
Topic: Buy the DIP, and HODL! - page 39. (Read 129067 times)

Activity: 122
Merit: 58
November 10, 2024, 12:41:49 AM
I asked about investing in my local board. The price of Bitcoin has currently increased and touched around 78 thousand dollars, So I want to know here how easy it is to invest in DCA method?  Or investing in memcoins or sheet coins is easy.
Yes the DCA strategy is one of the best strategy for accumulating bitcoin since it offers you the opportunity of accumulating bitcoin with the discretionary income you have in your disposal at regular intervals be it weekly or can start with the discretion you have in your disposal be $1k and also don't allow the recent  price of bitcoin to discourage not  to start your bitcoin accumulation because so many has made same mistake in the past and they have miss so many market opportunities all in the name of waiting for a favourable price before they start there bitcoin .i would advise you start with the dca strategy once you have  the discretionary income in your disposal and them hold your bitcoin for 4-10yrs or more. Waiting is not a strategy in accumulating bitcoin and shouldn't be waiting for bitcoin to dip before you start your accumulation journey.bitcoin is a potential and  can't be compare to shitcoin or memocoin so i say fuck shitcoin , focus on accumulating bitcoin and don't allow yourself to be distracted by shitcoin
hero member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 844
November 09, 2024, 11:56:21 PM
I asked about investing in my local board. The price of Bitcoin has currently increased and touched around 78 thousand dollars, So I want to know here how easy it is to invest in DCA method?  Or investing in memcoins or sheet coins is easy.
Nothing is difficult as long as you have money and have the desire to do it because for now it would be better if you don't look at any memecoin or shitcoin even though there are some memecoins and shitcoins that are experiencing an increase in price due to the green market conditions from the influence of Bitcoin. You just focus on buying Bitcoin regularly with the funds you have because I am sure Bitcoin will continue to approach the price of $ 80K by the end of this year and even more than that. So try to set aside funds specifically to buy Bitcoin regularly without having to involve all the funds you have because you also need special costs for your own life.
jr. member
Activity: 63
Merit: 7
November 09, 2024, 11:38:59 PM
I asked about investing in my local board. The price of Bitcoin has currently increased and touched around 78 thousand dollars, So I want to know here how easy it is to invest in DCA method?  Or investing in memcoins or sheet coins is easy.
sr. member
Activity: 504
Merit: 378
The great city of God 🔥
November 09, 2024, 09:14:04 PM
Now I think everyone is learning the Lesson , those who took advantage of buying in the Dip are just watching their investment rise beautifully,
It could rather be that those people bought bitcoin when it was way cheaper 10years ago through DCA and could not have been buying dip. Because achieving a reasonable amount of bitcoin way back could not have been a one way strategy.

but those who have not managed or could not Buy for other reasons ,  not everything is lost, they have the DCA method , I am applying it , and so Whenever it is I am sure I can get my first bitcoin and at the End of the Day that is what matters , having it, if the rice goes up I am Happy , if the price goes down I look for money somehow to Buy Cheap, it is all a Question of wanting.
Surely Your explanation seems to look confused in somewhat way that make me believe your explanation to be untrue and problematic. You sound as if you are investing yet you still proclaim to have been looking for money to buy when the price of bitcoin falls. I believe you are part of those that only wait to buy the dip. I will tell you that if you continue with this strategy you will not accumulate a reasonable amount of btc to your portfolio. Well it's up to you, but if I where to advise you I will say you should adopt the strategy of buying DCA regularly each week or monthly, and you can answell buy the dip. And make sure you set aside your emergency fund  juts you should follow up the conversation here and understand a healthy investment approach for a better result.


