We used to invest earlier and after investing earlier we saw the market only going down for a long time but still we held our investment deep hoping for something better. The market is in a much better state than it was once. Now is a golden opportunity for new investors because the market is now positive and we have been observing the market positive for almost six months. Now if an investor invests in Bitcoin and holds that investment deeply then he will have a golden opportunity to grow his money.
money. You can invest with the amount of money you have in the current market and before investing you must keep in mind that you can hold your investment for a long time.
When I look at the historical BTC price performance, I see that factually, the BTC price has been going up for a year rather than 6 months.
The $15,479 low was in November 2022, and even though there were likely earlier stages of BTC's price rise in which we would not have had been sure if the $15,479 bottom was in, but the further that the BTC price moves above the $15,479 bottom without correcting back down, we likely become more and more confident that the bottom for this cycle is likely to be "in."
It seems inaccurate to me to be ONLY looking at the last six months, even though maybe many of us might not have felt comfortable proclaiming our beliefs that the bottom was in until just recently.. but still the bitcoin price going up for the past 12 months rather than the past 6 months is a factual matter that makes a difference in terms of describing where the BTC price is at, how it got here and where it might be going.
By investing now there is a golden opportunity to get some good profit in future so I never tell those who don't have money to invest in debt because if a person decides to invest in debt then he will never be able to hold his investment for long.
You sound like a gambler. I don't see why there is any greater advantage to be investing into bitcoin right now as compared with the last couple of years and or so.. Yeah, if you just heard about bitcoin in recent times, then you can ONLY start with investing into bitcoin today based on what the current BTC price conditions are, and you cannot go back in time, but you have been registered on the forum for more than 6.5 years, so I am not really sure why you are suggesting that today is any better than a couple of years ago.
Anyhow, let's say that starting from
November 2021.. You would started buying bitcoin at $100 per week, then after two years you would have had invested $10.5k into bitcoin, and you would have right around 0.4273 BTC (current value right around $16k - close to 60% in profits), and the so getting close to two years is a very decent place to be, even if you might have had started buying BTC at the top. Yeah, we can never be sure where the BTC price might go, but anyone who started DCAing into BTC.
Of course, even with your forum registration date, maybe you could have started buying BTC at only
$50 per week starting on May 27, 2017, and to date you would have invested around $17k, and you would have had accumulated nearly 1.72 BTC (current value right a bit more than $64k - around 277% in profits)
Maybe I am getting a bit away from your proposition, and my main point is that it likely does not matter so much when you get in as long as you consistently continue to accumulate bitcoin and then at some point it might start to be more clear about what to do, and maybe not get too overly excited because the halvening is coming up.. but yeah, I cannot disagree with your sentiment to try to make sure that you are investing enough into bitcoin and that you are not being whimpy about the way that you are investing.
As far as I am concerned those investors think of investing who have some amount of money in savings and very few people decide to take out loans and invest. Although Bitcoin is a reliable investment platform, I would never recommend borrowing money from others to invest with that
I agree. There is no need to increase risks, and you are probably in the wrong mindset if you are playing your bitcoin investment like that, even though there have been quite a few people who have done quite well by leveraging their bitcoin investment in that kind of way (getting a loan or maybe selling a property and buying bitcoin with it). I don't recommend it, even though some people engage in those kinds of risky behaviors and sometimes it ends up working out quite well for them... and a person who is able to service the loan no matter what (and is not dependent upon the BTC price to go up in order to service the loan), then that person is in a better position to take those kinds of leveraging and/or gambling risks.
If an investor could eradicate greed and be more discipline in times of investment it will do them more good than harm because I realized that the reason why most people aggressively invest on Bitcoin is because they feel that it will make them have a more higher returns than slowly investing without knowing that is better to invest slowly and consistently to reach your goal than aggressively investing and being cut up by unforseen challenges.
Most people coming into this market are primarily looking to get rich quickly, so they often overlook investing in Bitcoin for the long term. When it comes to short-term profitability, Bitcoin can't be compared to the rest, but in the long run, Bitcoin is an investment opportunity that cannot be ignored. You can sleep well if you hold onto Bitcoin for many years, but the same cannot be said for the majority of other Altcoins. It takes patience and a clear direction to focus solely on investing in Bitcoin and holding for the long term.
Yes, holding bitcoin for the long term is more enjoyable than holding it only for the immediate future, and I'm talking like this because I've experienced it myself.
