between bitcoin and cash (or cash equivalents) for many many years and they do not hold any other kinds of investments, and that could well be enough, even though the more and more bitcoin that you get, then the easier it should become to justify considering holding some other kind of assets, yet those are completely discretionary considerations, even though we know that if we start to get a point that we have 3 years of our income in BTC and then maybe we have 12 months in cash, we still are going to start to have problems because we have 3x more value in BTC, and if we reduce our case down to 6 months, then we have 6x more in BTC, and if we reduce our cash to 3 months then we have 12x more in BTC, so we might start to really realize that we are in a very volatile position because let's say our salary/expenses are around $25k per year, and so if we are holding 3 years ($75k) in bitcoin, then maybe our BTC holdings double or maybe it gets cut in half.. so then we might start to feel that we are too overly weighted in bitcoin, which is part of the further justification in regards to making sure that we hold our value in a variety of asset rather just in bitcoin, yet not everyone is going to agree about that.

 I am not going to push the issue especially since there are options, including that maybe if some of us end up having 10 years income/expenses in bitcoin (remember 20-30 years is entry-level fuck you status, and some folks might even be able to figure out ways, especially with bitcoin to be able to turn something close to 10 years in bitcoin to be entry-level fuck you status, especially if they are valuing based on bottom prices such as the 200-WMA rather than spot price), so they might get concerned that they have too much value in BTC, even if they might have 6 months to 2 years in cash, but that cash would not be working for them, so maybe they have 3 months in  and emergency fund.  3 months in reserves and then they have to figure out ways to invest the other 18 months worth of cash, so maybe they would put it in index funds in the stock market or in bonds or in something that they believe might not move the same as bitcoin so that if bitcoin is going down maybe these other assets are not going down as much and maybe they could be gaining in value when bitcoin is going down.. NOT easy to figure out exactly, but if we have many years investing and building the size of our BTC stash (and the overall size of our wealth) these end up NOT being bad problems to have.   

Some of those who have started buying BTC since 2015 certainly already have large amounts of BTC in their portfolio so it will be easy for them to diversify their budget.

Sure the chances are that the longer that a person has been into BTC, then the more likely that he has been able to accumulate BTC along the way and to be able to profit from the passage of time and keeping some BTC in his holdings; however, we cannot assume that everyone has errored on the side of accumulating BTC  because sometimes guys get distracted into accumulating fiat, so they lose their focus, and they misunderstand how much they should be building and accumulating their BTC holdings rather than believing that they are doing well merely because they gain some dollar profits here and there along the way.

But I doubt they will because the longer we are in btc the more we find a conviction to continue buying btc and forget about shitcoins in the slightest context

Sure, and sometimes when guys make mistakes along the way, they sometimes learn that they need to just start to focus more and begin to stack sats as if they were just starting because sometimes they get worked up about mistakes that they made in the past, and then they try to make up for the mistakes that they made in the past, and while engaging in all that conduct and activism in regards to bitcoin, they might not have developed, built and put good bitcoin accumulation actions into practice.

My suggestion to provide various and diverse frameworks should still be within some frameworks rather than throwing up your hands and saying "anything can happen" because it is not correct that anything can happen with the same kinds of odds... maybe I am quibbling..?  but there is a difference between saying anything can happen and saying to prepare for a variety of scenarios.
Okay I seem to understand you more now, just as you originally explained I think we are making this senerios based on what can actually happen like a down trend senerio or up trend senerio which is part of a framework, and not preparing for senerios which would most likely or even not happen and maybe start putting efforts into it.
Because from what I had already been practicing as you taught, I just did a basic plan on how I would approach the market if it started an uptrend like, after the etf approval, the market did a little spike to 49k, I only DCA once at that time and that was my worst case senerio, but in other not to slow down on my accumulation process, I allocated more that my original 10% to it, I did 30% that week so I would match up with my Norma Dca plan, and when we had that dip to 39k I actually started lump summing more than DCA, I did three times that week and still did my DCA but this time 15%, I used a bit money from my reservation for the lump sum and I did a little cutting down expense to meet up with DCA,  and then my normal plan would be when the Market is consolidating around a certain price, I would just go with a mix of monthly lump sum and regular weekly DCA, just to balance things up.
This was how I original understood it.
Sir pls if you have any advice to give to me, that could enable me make my plan better would  be fine.

It is difficult to give more suggestions than what I already have because you seem to be wanting to time your buys in a way to attempt to get as much bang from them as you can, and sure there is nothing wrong with that, up to a point, but you have to still consider that no matter what you do, you are likely going to still have some cash in your reserves and the price goes up or you run out of cash and the price goes down.

It seems that you also have gone through some of the exercises that we discussed, but really best case, worst case and base case scenarios have short, medium and long term components, and they likely are not very relevant for short term since you probably should mostly be focusing on DCA rather than trying to buy the dip and things like that. .It seems that you do not have enough money coming in on a regular basis to be covering  all of the you have to just keep building your various stashes that are going to be combined with BTC, emergency funds, reserves and maybe even maintaining some float so you don't cause yourself to go crazy if you make mistakes and you try to push your BTC buys but then run out of money or fail to plan properly..

One of the solid ways that I can suggest is to create a plan for either 3 or 6 months at a time, but hey, I know that you don't want to do that because you are all excited about the ETFs and about the halvenings, so I cannot really blame you for those kinds of inclinations to front-load rather than budgeting for 3 or for 6 months.