Honestly, I will not encourage anyone to wait for a dip before starting to invest in Bitcoin. I feel that waiting is just a way of wasting time because there’s no assurance that the Bitcoin price will come down to the level someone might have in mind to start buying. By waiting, one might miss out on an opportunity to invest in Bitcoin.if someone wants to invest in Bitcoin but doesn’t want to buy all at once, they can use the Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) method, which allows them to buy at different price levels.
I quite agree with you that waiting to buy the dip is a waste of time but in some cases. surely each of us has our strategy of buying the dip, For me Waiting to buy the dip might not look as bad as you see it, just that it depends on the mindset of the person involved. As far as I know waiting to buy the dip is also one strategy in bitcoin accumulation process. When an investor buy regular through DCA and also buy lump sum and wait for each dip to buy is not a problem since he is surely has being accumulating with two other strategy. But when waiting to buy the dip will be classified as being a waste of time is when surely a person abandoned the DCA and lump sum and only waiting to buy the dip, I would agree with you that surly the person is wasting his time, Because the best way of accumulation is combining all strategy. It is better off to even buy through DCA regularly than focusing on on luly dip.
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 346
Let love lead
November 09, 2024, 04:30:42 PM
I'm excited more about bitcoins future and this gives me more confidence to acquire more bitcoin and continue my long term journey. Also other or lots of holders got inspired more to continue and increase their investment since they see good developments now that Trump became the President. This is early success gotten by bitcoin holders.
If they got inspired to continue their accumulation now only because Trump won the election, they are not committed investors and they probably have the trader's mindset which is looking for a favorable condition to enter back into the market and they may likely exit the market on a short term note and wait for another good news for bitcoin to buy more bitcoin. Bitcoin investment does not work that way. The Inspiration any investor needs is in the historic performance of bitcoin, the knowledge that bitcoin is a store of value, its capability of securing their financial future and he/she jumps right into investing, picks up one or more strategies with a long-term plan regardless of the speculations and not waiting for a favorable time to continue or start their investment.

That could be true though, but each of us surly has a starting point. joining the train now doesn't mean a failure or being too late. bitcoin volatile nature permits it to grow continually as time goes on and creat new ATH in each circle. Surely everyone must not start investment at thesame time, when you start your investment may be when you where are convinced to know the importance of bitcoin investment, or could possibly be that it was the time you knew bitcoin. so surely each of us has a beginning  and we must be serious to accumulate bitcoin and hope for the future benefits, and not feeling discouraged of the current price of bitcoin. because in the nearest future people will still regret of not had been accumulating when bitcoin was less than  $100k. So surely peoples success or achievements now should ring as a bell of reminder to accumulate now than becoming a procrastinator.
Those who are regretting that they missed buying bitcoin when it was cheaper like below $50k and refuse to take actions now would still live to regret it when it goes above $100k. The key to staying abreast and taking advantage of opportunities is taking action, without taking the right action towards investment in bitcoin currently, their regrets amounts to nothing because they never learnt from their previous mistakes. The right time to take action is NOW because procrastination is the lazy and foolish man's excuse.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 131
Bitcoin or nothing
November 09, 2024, 04:18:19 PM
if the price goes down I look for money somehow to Buy Cheap,
Your statement here shows that you not yet prepare for Bitcoin investment and it seems their is no budget for discretionary income there are things you need to set available before going into Bitcoin investment you need to have a source of income or steady cash flow before thinking Bitcoin investment, looking for money to me can mean different thing it could be that you want to borrow money to invest in Bitcoin or probably asking a friend which you are not sure he will assist you trying to put pressure on your self.

You should remember you are investing for long so you need to invest with money you may not need for long like 4-10 and above and you can't achieve this when you are struggling to invest in Bitcoin.