Our own experience makes our belief in something we hold great, and that's how I feel about bitcoin. Especially when I know a strategy called DCA, yes it makes my investment more comfortable to do.
Some people who still doubt (especially beginners) I consider it a natural thing, and when they want to get rich quickly I will also consider it natural (for beginners), because they are in the process of understanding what they are actually doing. But when they really understand, they will be able to change their mindset.
We all have some objective to invest, but none of us invest aimlessly. While planning long-term investment, our objective is to earn good amount of money at the end of long term and while planning short-term investment, our objective is profit. In the beginning, it is natural to think that he will invest in Bitcoin and change his position in a short time, but after a few days of investing, when he tries to learn more about investing, his misconception about investing will be cleared.
I remember when I started investing I thought to myself that I would make a lot of money after a few days of investing so I checked my wallet every once in a while after investing. But when I realized that if I want to get something good from the investment, I must hold this investment deeply, I thought of holding my investment for a long time and I succeeded in holding it for a long time. After holding my investment for a long time I got enough success that's why I now favor long term investment and still hold Bitcoin in long term investment plan. If the new investors are starting their investment I think after starting they will get to know about the investment and their misconceptions will be cleared and they will definitely be in favor of holding their investment for a long time.
Yes. Newbies are going to come to bitcoin with their own personal inclinations and habits, and maybe some of their inclinations and habits are not good, so some of them will be able to transition into long term BTC investing, as you seem to have had done, and others might get frustrated by BTC's volatility, and it could take several years to get into profits and also to feel that you are significantly in profits.. and surely of course, profits are not guaranteed, either... but it does tend to make a lot of us more comfortable if our holdings are in profits versus not being in profits, even though sometimes if we are stacking sats, we might be in a better position to be stacking such sats when our portfolio is not in profits, but those are frequently difficult to hurdles to cross.. and so getting more conviction is likely going to vary including vary in terms of how aggressive any person might have had been at various points of his/her bitcoin accumulation journey, and surely some bitcoiners do get distracted by altcoins and by trading too.. so those kinds of distractions can be costly in terms of contributing to difficulties of getting the BTC holdings to be clearly and unambiguously in profits.
However, I come to think that those that want the price of Bitcoin to be reduced are the ones that are so scared and greedy. At the same time, they don't want to buy at a high price, so they are waiting for the price to reduce. (I am trying to say, people should not mix fear and greed when investing).
Just buying regularly will have good chances to get the investor into a better mindset, and if they are worried that the BTC price is too much, then just buy less, but probably not so great to stop buying unless you have reached some kind of BTC accumulation goal that justifies making such downward adjustments to regular and ongoing BTC buys.
If one constantly buys without fear or greed, I seriously think that the chance of achieving
half BTC or full BTC with $200 weekly in 10 years will be so near that the scared mindset can't be compared with at it.
Those that can not buy now are losing, but they don't know. Why I say what I said is because, with only the capital in their hands or in their pockets, they are not making any profit from it and some of them end up using their money for something that's not even important at all. So you said, I agree with that, buying regular is the most important thing to do.
Let me add to these ideas a little bit.
1) I am pretty sure that buying a continued $100 per week for the next 10 years will either directly result in 1/2 of a bitcoin (that would be $52k invested into bitcoin), and/or the person who is consistently investing that amount on a regular basis is going to be likely to also increase the amount from time to time, even if the aim might be to buy $100 per week, the average is likely going to end up being higher than $100 per week merely based on the setting of such goal and following through with it. Therefore doubling the amount to $200 per week (which would end up being $104k over 10 years) is likely to reach a whole bitcoin... but like you suggested, there remains a certain level of uncertainty, but it seems to me that if someone really has a strong goal and is attempting to take actions to follow it every week, then in those kinds of situations goals tend to guide towards exceeding the goals. That has been my experience. Another problem area is the health of someone, so if emergencies happen and a person who could previously work with his brain and/or his body comes into poor health, then sometimes they have to abandon their goals and to become more realistic which maybe results in a lower amount invested into bitcoin.