Anyhow, if you budget for 6 months, then you add up all the money that you have available for investing (and maybe you already bought bitcoin with that), an then you have your income coming in which is weekly or twice a month or maybe it is more sporadic than that, but still you have some kind of an idea of your budget, so if you have a weekly allowance in which you are able to buy $100 per week, then whenever the week starts, you can try to figure out the best of the dips during the week, and maybe you buy $33.33 worth of bitcoin each time there is a significant dip, and then by the end of the week, you spend whatever is left, if you have any left, and then the next week you have another $100 in your allowance that you are able to spend, so you can try to buy the dips, but maybe you will get too stressed by that, so what is wrong with just picking a day of the week and then just buy every week on that day?

$100 per week would give you $2,600 invested in 6 months.

If you have $2,400 in your savings, and you decide that you want to spend half of it right away, then you end up buying $1,200 right away, and then maybe the other half you use to buy dips (if there are dips), so then maybe you might set your first dip buy $100 at around $38k, and then every $750 that the BTC price drops then you would end up buying another $100, but that would give you only 12 BTC buy orders, and is that enough for you or not?  In my thinking you want BTC buy orders to go slightly below where you think is the most that the BTC price is likely to drop, but maybe you consider that there are no way that you could have 12 buy orders fill.. because that would be buying $100 at each of the price points:

1    =  $38,000
2    =  $37,250
3    =  $36,500
4    =  $35,750
5    =  $35,000
6    =  $34,250
7    =  $33,500
8    =  $32,750
9    =  $32,000
10  =  $31,250
11  =  $30,500
12  =  $29,750

No one knows, so you just try to set your buy orders (increments and amounts) the best that you can (based on your budget and based on your view of not wanting to run out of money to buy but being happy if the BTC price goes up rather than down), and you hope that all of your buy orders don't get filled unless the BTC price spikes down, fills all your orders and then goes back up (I know newbies are not as affected by price drops, but still getting yourself into a mentality of a BTC holder is that you should probably be stacking BTC to such an extent that you are always hoping the BTC price goes up rather than down or sideways)

You don't know.. are your orders going to get filled or not?  They should feel like insurance that you don't want to have to use, but you have it in case the drop happens.  And maybe the longer that you are in bitcoin the longer you maintain these kinds of buying on the dip ladders while at the same time you are DCA buying on a regular basis, perhaps $100 per week or some other amount that is reasonable based on all of your circumstances that you reassess from time to time.
sr. member
Activity: 98
Merit: 55
January 31, 2024, 08:10:53 PM
My suggestion to provide various and diverse frameworks should still be within some frameworks rather than throwing up your hands and saying "anything can happen" because it is not correct that anything can happen with the same kinds of odds... maybe I am quibbling..?  but there is a difference between saying anything can happen and saying to prepare for a variety of scenarios.

Okay I seem to understand you more now, just as you originally explained I think we are making this senerios based on what can actually happen like a down trend senerio or up trend senerio which is part of a framework, and not preparing for senerios which would most likely or even not happen and maybe start putting efforts into it.
Because from what I had already been practicing as you taught, I just did a basic plan on how I would approach the market if it started an uptrend like, after the etf approval, the market did a little spike to 49k, I only DCA once at that time and that was my worst case senerio, but in other not to slow down on my accumulation process, I allocated more that my original 10% to it, I did 30% that week so I would match up with my Norma Dca plan, and when we had that dip to 39k I actually started lump summing more than DCA, I did three times that week and still did my DCA but this time 15%, I used a bit money from my reservation for the lump sum and I did a little cutting down expense to meet up with DCA,  and then my normal plan would be when the Market is consolidating around a certain price, I would just go with a mix of monthly lump sum and regular weekly DCA, just to balance things up.
This was how I original understood it.
Sir pls if you have any advice to give to me, that could enable me make my plan better would  be fine.
full member
Activity: 504
Merit: 205
January 31, 2024, 07:35:53 PM
As a long time hodler why do you need to be bothering yourself with watching the market? Your sole purpose is just to keep buying and don't let your attention be bothered by market activities. If your goal is to accumulate and hodl for 6 years and above, then the market timing is not something you should be bothering yourself with. You should just be concerned with getting steady flow of liquidity to inject in bitcoin. Any price you meet bitcoin when you liquidity is available you buy. Let the day traders bother themselves with the market timing.
Bitcoin market is volatile which can create different sentiments at any time among those who follow the market. Those who are committed to long-term holding would definitely do well to keep an eye on how to further diversify their portfolio. Those who understand the value of Bitcoin see the dumping of Bitcoin as an opportunity for them. Those who are short-term investors may be happy with small profits but a Bitcoin holder usually dreams big.

Crypto disverification is a nonsense because at the end of the day, we have to realize that the purpose of disverify is to secure the assets we have in order to avoid great risk and when talking about bitcoin and disverifying it with altcoins, doesn't this make our initially risky condition even more risky?
I think it might be possible to verify with other assets such as gold or real estate that can still be done if you have very large money but disverify bitcoin with altcoins will be a funny situation in the end because we actually make our risk bigger.