It is never advisable to borrow money for Bitcoin investment.
sr. member
Activity: 980
Merit: 311
November 09, 2024, 03:55:23 PM
Is better to keep your DCAing going and when you have any free funds you can keep it as a reserve funds to buy the dip if you are the type that focus on buying the dip , though it ain't bad to buy the dip , but waiting for the dip alone is not smart at all to me because it may only slow down your bitcoin growth. And you can also use DCAing method to purchase the dip with that same reserve funds by spreading it out at different buying momentum. But don't stop your weekly or monthly accumulation.
Investors who regularly buy Bitcoin are usually reluctant to miss an opportunity to buy on the dip. But since dips usually don't give you any message, it's definitely a good idea to have an extra reserve fund to buy from the dip. Considering the current time it is natural that a bitcoin holder will not get the opportunity to buy from the dip. And to buy from the dip, he may have to wait a long time. But if one can continue the DCA strategy in one sense I think it does not require additional funds to buy from the dip. Of course those who just wait for the dip will lose their long-term bitcoin accumulation momentum which may prevent them from reaching the desired level in the future.
Activity: 3920
Merit: 11299
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
November 09, 2024, 03:43:19 PM
Sure there is a bit of a presumption of lump sum with that hodl camp chart, since each time you look at an entry date for a supposed BTC purchase, then you are able to see how that specific purchase did with the passage of time.  

There likely is nothing wrong with having information about how purchases that we made on specific dates might play out with the passage of time, yet frequently, with the passage of time, we are likely going to end up with a variety of purchases with various costs and various amounts of BTC purchased, so the total quantity of BTC that we have is going to have various ways to assess how the totality might compare to the various individual parts (purchases) that might have taken place at various prices along the way.. and then what quantity of BTC did I choose to buy on the various dates.

There could be reasons that any of us might consider our BTC holdings in terms of a narrow number of purchases as compared with assessing our overall BTC portfolio costs and how many BTC that we have right now and what might be the value of the total of our BTC holdings in light of goals that we might have in regards to when we might consider starting to sell some of it.. or creating a plan in which we might sell certain amounts of our holdings based on current BTC prices (presumably selling on the way up rather than selling on the way down) or if we might choose to sell certain amounts of BTC based on time considerations.. so for example if we were to decide to start to sell 4% of our BTC holdings every year, then maybe we might consider that each quarter we might have a goal to sell 1% of our BTC holdings... yet we might not want to begin such selling of our BTC until we have first determined that we have enough BTC or more than enough BTC, and I doubt that our determination of whether we have enough or more than enough BTC would be based on merely our buying of certain slivers of our BTC stash on certain dates at various historical points.
To accumulate BTC you have to start from somewhere and then with passage of time one can derive his own strategy of how to accumulate specific number of BTC. If you have enough cash then one can go aggressive on accumulating Bitcoin but those who don't have enough cash and can't go aggressive can accumulate Bitcoins on dips.

I agree with the first part of your statement, which is that the better your cash reserves and cash backups the more aggressive you can be in terms of accumulating bitcoin, yet at the same time, you gotta be careful in your potentially causing delays for guys to get started investing into bitcoin, especially no coiners.  The main requirement to invest into bitcoin is having discretionary income, there is no requirement to have cash reserves at all. 

Sure, let's attempt to get practical.  There are likely a whole hell of a lot of people who have only 2-4 weeks worth of cash to deal with any shortages that they might have in their income or to deal with unexpected expenses that they might have, and sure if they are new to investing into bitcoin, then they likely are going to need to build up their backup funds to be larger than 2-4 weeks, yet they can build up their back up funds at the same rate that they are investing into bitcoin... so they may well be able to invest2-4 weeks of their expenses into bitcoin to match their back up funds and then build their bitcoin and their back up funds at the same rate until they get to at least 3 months of emergency funds plus some other 2-4 weeks additionally for their usual customary extra cushion of cash.. so just getting to 3 months of emergency funds and 3 months invested into bitcoin could take a decently long time to get to that level, and then perhaps they could start to increase their investment into bitcoin to higher levels after they have established at least their emergency funds to higher levels, but I am not suggesting at all that anyone with discretionary income should be delaying in their getting started investing in bitcoin, even if they might need to simultaneously take measures to get their cashflow management situation into a stronger status.

Regarding your bullshit proclamation that those who are not able to go aggressive should be setting up systems to buy on dips, that is a really dumb plan, especially for no coiners and/or low coiners. 

