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But in trading and investments, there's always more than one way of doing things, no?
Yes. And some ways are better than other ways, and as you know we are not really talking about trading in this thread or even proposing it as a better way for anyone (absent those who build a specialty or who want to spend time in this kind of activity - maybe like a profession), so no need to confuse matters more by suggesting that we might be talking about those kinds of things trading things as if they were even comparable or something that most normal/regular guys should be considering in terms of the bitcoin accumulation journey.
The most basic thing that we are talking about in this thread are the various ways to accumulate bitcoin, and so we have some agreed-to presumptions that we are considering various ways to attempt to accumulate BTC in the ways that are best tailored for each person. So if we are talking about DCA versus buying on dip versus lump sum buying, then I still am gong to suggest that DCA tends to be the best for the newbie until he gets to a certain stash size. However, lump sum could be equally well, if someone has a lump sum to get started with a lump sum, and then if he is a newbie and has not reached his accumulation strategy, the he should supplement the lump sum with DCA and buying on dips.
Where we likely disagree the most, is my assertion that buying on dips is likely ONLY going to become a superior strategy after the person had already accumulated BTC, whether he did that buy DCA and/or lump buying and/or by some other way.
It can't be just YOUR strategy that's profitable, but a multitude of other different strategies.
It probably depends on what you are trying to achieve. I am not arguing the attempt to achieve a strategy that is the most profitable, because that likely leads to gambling behaviors. I am mostly advocating that guys attempt to be as aggressive as they are able to be in their BTC accumulation approach without fucking up too much by engaging in gambling, and yeah, that is not easy to achieve because the devils of the details of the actual application can sometimes not be easy to apply, including the more importance that the emergency fund becomes the more aggressive that a guy ends up being, so sometimes guys will end up screwing up when they end up carrying out part of a best practice plan and not carrying out another part and they might claim they are doing one thing, but they might not be making sure that they are balancing out the various factors and end up causing themselves too many emotions or perhaps waiting for dips that don't end up happening, or other ways of either buying too many BTC or not buying enough.
You prefer to DCA, and that's OK.
I prefer action and getting started, and figuring out a strategy that works for you, and if you are new the best way to get started right away is to start DCAing and to figure out your various details in terms of the
9 factors that I frequently like to point out in terms of the areas of consideration that would be built during the time in which the earliest stages of BTC accumulation is followed, which would be DCA to start.
I prefer to save, and wait for a discount, knowing that Bitcoin cannot surge up forever.
Yeah, but who gives any ratt's asses about you?
You have already had nearly 8 years to tailor and hone your BTC accumulation strategies, so I presume that during those nearly 8 years, you have already accumulated some BTC during that time..,. I am sure that I have already presented to you, several times, how a DCA strategy would look for you, so hopefully whatever you are doing is at least in the ballpark of the performance of a DCA strategy.
I don't know why I have to keep repeating these kinds of points, which would be that once you have spent time accumulating BTC for a while (such as nearly 8 years) then you are going to be in a more free position to attempt to strategize your BTC accumulation in accordance with the BTC that you had already been accumulating.
Always there are corrections and crashes, and it would be laughable to believe that macro-economics will never have any effect on Bitcoin.
Am I suggesting that there are not going to be corrections? It sounds like you are working on attributing arguments to me that I have not made.
Because as Bitcoin matures, it has become more and more entwined with legacy markets. March 2020's crash was proof of that.
Who gives any shits about various macro factors in trying to figure out what to do or what not to do?
Hopefully, many of us are able to figure out our BTC accumulation strategies based on our own situations rather than getting worked up about some kind of macro factor influence on bitcoin that may or may not happen.
In other words, we know bitcoin is considerably volatile and we do not necessarily know in which direction especially for the short term, and hopefully we are attempting to prepare ourselves for either BTC price direction, including extremes that might take place.
Waiting for some kind of a macro-crash seems dumb, because there is a need to be prepared for up, and if you are not prepared for up, then you are ONLY preparing for one direction. There are ways to prepare for either (or both) directions, believe it or not. DCA allows us to prepare for either direction and not overly prepare for one, and to not neglect making sure we are buying regularly.
How is your waiting for $20k going from September/October? Yeah, you are still waiting, and maybe this time you are waiting for $30k instead of $20k.
Maybe I should give an example, so guys do not conclude that I am unfairly picking on you?
If you have been into bitcoin for nearly 8 years, then you may well have been accumulating ONLY $10 per week, which would be $520 per year and less than $4k invested into bitcoin.
So besides investing $10 per week in bitcoin, then maybe you have been accumulating cash since August 2023 since you were so busy waiting for further down, so since August maybe you have accumulated nearly $200, so you can use that to buy on the dip, rather than having had bought all along.
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Yea, you are right. We don't need to be discouraged in accumulating bitcoin and increasing our portfolio size because of the current high transaction fee or high transaction fee in future. This is anyone buying bitcoin in little amount using DCA weekly, should pile up his bitcoin in an exchange until it has reached from $500-$1000 before he makes transfer to his private wallet so that UTXOs will not be smaller.
For sure, there are going to be times in which we are going to get stuck with smaller sized UTXOs; however, I believe that the most recent unexpected and persistent increase in BTC transaction fees should have had taught us that we need to b attempting to prepare ourselves in such ways that we do not end up overly complicating our own situation by creating a bunch of small UTXOs on private wallets that might become unspendable at certain periods of time in the future if we end up experiencing some of these persistently periods of high transaction fees. There are certain folks who consider that our recently high transaction fee period was a kind of an attack, but it is still not really clear about how durable such attacks are, and or if there are going to be actors in the future who are going to be ready, willing and/or able to persist with such practices that contribute to long periods of persistently high BTC transaction fees.