If in the end our money is only sober for what to think about diversification because it would be better to just focus on what you want to achieve with your bitcoin.
yeah right diversificating altcoins and bitcoin can be quite risky. Is better to just invest those asset you wanna use in disverifying in other altcoins. When you diversificating thinking it would reduce more risk that even though one of the investment gone bad the other would cover it up you are just increasing more risk unknowingly. Imagine whereby in a scenario that bitcoin surge and the altcoins you are diversificating on didn't pumb and just endup being dump at that point yah bitcoin be the one covering the losses. When you would made good profits is better to make diversificating project to be something outside the crypto space. And focus on BTC alone
jr. member
Activity: 31
Merit: 14
January 31, 2024, 07:04:30 PM
As a long time hodler why do you need to be bothering yourself with watching the market? Your sole purpose is just to keep buying and don't let your attention be bothered by market activities. If your goal is to accumulate and hodl for 6 years and above, then the market timing is not something you should be bothering yourself with. You should just be concerned with getting steady flow of liquidity to inject in bitcoin. Any price you meet bitcoin when you liquidity is available you buy. Let the day traders bother themselves with the market timing.
Bitcoin market is volatile which can create different sentiments at any time among those who follow the market. Those who are committed to long-term holding would definitely do well to keep an eye on how to further diversify their portfolio. Those who understand the value of Bitcoin see the dumping of Bitcoin as an opportunity for them. Those who are short-term investors may be happy with small profits but a Bitcoin holder usually dreams big.

Crypto disverification is a nonsense because at the end of the day, we have to realize that the purpose of disverify is to secure the assets we have in order to avoid great risk and when talking about bitcoin and disverifying it with altcoins, doesn't this make our initially risky condition even more risky?
I think it might be possible to verify with other assets such as gold or real estate that can still be done if you have very large money but disverify bitcoin with altcoins will be a funny situation in the end because we actually make our risk bigger.

If in the end our money is only sober for what to think about diversification because it would be better to just focus on what you want to achieve with your bitcoin.
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 120
January 31, 2024, 06:33:06 PM
Inasmuch as investment in concerned, every investor is actually interested in a coin that it's future is certain that's why a lot of the investors are involved in Bitcoin. Moreover, you need to understand that despite the popularity of Bitcoin, it's still very much young looking at when it was invented till now so it's gonna take few more years before it's authenticity can be visible for all to see though it takes patience for an investor to make profitable and long lasting investments.

How do you know how long it is going to take for bitcoin's authenticity will be visible for all to see?  We might not get authenticity in bitcoin for another 50-100 years.  And what does authenticity mean exactly?  There have been certain bitcoin supporters who have already been considering bitcoin to be authentic in the last 10-15 years, and sure there is even variation in terms of how long it might take someone to become convinced about bitcoin, and even if bitcoin might be a one way street for a lot of people who learn about it, there are going to be a lot of folks who do not learn hardly anything about anything, but they merely do what everyone else is doing... so there are some people who consider bitcoin authentic because that is what everyone else is doing, or if they want to buy eggs at the corner stand rather than at the store, the farmer only takes bitcoin, so they have to figure out a way to get bitcoin because they prefer the farmers eggs rather than the store's eggs.

I quite agree with you on this because there are whole lots of people that got involved in Bitcoin investment not actually because they are interested but because people are more enticed by hype and trends so whichever way they see majority going towards with their investments, that's where they would focus their energy as well and just like you said there are still people that believes that Bitcoin has gained authenticity because looking from when it was invented and to still beat every other coin to become the most sort after coin means a lot to bitcoin investors and moreover the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs by SEC also aided more investors to be fully guaranteed of the security of their assets hence they believe it's authentic.

Let the truth be told most people are just interested in short term profits because they're always afraid of the fluctuations in the price of Bitcoin in the market hence they always panic whenever they buy at a dip and instead of the price rising it still dips further but they fail to understand that every dip gives and opportunity to accumulate more and hold for long term profits.

You are correct that we probably don't really know how much of a dip there is going to be at any given time, but still I wonder how many people actually are involved in this process of buying bitcoin, probably less than 1% of the world's population, even though there are some parts of the world in which there are higher percentages of the population who both know about bitcoin and are involved in buying it regularly.

Yeah actually some investors keeps waiting for a dip and when the dip doesn't come forth they lose interest and doesn't buy anymore Bitcoin because they feel the price is too high even when it hasn't reached it's ATH and just like you said, the percentage of people buying Bitcoin is so low as many who buy only does that for a short term just for the price to go high and they sell it off which is a very bad habit because an investor that can't be patient enough to allow his investments grow is likely to incur more losses while trying to trade his coin after when the price skyrockets because even if he sells at a higher price he can't buy at a lower price again. Those part of the world that's shows more interest in buying and holdling Bitcoin are rather countries in which the adoption of Bitcoin has been legalized thereby giving all individuals in that part of the world the liberty to buy, hodl and trade with bitcoins.
Activity: 210
Merit: 68★ Play Plinko or Invest!
January 31, 2024, 05:32:37 PM
On a general view, this might not be the best time but a good time to invest in bitcoin. I agreed with you in your other expression, in as much as an investor may decide to buy bitcoin at this current price, it is not possible to predict the future with certainty. Considering volatility and price fluctuations of bitcoin which can significantly take place within a short period, your DCA strategy is there to mitigate your risk tolerance by making your bitcoin purchase of weekly or monthly with an allocated % of about 5 to 10 based on your income flow with your emergency funds set aside for your unforseen circumstances enabling you to remain focused in your bitcoin accumulation journey.
There is no best time or best price to buy Bitcoin as any price and time is good provided you have a long term view to Bitcoin investment. If you are waiting for the best time or best price to buy, you may likely not buy it. When Bitcoin got to $500, I'm sure there were people that said it was too high priced to buy. Same thing happened when it got to $1k, $3k and even $10k. This pessimism and procrastination will not stop even now so I'm not surprised when some people feel now is not the best time or price to buy.

I have the feeling that in the future, those thinking that now is not the best time or best price to buy will look back and said they wished they had bought Bitcoin when it was at $43k, this is a possibility because Bitcoin have the potential of making it happen. Check the growing interest bearing in mind that it has a maximum supply that will never be exceeded. You can see the potential of Bitcoin and the need to join the party as soon as you can if you have the resources and means of joining.