The best strategy for no coiners, low coiners and those who are not in a very strong position to be aggressive is to DCA while they are getting their cashflow into a better situation that they are able to be more aggressive later.  And even when they get their cashflow into a better strength, they still likely should not be deviating from DCA until perhaps some later point where they have already accumulated a decent amount of BTC and/or perhaps they had engaged in a decent amount of front-loading their BTC investment.  I consider buying on dips to be a strategy that is more beneficial to guys who have already accumulated a lot of BTC, otherwise everyone should be buying right away and at any price and until they get to a point that they are accumulating a decent amount of BTC, and then once they reach a higher accumulation strategy, then at that point buying dips might become more reasonable for their luxurious situation.. . ..

In other words, waiting is not a good strategy for anyone who is a no coiner or low coiner, and buying on dips is a waiting strategy, and the overwhelming majority of the world's population is either no coiners or low coiners, whether they realize it or not.

The only limitation with buying on dips is that we don't when it's the start of the dip and when it's the bottom. There might be cases when we buying assuming that this is the bottom but price keep on falling. There are ways to mitigate this risk like not to buy at one price rather buy in chunks.

Even for yourself, if we go by your forum registration date MusaPk, you have only been in bitcoin for around 2 years.  So you believe that you are advantaged by fucking around waiting for dips that may or may not happen?

You presume that you already have enough BTC or more than enough BTC to be prepared for UP?  Based on my earlier interactions with you, I have my doubts in any claims that you might make about having enough or that buying dips is a good strategy for you.. but hey whatever, you know your situation better than anyone else, including this here cat.

as a kind of lower end scenario, and then spot price could be projected from current price  or it could be anticipated either more conservatively or more optimistically, and even right now there is a 70% variance between our current spot price of $69k-ish and the 200WMA (which is $40.5k-ish)
The difference between spot price and 200 WMA will increase further as spot price of Bitcoin has gone up to 76k at the moment.

Ok. .. and how are you using that?  You are wanting to use that information in regards to changing your levels of aggressiveness in your BTC accumulation?  I personally doubt it is a good idea for anyone to be changing their levels of aggressiveness in their BTC accumulation based on BTC prices in their first whole cycle unless maybe they had purposefully engaged in some front loading of their investment, yet as a general principle, it seems that most folks should be getting through their first 4 years of BTC accumulation through DCA and persistent, consistent and ongoing BTC buying, yet sure, each person is entitled to tailorize his own strategy if he believes that some other way of accumulating bitcoin is better... such as waiting for dips that may or may not come.
sr. member
Activity: 602
Merit: 260
November 09, 2024, 02:58:59 PM
I'm looking at Bitcoin's current price movement, and truthfully, it's just a very good time to be alive! I hope that all fortune and prosperity will come in ALL of your lives, and may you spread positivity and optimism to the people around you, online and offline.


Bitcoin to six digits is definitely going to happen during this cycle. SEVEN digits within the next two cycles?

Buy the DIP, and HODL

 Grin let's get excited while we accumulate and hodl  bitcoin for long-term,  seeing Bitcoin at 7 digits going to be spectacular, but first let hit the 6 digit first . But one thing wanna say is that Bitcoin at 6 digit not a time to rest, rather to keep accumulating and hodl for more further break through from BTC.

Now I think everyone is learning the Lesson , those who took advantage of buying in the Dip are just watching their investment rise beautifully, but those who have not managed or could not Buy for other reasons ,  not everything is lost, they have the DCA method , I am applying it , and so Whenever it is I am sure I can get my first bitcoin and at the End of the Day that is what matters , having it, if the rice goes up I am Happy , if the price goes down I look for money somehow to Buy Cheap, it is all a Question of wanting.

I personally love taking dips during market dips with DCA. This is one of my investment strategies. Many say that waiting for the dip during DCA may be the wrong move, but I'm happy with this strategy so far. The advantage of this strategy is that you can enter both DCA and Dip strategies. Investing in DCA gives you the opportunity to buy at all market moments and you can keep separate funds ready for dips, which you can be aggressive in buying by understanding the market or you can buy dips, adopting your personal strategy. It would be a good choice for me to keep my DCA active and buy dips twice or thrice during market dips with funds ready for dips.