Your right on this, I also think that a time would come when accumulating bitcoin would be even more difficult than this , cause as price continues to increase one set of persons are benefiting which are those that already have bitcoin in their possession and new investors or persons just making the decision to invest would have to buy bitcoin at a higher price than it is now and history has proved this.

So with every passing year those who hold bitcoin continue to be amongst the people that would benefit more than even those that trade bitcoin which are not actual holders and cannot gain if bitcoin gains more values or even short term holders.

As a long time hodler why do you need to be bothering yourself with watching the market? Your sole purpose is just to keep buying and don't let your attention be bothered by market activities. If your goal is to accumulate and hodl for 6 years and above, then the market timing is not something you should be bothering yourself with. You should just be concerned with getting steady flow of liquidity to inject in bitcoin. Any price you meet bitcoin when you liquidity is available you buy. Let the day traders bother themselves with the market timing.
Bitcoin market is volatile which can create different sentiments at any time among those who follow the market. Those who are committed to long-term holding would definitely do well to keep an eye on how to further diversify their portfolio. Those who understand the value of Bitcoin see the dumping of Bitcoin as an opportunity for them. Those who are short-term investors may be happy with small profits but a Bitcoin holder usually dreams big.
Are you saying that buying other coins in addition to Bitcoin is really diversification? I do not agree with you on this one because Bitcoin is enough to avoid mistake. I think the main focus of most of the people here is how to build their Bitcoin portfolio and not diversify into other coins that you are not sure if their founders will dump it and run away.

Many people have lost fortune investing in coins they were convinced will give them big profits. I expect you to learn from the mistakes of those people and concentrate in building your Bitcoin portfolio rather than thinking of diversifying when you are just exposing yourself to danger.

We cannot limit the fact that he said diversify to just other coins although it might also be what he meant, which we have agreed to be very risky and unwise cause shitcoin have no real value and they are not asset. But if he meant maybe other asset like gold, real estate or any other substantial and proven asset then he is good to go.
But it's very wise that you build your bitcoin portfolio first before diversification, unless you have a bigger income and can handle growing each portfolio at once and have good emergency funds and reserves to help you stand strong as an investor.
hero member
Activity: 1358
Merit: 627
January 31, 2024, 05:11:11 PM
Many times in this thread we end up talking about diversification to become necessary after your bitcoin holding might become quite large and even several years the size of your annual expenses/income, and so you are correct that there is no reason to diversify within crypto.. since bitcoin is already a leader in the area, which largely means that other crypto (shitcoins) are dependent upon (or correlated to) bitcoin's performance, so there would not be much if any value to diversify into shitcoins.  So, generally the concept of diversification would relate towards other sectors that are supposed to be non-correlated, such as equities, properties, bonds, commodities,  and/or cash/or cash equivalents (again not referring to shitcoins).  One of the problems with poor people getting into various shitcoins likely come from their not having access to other investments, so they might consider shitcoins as their best option, which may or may not excuse such behavior because if they mostly have bitcoin and they build up their wealth to several times their annual income/expenses, then surely at some point they might have enough value to diversify into various kinds of other traditional asset classes to the extent that it might be justifiable to invest in that direction.
Of course it is true as you have said that if they have accumulated more BTC in their portfolio then they can budget the allocation into several points if they want to complete a small collection in their portfolio. But as long as I am here of course we are still too confident to focus all the budget we have only on buying BTC. Because our investment target has not yet reached a greater level of BTC holdings in our portfolio so I still continue to focus on accumulating BTC for some  next year.

Some of those who have started buying BTC since 2015 certainly already have large amounts of BTC in their portfolio so it will be easy for them to diversify their budget. But I doubt they will because the longer we are in btc the more we find a conviction to continue buying btc and forget about shitcoins in the slightest context
Activity: 3836
Merit: 10832
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
January 31, 2024, 04:02:37 PM
As a long time hodler why do you need to be bothering yourself with watching the market? Your sole purpose is just to keep buying and don't let your attention be bothered by market activities. If your goal is to accumulate and hodl for 6 years and above, then the market timing is not something you should be bothering yourself with. You should just be concerned with getting steady flow of liquidity to inject in bitcoin. Any price you meet bitcoin when you liquidity is available you buy. Let the day traders bother themselves with the market timing.
Bitcoin market is volatile which can create different sentiments at any time among those who follow the market. Those who are committed to long-term holding would definitely do well to keep an eye on how to further diversify their portfolio. Those who understand the value of Bitcoin see the dumping of Bitcoin as an opportunity for them. Those who are short-term investors may be happy with small profits but a Bitcoin holder usually dreams big.
Are you saying that buying other coins in addition to Bitcoin is really diversification? I do not agree with you on this one because Bitcoin is enough to avoid mistake. I think the main focus of most of the people here is how to build their Bitcoin portfolio and not diversify into other coins that you are not sure if their founders will dump it and run away.

Many people have lost fortune investing in coins they were convinced will give them big profits. I expect you to learn from the mistakes of those people and concentrate in building your Bitcoin portfolio rather than thinking of diversifying when you are just exposing yourself to danger.