Is better to keep your DCAing going and when you have any free funds you can keep it as a reserve funds to buy the dip if you are the type that focus on buying the dip , though it ain't bad to buy the dip , but waiting for the dip alone is not smart at all to me because it may only slow down your bitcoin growth. And you can also use DCAing method to purchase the dip with that same reserve funds by spreading it out at different buying momentum. But don't stop your weekly or monthly accumulation.
sr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 447
Fine by Time
November 09, 2024, 02:37:50 PM
I'm looking at Bitcoin's current price movement, and truthfully, it's just a very good time to be alive! I hope that all fortune and prosperity will come in ALL of your lives, and may you spread positivity and optimism to the people around you, online and offline.
Bitcoin to six digits is definitely going to happen during this cycle. SEVEN digits within the next two cycles?

Buy the DIP, and HODL
The advise you gave years ago in this thread which is "Buy the DIP, and HODL" have come to be one of the best many would have gotten in a life time. Those who followed that advice will look back to the moment they they took the decision to buy and HODL, and will be ever happy and proud to have chosen to obey even when it was looking so bleak and uncertain what the future held. I'm very excited to be part of those who took the chance and followed that clarion call and today we are gazing at out portfolio in joy and fulfilment. The future is looking so bright for Bitcoin and I can say that we are just getting started with the ride.

What we have now is still by extension what I consider the DIP as I have high expectations from Bitcoin, being someone that is playing for long term.
Having foresight and patience is truly rewarding. Those who've keyed into Windfury's hypothesis have held onto their Bitcoin through its ups and downs. The "Buy the Dip, HOLD" strategy has proven to be a winning method for most Bitcoin investors. I am glad that most of us have been able to reap the reward now. It's a confirmation of the power of patience and long-term thinking in Bitcoin. The future of Bitcoin looks very promising as years go by so it's never too late for anyone to still benefit from this strategy. With each year passing, Bitcoin gets more adoption, it becomes a center of attraction and value.

Trump paid with Bitcoin today, first move to push the price up.


Trump becomes first president to pay in Bitcoin: ‘Very easy’
Activity: 122
Merit: 58
November 09, 2024, 01:47:41 PM
Now I think everyone is learning the Lesson , those who took advantage of buying in the Dip are just watching their investment rise beautifully, but those who have not managed or could not Buy for other reasons ,  not everything is lost, they have the DCA method , I am applying it , and so Whenever it is I am sure I can get my first bitcoin and at the End of the Day that is what matters , having it, if the rice goes up I am Happy , if the price goes down I look for money somehow to Buy Cheap, it is all a Question of wanting.

I personally love taking dips during market dips with DCA. This is one of my investment strategies. Many say that waiting for the dip during DCA may be the wrong move, but I'm happy with this strategy so far. The advantage of this strategy is that you can enter both DCA and Dip strategies. Investing in DCA gives you the opportunity to buy at all market moments and you can keep separate funds ready for dips, which you can be aggressive in buying by understanding the market or you can buy dips, adopting your personal strategy. It would be a good choice for me to keep my DCA active and buy dips twice or thrice during market dips with funds ready for dips.
Well you can always combine all the strategy in your bitcoin accumulation journey ,you can be doing dca and also buy the dips when you have the extra cash and also lump i don't think anyone is against you combining the dca strategy and any of the other two strategy. But it would not be advisable for a newbie who has not started there bitcoin accumulation journey to be waiting and timing  the market for a desire dip , waiting is not one of the strategy  for accumulating bitcoin and also they may miss so many market opportunities so that is why it is good for a newbie to start with the dca strategy and as time goes by he can buy the dip and also do lumpsum if an additional cash arises
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 316
Get $2100 deposit bonuses & 60 FS
November 09, 2024, 01:22:46 PM
Bitcoin has created yet a new ATH today from the previous price of $73k to current price of $75,358.70, this is a good sign to encourage investors to buy more and HODl and never to procrastinate. Never forget to buy now, since it's an opportunity that many never come again in the nearest future.

Don't forget to buy bitcoin with the following strategy

#Buy bitcoin through lump sum strategy
#Buy bitcoin through the dip strategy
#Buy bitcoin through DCA strategy

All works best for for a good accumulation process

At time like this DCAing still win it , so one just have to keep his DCAing going even those who started their DCAing weeks back are already in a good profit, which shows that bitcoin ain't  waiting for no one it's on its way to $100k and  above soon .  Wink

Woke up  yestersday with a big smile 😊 on my face after seeing BTC recent price , and now BTC ATH is around the price range of $76k and there's still more space for growth , and the funny thing is that now is still a good time to hop in so those that are thinking that is already too late, it isn't you can still start now . I thought the same back then like a year back but now I am feeling like an early adopter  Grin
Yes, I agree that the DCA strategy is still important because we are in our accumulation stage, and we should maintain our initial strategy and don't be carried away by the price of bitcoin. If there's one who wants to invest in bitcoin aggressively because of its price, the person should do it in such a way it will stop him from sorting out his daily expenses, which might take him off the game because our purpose is for a long-term hold.
sr. member
Activity: 224
Merit: 195
November 09, 2024, 01:20:46 PM
I disagree with you, waiting for a dip in other to invest is not a good idea, when waiting for the dip what if it didn't happen that means you have wasted the time you would have accumulated little using DCA strategy.
Those that are involve in DCA strategy always accumulate more than those always waiting for a dip before they can invest.
Why wait for a dip before you can invest, why not accumulate little by little weekly or monthly.
Bitcoin will not remain at this same price in 10 to 20 years to come so if you start accumulating now you will benefit.
Those who always wait for a dip to happen before they can buy are traders and not long term investor.
What you said is true because I personally also often see traders who spend more time waiting for the price of Bitcoin to drop again so they can buy it at a low price before they sell it back into the market again. Meanwhile, I think investors do not need to apply such a waiting strategy because every investor must always use their time as best as possible when they want to invest, so using a method like DCA is still more appropriate for investors than using the method used by every trader at this time, which seems to be more of a waste of time.
Thoughts on waiting for the price to drop before venturing into investing is a strategy often used by traders, their profits are made from the impact gotten from the time of purchase and when they sell and this approach is usually for a short period of time.

Unlike the investors, our budgets are placed on the long run and waiting for the said projected time (assumed time for the price to DIP) only poses more misfortune due to uncertainty whether the assumptions will go as planned.

Growing our investment does not base solely on just one strategy, advanced techniques are applied which comprises of different strategies in their perfect condition and when fit to match in the demand.
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 128
Patience and hard work are the keys to success.
November 09, 2024, 11:58:17 AM
Now I think everyone is learning the Lesson , those who took advantage of buying in the Dip are just watching their investment rise beautifully, but those who have not managed or could not Buy for other reasons ,  not everything is lost, they have the DCA method , I am applying it , and so Whenever it is I am sure I can get my first bitcoin and at the End of the Day that is what matters , having it, if the rice goes up I am Happy , if the price goes down I look for money somehow to Buy Cheap, it is all a Question of wanting.