Many times in this thread we end up talking about diversification to become necessary after your bitcoin holding might become quite large and even several years the size of your annual expenses/income, and so you are correct that there is no reason to diversify within crypto.. since bitcoin is already a leader in the area, which largely means that other crypto (shitcoins) are dependent upon (or correlated to) bitcoin's performance, so there would not be much if any value to diversify into shitcoins.  So, generally the concept of diversification would relate towards other sectors that are supposed to be non-correlated, such as equities, properties, bonds, commodities,  and/or cash/or cash equivalents (again not referring to shitcoins).  One of the problems with poor people getting into various shitcoins likely come from their not having access to other investments, so they might consider shitcoins as their best option, which may or may not excuse such behavior because if they mostly have bitcoin and they build up their wealth to several times their annual income/expenses, then surely at some point they might have enough value to diversify into various kinds of other traditional asset classes to the extent that it might be justifiable to invest in that direction.

Another problem that so many of us consider to exist with a variety of traditional asset classes is that they are so correlated to the debasement (and indebtedness) of the dollar and all other fiat currencies suffering similar or worse problems than the dollar, so in some of those senses, the various traditional asset classes suffer a kind of similar fate in regards to their being inflated beyond their true values and therefore overly correlated to the dollar (or the debt).

I will agree that newbies to investing likely do not need to think about diversifying at all until they get up to a certain quantity of value invested, whether that is a year or more or maybe some might consider that they would like to begin to diversify when they get to 25% to 50% of a year invested, which would ONLY be 3-6 months of their yearly salary/expenses, and surely those are personal choices, and surely many of us here would consider that there is no need to invest in shitcoins at all, but some folks who want to gamble and experiment and explore, then maybe if they are so inclined, then if they at least limit their investment into shitcoins towards less than 10% of the size of the value of their BTC holdings.. and hopefully not cheating too much in terms of continuing to siphon value from bitcoin if they lose their shitcoin investments (trades/gambles).
Activity: 26
Merit: 3
January 31, 2024, 03:31:37 PM
As a long time hodler why do you need to be bothering yourself with watching the market? Your sole purpose is just to keep buying and don't let your attention be bothered by market activities. If your goal is to accumulate and hodl for 6 years and above, then the market timing is not something you should be bothering yourself with. You should just be concerned with getting steady flow of liquidity to inject in bitcoin. Any price you meet bitcoin when you liquidity is available you buy. Let the day traders bother themselves with the market timing.
Bitcoin market is volatile which can create different sentiments at any time among those who follow the market. Those who are committed to long-term holding would definitely do well to keep an eye on how to further diversify their portfolio. Those who understand the value of Bitcoin see the dumping of Bitcoin as an opportunity for them. Those who are short-term investors may be happy with small profits but a Bitcoin holder usually dreams big.
Are you saying that buying other coins in addition to Bitcoin is really diversification? I do not agree with you on this one because Bitcoin is enough to avoid mistake. I think the main focus of most of the people here is how to build their Bitcoin portfolio and not diversify into other coins that you are not sure if their founders will dump it and run away.

Many people have lost fortune investing in coins they were convinced will give them big profits. I expect you to learn from the mistakes of those people and concentrate in building your Bitcoin portfolio rather than thinking of diversifying when you are just exposing yourself to danger.
sr. member
Activity: 882
Merit: 258
January 31, 2024, 02:20:20 PM
As a long time hodler why do you need to be bothering yourself with watching the market? Your sole purpose is just to keep buying and don't let your attention be bothered by market activities. If your goal is to accumulate and hodl for 6 years and above, then the market timing is not something you should be bothering yourself with. You should just be concerned with getting steady flow of liquidity to inject in bitcoin. Any price you meet bitcoin when you liquidity is available you buy. Let the day traders bother themselves with the market timing.
Bitcoin market is volatile which can create different sentiments at any time among those who follow the market. Those who are committed to long-term holding would definitely do well to keep an eye on how to further diversify their portfolio. Those who understand the value of Bitcoin see the dumping of Bitcoin as an opportunity for them. Those who are short-term investors may be happy with small profits but a Bitcoin holder usually dreams big.

Considering a situation where by a person lacks self control and maybe decides to sell his bitcoin holdings to buy something of luxury when he hasn't built any large portion of bitcoin stash or maybe a newbie investor that started investing with large capital and felt over allocated and just decides to sell his holdings probably because of a little profit on his portfolio to buy a want. So I also think several things could be distractions to us and also hider us from accumulating enough bitcoin as newbies.
It is advisable to adopt a long-term strategy of Bitcoin investment. But holding depending on long-term investments may not be easy for everyone. Some may even convert their bitcoins into fiat before leaving for a specific destination. Keeping a reserve balance is definitely important for those investors. But if they know about the importance of holding bitcoins and if they can do it in the proper way in Dollar cost average (DCA) then they can create a path to solve any problem easily.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 10832
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
January 31, 2024, 01:16:05 PM
I doubt that many of us should be investing into bitcoin or anything else with a state of mind that anything can happen, because the fact of the matter is that there are more probable and less probable events and there are better and worse investments, and sometimes, we might invest into a variety of possible outcomes, but it is also quite likely that if something has 1% or less chances of happening, we should be careful that we do not invest more than 1% of our efforts, money and energy into such possibility, but we also should not treat it as zero% either.. so we have to figure out some proportionality in our actions.  
Earlier on in this thread you made mention of us creating diverse senerios of events that could happen

My suggestion to provide various and diverse frameworks should still be within some frameworks rather than throwing up your hands and saying "anything can happen" because it is not correct that anything can happen with the same kinds of odds... maybe I am quibbling..?  but there is a difference between saying anything can happen and saying to prepare for a variety of scenarios.

In our investment, like a best case senerio when the market undergoes a down trend and we have an opportunity to buy Bitcoin at a lesser price, a normal case senerio where the market just consolidates around a particular price range and a worst case senerio where the price spikes and we have to buy at a much expensive rate(and this scenario would differ with respect to different individuals at different time frames and also needs at that time),

In the short term all of those scenarios could seem to be happening at the same time..   .. meaning over a year or two or three we could have extreme up, down, sideways, and so it is likely that we expect a variety of possibilities even within the scenarios and difficulties in terms of determining which one is playing out.. .. which is  part of the reason to have 4-10 years or longer in mind, as long as you are considering your investment in that kind of way, and surely some young folks are going to have 30-40 year timelines, but at the same time, they still need to be investing and doing their preparations in shorter periods in order to build towards their longer term goals, and there is almost no way that we can know specifics the further we go out and even knowing a couple years in advance can be difficult... so sometimes our main ideas might be trying to get directionally correct rather than correct about various specifics along the way..even though we might be prepared for a variety of extremes that might come in the middle of longer wave directional correction playing out in ways that we hope to have had prepared ourselves sufficiently well..

so with respect to this events mentioned, I guess all of them might have equal probability of happening and we would prepare for all of them at once

Even though you likely have a considerable amount of blindness, you still likely have base case scenarios..

Frequenntly my base case scenarios involved BTC as flat or even ONLY appreciating on average the same as the stock market which would hav had been around 6% per year, but at the same time, I understood that my base case was not even likely to play out exactly... but it was a way of projecting out.. and also considering extremes within too.

, but I'm wondering if in a case of senerios, preparation can be seen as investment or efforts since they have not exactly happened or could you better explain this in terms of putting efforts to each possibility.

Some things are in your control and some are not.. so ongoing buying and maybe holding funds aside to buy on dips and perhaps earning more income or spending less.. so sure you are going to be making various efforts along the way, and maybe even monitoring and measuring where you are at whether you are in the red or black and maybe you could spend 3 years or more seeming to not be making much progress.. but if you are still building your BTC holdings then maybe that would be your shorter term goal and your calculation that you will be in a better position from those earlier efforts in the future even though in the present it might not be looking as great on paper.

But in overall I do understand that we would and should put our effort (whether it be in terms of cash , thinking or efforts) in term of the possibility of any event happening, so that we would not put effort In events less likely to happen than in events most likely to happen just because we expect them to happen or for whatever reason that may cloud or judgement. Meaning that any investment decision we make should calculated in terms of what is most likely to happen or not giving us a kind of precision even if not accuracy in our decisions.

That mostly sounds correct.

Another thing I doubt that anyone should be investing based on positive feelings, either.  There are needs to be tempered in your investment, and to have enough flexibility to reassess ways that you may be wrong or might have been wrong in the past, and sometimes adjustments might need to be made based on new information. .and positive feelings might not make any difference if you ended up investing into something based on hype rather than substance.
Then, I believe they should be a place for what is right and what we feel in our investment path and decision-making, because we may be locked in a place of feeling good about a specific pattern of investing rather than doing what is right or most logical.

My point is that you need more than just feeling, but of course, if you are doing things in pretty solid ways, you are likely going to feel good about it.

Another example of how emotions can influence us is when we become too rigid to adjust to or change our investments depending on new information, as you mentioned. And this means that even we, the investors, need to regularly go back and analyze our investment progress, and at times check what we are doing or even reassess our plans to see if there is a place for change or to adapt to new market conditions. So a investor must be flexible, but some persons have gotten accustomed to a pattern of doing things that they even resist change and this could in turn affect them.

Sometimes patterns can be good, and sometimes we might not know that it would be better to make some adjustments, and sometimes the adjustments might merely be discretionary and might not make any kind of BIG difference.. and other times we might not realize that we should have had made changes earlier, and when it comes time to make the changes, we might have to reconsider whether it is still a good idea to make the same changes or to formulate other kinds of changes based on new information and new assessments that we have made.

Sometimes if we spend several days thinking about whether we should make changes or not, and then maybe in the end, our time might have been better spent in some other kinds of activities.

Just the other day (a week ago or so), I spent several hours to make several changes to some of my buy sell orders, and then towards the end of that period I realized something that I had overlooked.. and I did not want to continue with working on it.. so I took a break for nearly a week before going through and revising my work in order to account for the overlooked aspect, which again ended up taking a couple of hours (not as much time as the first time), but still enough time that involved my continuing to think about it and then finally to execute it, and not always knowing the exact details until I actually put it into place and then look at it on paper for a while and make some cross comparisons to other kinds of information that I have to make sure that I am comfortable with all of the changes, and probably a bit of back and forth.. but in the end, I am feeling comfortable with the changes. 

Sometimes changes like this can have BIG ramifications and other times the ramifications might not be as BIG.. and the main way to come to the solution that is comfortable is to have some back and forth in the consideration of various scenarios.. .
sr. member
Activity: 98
Merit: 55
January 31, 2024, 11:53:32 AM

I doubt that many of us should be investing into bitcoin or anything else with a state of mind that anything can happen, because the fact of the matter is that there are more probable and less probable events and there are better and worse investments, and sometimes, we might invest into a variety of possible outcomes, but it is also quite likely that if something has 1% or less chances of happening, we should be careful that we do not invest more than 1% of our efforts, money and energy into such possibility, but we also should not treat it as zero% either.. so we have to figure out some proportionality in our actions.  

Earlier on in this thread you made mention of us creating diverse senerios of events that could happen In our investment, like a best case senerio when the market undergoes a down trend and we have an opportunity to buy Bitcoin at a lesser price, a normal case senerio where the market just consolidates around a particular price range and a worst case senerio where the price spikes and we have to buy at a much expensive rate(and this scenario would differ with respect to different individuals at different time frames and also needs at that time), so with respect to this events mentioned, I guess all of them might have equal probability of happening and we would prepare for all of them at once, but I'm wondering if in a case of senerios, preparation can be seen as investment or efforts since they have not exactly happened or could you better explain this in terms of putting efforts to each possibility.