I personally love taking dips during market dips with DCA. This is one of my investment strategies. Many say that waiting for the dip during DCA may be the wrong move, but I'm happy with this strategy so far. The advantage of this strategy is that you can enter both DCA and Dip strategies. Investing in DCA gives you the opportunity to buy at all market moments and you can keep separate funds ready for dips, which you can be aggressive in buying by understanding the market or you can buy dips, adopting your personal strategy. It would be a good choice for me to keep my DCA active and buy dips twice or thrice during market dips with funds ready for dips.
hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 574
November 09, 2024, 11:32:56 AM
I disagree with you, waiting for a dip in other to invest is not a good idea, when waiting for the dip what if it didn't happen that means you have wasted the time you would have accumulated little using DCA strategy.
Those that are involve in DCA strategy always accumulate more than those always waiting for a dip before they can invest.
Why wait for a dip before you can invest, why not accumulate little by little weekly or monthly.
Bitcoin will not remain at this same price in 10 to 20 years to come so if you start accumulating now you will benefit.
Those who always wait for a dip to happen before they can buy are traders and not long term investor.

Honestly, I will not encourage anyone to wait for a dip before starting to invest in Bitcoin. I feel that waiting is just a way of wasting time because there’s no assurance that the Bitcoin price will come down to the level someone might have in mind to start buying. By waiting, one might miss out on an opportunity to invest in Bitcoin.if someone wants to invest in Bitcoin but doesn’t want to buy all at once, they can use the Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) method, which allows them to buy at different price levels.

The truth is that many people have missed many opportunities to invest in Bitcoin due to this idea of waiting for a dip. Many had the chance to invest when Bitcoin was still in the range of $20,000 to $25,000 but wanted the price to come down to $16,000, so they refused to buy. Even now, they continue with this mindset. When Bitcoin reaches $50,000, they hope it will drop to $40,000. So now with this Bitcoin current price some set of people will still be waiting to drop to $65 or less. may still be I feel that waiting for a dip is really just wasting time and missing opportunities when it comes to Bitcoin investment.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 385
Baba God Noni
November 09, 2024, 11:08:27 AM
I'm looking at Bitcoin's current price movement, and truthfully, it's just a very good time to be alive! I hope that all fortune and prosperity will come in ALL of your lives, and may you spread positivity and optimism to the people around you, online and offline.
Bitcoin to six digits is definitely going to happen during this cycle. SEVEN digits within the next two cycles?

Buy the DIP, and HODL
The advise you gave years ago in this thread which is "Buy the DIP, and HODL" have come to be one of the best many would have gotten in a life time. Those who followed that advice will look back to the moment they they took the decision to buy and HODL, and will be ever happy and proud to have chosen to obey even when it was looking so bleak and uncertain what the future held. I'm very excited to be part of those who took the chance and followed that clarion call and today we are gazing at out portfolio in joy and fulfilment. The future is looking so bright for Bitcoin and I can say that we are just getting started with the ride.

What we have now is still by extension what I consider the DIP as I have high expectations from Bitcoin, being someone that is playing for long term.
I don't think that any of those early investors who were able to accumulate bitcoin with only buy the dip method, or let me use this circle, that those who started their bitcoin journey in 2022 used only buy the dip method to accumulate all the bitcoin in their portfolio currently with the amount of profit their portfolio is in. Because we all know that buying at the dip strategy only will not add any significant increase to your portfolio as a new investor and it is a wrong approach for new beginners to adopt.

It is the DCA method that a lot of us have been able to use to acquire the quantity of bitcoin in our portfolio currently, so I will say Kudos for all those investors who were able to take their bitcoin investment accumulation journey serious by buying continuously every week with DCA in a consistent and persistent manner to build and grow their bitcoin stash and hodli overtime till getting to your bitcoin target, and mixing it with buy dip and lump sum strategy based on our own situation playing around us, and tweaking easily to keep our bitcoin accumulation ongoing because we are all winners.

I am saying all these so that newbies reading this thread will not be mislead that  Buy the DIP, and HODL! is the best strategy for them to accumulate bitcoin, when getting started right away with DCA method for gradual buying every week consistently to build their portfolio overtime for a start is more effective than waiting for the dip, that comes like a thief in the night.
sr. member
Activity: 1092
Merit: 342
WOLFBET.COM - Exclusive VIP Rewards
November 09, 2024, 10:19:59 AM

The advise you gave years ago in this thread which is "Buy the DIP, and HODL" have come to be one of the best many would have gotten in a life time. Those who followed that advice will look back to the moment they they took the decision to buy and HODL, and will be ever happy and proud to have chosen to obey even when it was looking so bleak and uncertain what the future held. I'm very excited to be part of those who took the chance and followed that clarion call and today we are gazing at out portfolio in joy and fulfilment. The future is looking so bright for Bitcoin and I can say that we are just getting started with the ride.