But in overall I do understand that we would and should put our effort (whether it be in terms of cash , thinking or efforts) in term of the possibility of any event happening, so that we would not put effort In events less likely to happen than in events most likely to happen just because we expect them to happen or for whatever reason that may cloud or judgement. Meaning that any investment decision we make should calculated in terms of what is most likely to happen or not giving us a kind of precision even if not accuracy in our decisions.

Another thing I doubt that anyone should be investing based on positive feelings, either.  There are needs to be tempered in your investment, and to have enough flexibility to reassess ways that you may be wrong or might have been wrong in the past, and sometimes adjustments might need to be made based on new information. .and positive feelings might not make any difference if you ended up investing into something based on hype rather than substance.

Then, I believe they should be a place for what is right and what we feel in our investment path and decision-making, because we may be locked in a place of feeling good about a specific pattern of investing rather than doing what is right or most logical. Another example of how emotions can influence us is when we become too rigid to adjust to or change our investments depending on new information, as you mentioned. And this means that even we, the investors, need to regularly go back and analyze our investment progress, and at times check what we are doing or even reassess our plans to see if there is a place for change or to adapt to new market conditions. So a investor must be flexible, but some persons have gotten accustomed to a pattern of doing things that they even resist change and this could in turn affect them.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 253
January 31, 2024, 11:05:15 AM
Also, timing the bitcoin market earlier will give you an edge over the market as the higher chance of profitable investment will be there instead of investing late.
It is difficult to time the market and that is a waste of time, especially a new investor that is a low coiner, because nobody can predict the price movement of bitcoin. It is better to get started the moment you have the money to invest and keep on growing your invest by buying regular either weekly or monthly, and all necessary funds are in place that will not make you think of selling your bitcoin.
Actually there's nothing wrong at buying whenever you have the money available but I think what he/she meant by timing the market is just by buying at each dip that occurs, take for instance a week+ ago bitcoin price moved up to $47,000+ and after a while dropped to $39,000 then later took a leap to around $43/42,000+ right now (as at the time am writing this). For a investor that is timing the market he/she will know that $39k is a right time to buy because the price will surely move up again for him to make profit and for sure it did moved from $39k to $43k, so isn't it a right timer for any investor? We know the market is unpredictable but there are moves that we will critically observe and we won't need a fortuneteller to tell us what could happen next, only experience will tell.
You seems to be ignoring the key ingredients needed to HODL the Bitcoin purchase whenever you have money. If the focus is just on buying whenever you have money without planning on how to hold it, then the very essence of the investment will be defeated sooner than you can imagine. As I was reading through the earlier part of the thread, JayJuanGee mentioned that even if your funds is not regular, there should be a way of estimating how much you will get in like 3 months or 6 months, with this you can do a form of estimate of your cash flow should you run into bulk funds. With this in place, the DCA method can be applied with the key requirements such as emergency funds also compensated for in your calculation. I'm saying this because the major problem those of us from low income background face is being able to hold our investment amidst needs. So care must be taken to follow the recommendations of setting up emergency funds in addition to our basic needs to be able to resist the temptation of premature selling of our assets.

Activity: 210
Merit: 68★ Play Plinko or Invest!
January 31, 2024, 10:08:52 AM
If there is no different funding then Bitcoin will be held off for a long period of time.

If there is no emergency funds available there is no way you can hold your bitcoin for a long time. That's it has been emphasized several times that for you to hold bitcoin for long as an investor make room for emergency funds.

For real the role of emergency funds cannot be neglected if we really want to hold out bitcoin for long because we do not want a case where circumstances might arise and need to tamper with our future investment becomes an option. But as we also preach about the importance of emergency funds, I think its also important for us to talk about discipline and self control as we pursue or long term holding dream or aspirations, I came across a thread where someone said that he used his money that he was supposed to use to invest in bitcoin to buy a game, while many might think of this action as absurd, we should recognise the fact that our lust for pleasure can also become a hindrance to our Bitcoin accumulation and only by exerting discipline can we reach certain heights as bitcoin holders.