What we have now is still by extension what I consider the DIP as I have high expectations from Bitcoin, being someone that is playing for long term.

Now I think everyone is learning the Lesson , those who took advantage of buying in the Dip are just watching their investment rise beautifully, but those who have not managed or could not Buy for other reasons ,  not everything is lost, they have the DCA method , I am applying it , and so Whenever it is I am sure I can get my first bitcoin and at the End of the Day that is what matters , having it, if the rice goes up I am Happy , if the price goes down I look for money somehow to Buy Cheap, it is all a Question of wanting.

And well, I've always liked this article by Block:

Block provided further details on how they will implement the DCA strategy in its official statement. The company announced it will allocate 10% of its gross profits from Bitcoin-related products towards monthly purchases of Bitcoin.

“Under the DCA program, we plan to purchase Bitcoin on a monthly cadence, starting April 2024. We will execute these over a shorter time window due to lower notional trade values and improved Bitcoin liquidity compared to 2020 and 2021. To reduce slippage, we have chosen to purchase Bitcoin over a two-hour window that has historically had the greatest amount of liquidity,” the company explained.

original source:

DCA is my way out even if bitcoin continues to rise in price.
hero member
Activity: 546
Merit: 516
November 09, 2024, 09:26:11 AM
I'm looking at Bitcoin's current price movement, and truthfully, it's just a very good time to be alive! I hope that all fortune and prosperity will come in ALL of your lives, and may you spread positivity and optimism to the people around you, online and offline.
Bitcoin to six digits is definitely going to happen during this cycle. SEVEN digits within the next two cycles?

Buy the DIP, and HODL
The advise you gave years ago in this thread which is "Buy the DIP, and HODL" have come to be one of the best many would have gotten in a life time. Those who followed that advice will look back to the moment they they took the decision to buy and HODL, and will be ever happy and proud to have chosen to obey even when it was looking so bleak and uncertain what the future held. I'm very excited to be part of those who took the chance and followed that clarion call and today we are gazing at out portfolio in joy and fulfilment. The future is looking so bright for Bitcoin and I can say that we are just getting started with the ride.

What we have now is still by extension what I consider the DIP as I have high expectations from Bitcoin, being someone that is playing for long term.
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1823
November 09, 2024, 08:18:18 AM
I'm looking at Bitcoin's current price movement, and truthfully, it's just a very good time to be alive! I hope that all fortune and prosperity will come in ALL of your lives, and may you spread positivity and optimism to the people around you, online and offline.


Bitcoin to six digits is definitely going to happen during this cycle. SEVEN digits within the next two cycles?

Buy the DIP, and HODL
hero member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 844
November 09, 2024, 07:17:15 AM
I disagree with you, waiting for a dip in other to invest is not a good idea, when waiting for the dip what if it didn't happen that means you have wasted the time you would have accumulated little using DCA strategy.
Those that are involve in DCA strategy always accumulate more than those always waiting for a dip before they can invest.
Why wait for a dip before you can invest, why not accumulate little by little weekly or monthly.
Bitcoin will not remain at this same price in 10 to 20 years to come so if you start accumulating now you will benefit.
Those who always wait for a dip to happen before they can buy are traders and not long term investor.
What you said is true because I personally also often see traders who spend more time waiting for the price of Bitcoin to drop again so they can buy it at a low price before they sell it back into the market again. Meanwhile, I think investors do not need to apply such a waiting strategy because every investor must always use their time as best as possible when they want to invest, so using a method like DCA is still more appropriate for investors than using the method used by every trader at this time, which seems to be more of a waste of time.
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