Considering a situation where by a person lacks self control and maybe decides to sell his bitcoin holdings to buy something of luxury when he hasn't built any large portion of bitcoin stash or maybe a newbie investor that started investing with large capital and felt over allocated and just decides to sell his holdings probably because of a little profit on his portfolio to buy a want. So I also think several things could be distractions to us and also hider us from accumulating enough bitcoin as newbies.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 272
January 31, 2024, 10:04:44 AM
Also, timing the bitcoin market earlier will give you an edge over the market as the higher chance of profitable investment will be there instead of investing late.
It is difficult to time the market and that is a waste of time, especially a new investor that is a low coiner, because nobody can predict the price movement of bitcoin. It is better to get started the moment you have the money to invest and keep on growing your invest by buying regular either weekly or monthly, and all necessary funds are in place that will not make you think of selling your bitcoin.
Actually there's nothing wrong at buying whenever you have the money available but I think what he/she meant by timing the market is just by buying at each dip that occurs, take for instance a week+ ago bitcoin price moved up to $47,000+ and after a while dropped to $39,000 then later took a leap to around $43/42,000+ right now (as at the time am writing this). For a investor that is timing the market he/she will know that $39k is a right time to buy because the price will surely move up again for him to make profit and for sure it did moved from $39k to $43k, so isn't it a right timer for any investor? We know the market is unpredictable but there are moves that we will critically observe and we won't need a fortuneteller to tell us what could happen next, only experience will tell.
As a long time hodler why do you need to be bothering yourself with watching the market? Your sole purpose is just to keep buying and don't let your attention be bothered by market activities. If your goal is to accumulate and hodl for 6 years and above, then the market timing is not something you should be bothering yourself with. You should just be concerned with getting steady flow of liquidity to inject in bitcoin. Any price you meet bitcoin when you liquidity is available you buy. Let the day traders bother themselves with the market timing.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 301
January 31, 2024, 09:51:19 AM
On a general view, this might not be the best time but a good time to invest in bitcoin. I agreed with you in your other expression, in as much as an investor may decide to buy bitcoin at this current price, it is not possible to predict the future with certainty. Considering volatility and price fluctuations of bitcoin which can significantly take place within a short period, your DCA strategy is there to mitigate your risk tolerance by making your bitcoin purchase of weekly or monthly with an allocated % of about 5 to 10 based on your income flow with your emergency funds set aside for your unforseen circumstances enabling you to remain focused in your bitcoin accumulation journey.
There is no best time or best price to buy Bitcoin as any price and time is good provided you have a long term view to Bitcoin investment. If you are waiting for the best time or best price to buy, you may likely not buy it. When Bitcoin got to $500, I'm sure there were people that said it was too high priced to buy. Same thing happened when it got to $1k, $3k and even $10k. This pessimism and procrastination will not stop even now so I'm not surprised when some people feel now is not the best time or price to buy.

I have the feeling that in the future, those thinking that now is not the best time or best price to buy will look back and said they wished they had bought Bitcoin when it was at $43k, this is a possibility because Bitcoin have the potential of making it happen. Check the growing interest bearing in mind that it has a maximum supply that will never be exceeded. You can see the potential of Bitcoin and the need to join the party as soon as you can if you have the resources and means of joining.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 224
January 31, 2024, 09:41:09 AM
Knowing that investing in bitcoin is a long time investment, you should plan better and keep aside the money for investment as this will help you avoid anything that will alter your reasoning because as an investor you must be psychologically  stable.
although the term HODLing tend to suggest that you have to hold it for a little while, investing in bitcoin isn't all that a long term investment  as you suggest because the volatile nature of Bitcoin depict that you could have a reasonable returns even after a few month of investment unlike other asset like land that after buying, you have to wait for as long as five yeas upward before the value of the land will appreciate. We've seen the price of bitcoin rise to $42k this January and then dropped back to around $39k this same January so buying it now and after a week or two the price goes back to the $42k, if you sell it at that price, you've made your profit within the shortest possible time.
Mate, bitcoin is not something you will hold for a while; it is something you have to hold for the long term, like 4-5 years before you can see a huge profit from your bitcoin investment. I can see you are accumulating bitcoin for the short term, which is not a good way of owning a bitcoin because you can miss out on having a bitcoin because you are pursuing a short-term gain. For instance, if you accumulated bitcoin when the price was $39k and sold it when the price was $42k, you would make a little profit. For you to buy another bitcoin, you have to wait for the price to drop before you can buy it again. But if the bitcoin price is still on an upward trend, you have no choice but to wait because you are in for the short term, which could make you miss out on bitcoin.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 509
January 31, 2024, 09:36:39 AM
Knowing that investing in bitcoin is a long time investment, you should plan better and keep aside the money for investment as this will help you avoid anything that will alter your reasoning because as an investor you must be psychologically  stable.
although the term HODLing tend to suggest that you have to hold it for a little while, investing in bitcoin isn't all that a long term investment  as you suggest because the volatile nature of Bitcoin depict that you could have a reasonable returns even after a few month of investment unlike other asset like land that after buying, you have to wait for as long as five yeas upward before the value of the land will appreciate. We've seen the price of bitcoin rise to $42k this January and then dropped back to around $39k this same January so buying it now and after a week or two the price goes back to the $42k, if you sell it at that price, you've made your profit within the shortest possible time.
You are probably not in tune with our discussion here. We are not discussing short term investment which is what you are referring to. Like the caption says, our target is to buy and HODL for long. If you are looking to buy low and sell high within a short time, then you are definitely in the wrong thread. To correct your impression that Bitcoin investment is not all that long term, we know there are people that invest for various purposes but to maximize the opportunities that Bitcoin offers, we suggest and encourage long term investment. The advantages of long time investment are huge and can never be compared to short term investment that have all the attributes of trading.

Also, timing the bitcoin market earlier will give you an edge over the market as the higher chance of profitable investment will be there instead of investing late.
i guess what you are trying to say is that investing earlier will give you a better advantage over those waiting for the price of bitcoin to drop to as low as $37k before investing as anytime from now, the market will experience a bull that will make people without a single holding to regret their inactions and indecisive nature. This is actually true because this is actually the beat time to invest because you are certain that you wouldn't experience any loss from buying at this current price.
If I got him correctly, he was saying that it will be difficult to get the real bottom, I mean the exact point the price will reverse so it will be better to consider buying when you see reasonable retracement and not wait for the perfect bottom. When price is correcting, you will agree that it is not always easy knowing the exact point it will turn or how long the correction will take. So it is better to consider buying as soon as reasonable discount have been offered by the market. This way you will not miss out on the major move because of waiting for the perfect bottom. For instance, when the post ETF retracement started, you will never know that price will go as low as $37k and even if you wanted and expected the price lower, there are chances you will not get into the market by now and price has already reversed and looking ready to go higher. This is a case of you missing out on the market because of waiting for the perfect bottom which cannot easily be known.
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