2) "Those that can not buy now are losing." Action is a pretty big component that helps to inform further action and also has more potential to facilitate learning rather than not taking actions.... so even if someone is really scared to take action in regards, to bitcoin, such person could start to study bitcoin for 1-2 months and then set up an account and be buying bitcoin a few months from now, and yeah, that would be slow action, but it is better than no action... just like getting into bitcoin now is better than the person coming into bitcoin into the future, just like it is better if you had already gotten into bitcoin in the past.. so time in the market is an important contributor in regards to both making progress and expressing commitment to the cause of accumulating bitcoin.
Most times, waiting for something to be not to be considered, we have to go towards it and grab it, instead of sitting down and waiting (there is a popular saying in my local, that says "if the mountains do not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad should go to the mountains) and I have been following that step instead of waiting for the dip.
I don't consider waiting for the dip a good way of investing, but if we eventually invest during the dip, then we should take advantage of it (even if it's a Satoshi we can afford at that time).
I agree with you. Years of experience in looking at the history of Bitcoin we can see clearly that waiting for a decline will not bring good results. It's better for you to save little by little. I see a lot of people who keep waiting for the price to go down because in their minds all they have is 1BTC and 0.1BTC even though wouldn't it be possible to buy 0.00001 BTC if we only had enough money to buy that much?
I know that some people have very difficult cashflow problems (meaning that they don't earn very much), and so sometimes it could become practical to wait several months before buying merely to strategizing regarding the fees - even though I surely prefer the idea of a newbie buying every week in order to solidify commitment to the BTC accumulation plan and also sometimes the BTC price might fluctuate way too much that 3 months could end up having some weird price performance dynamics.. so a person could have a commitment to buying bitcoin on a regular basis but being a bit strategic about it and even hoarding away fiat or whatever, until such time to purchase comes about... depending on the various fees that might apply to the services (accumulation methods) being used. Another thing is that if a person has to travel out of his/her way 30 minutes or longer, there may be some desires to make such purchases less frequently, yet at the same time, sometimes various kinds of sacrifices do need to be made for some folks who are in places where it might not be easy to buy BTC on a regular basis.
Most times, waiting for something to be not to be considered, we have to go towards it and grab it, instead of sitting down and waiting (there is a popular saying in my local, that says "if the mountains do not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad should go to the mountains) and I have been following that step instead of waiting for the dip.
I don't consider waiting for the dip a good way of investing, but if we eventually invest during the dip, then we should take advantage of it (even if it's a Satoshi we can afford at that time).
I agree with you. Years of experience in looking at the history of Bitcoin we can see clearly that waiting for a decline will not bring good results. It's better for you to save little by little. I see a lot of people who keep waiting for the price to go down because in their minds all they have is 1BTC and 0.1BTC even though wouldn't it be possible to buy 0.00001 BTC if we only had enough money to buy that much?
I don’t understand why people are always happy only about the growth of Bitcoin, this is a one-sided view of the life of the market. It’s cool to sell part of Bitcoin at high values in order to buy it again.
We are not talking about trading in this thread. Trading is a higher level skill and is far from guaranteed including that a lot of people lose money by trading rather than what they would have made by a strict ongoing buying strategy, especially if we are referring to over a longer period of time.
If I look at your forum registration date, you have had more than 7 years registered on bitcoin, and so how has your strategy performed? Have you been able to outperform a strict DCA strategy? A person investing
$100 per week into bitcoin since your August 6, 2016 registration date to present would have invested $38,200 and would have had accumulated right around 8.15318 Bitcoin (currently valued at about $306, 560 - right around 8x in profits). Have you done better than that with fucking around with trading, presuming that you have been trading the past 7 years - and why recommend others to engage in the same behaviors when the DCA method is already pretty damned powerful without all the time-consuming trying to figure out short-term BTC price directions. People have lives, too.. so why they wanting to be constantly having to watch the BTC charts?
But isn’t it also cool to buy more BTC at the very bottom?
How are you going to know when the bottom is in, and in the whole scheme of things does it really matter? - especially if consistent and persistent ongoing buying of BTC might allow someone to have more BTC, even if the costs end up being higher. Do you need some examples regarding how it might play out?.
I am always very happy when I complete Bitcoin and after that the market makes a price reversal upward.
Yeah, but I am sure that buying the bottom of a dip does not happen as often as you are suggesting it to happen.
It can take a while to get conviction regarding buying bitcoin, buying on dips and ongoingly buying... so sure there are elements of BTC price performance (and also the performance of any markets) that attract people to buy on the way up and to sell on the way down, which is the opposite of what they should be doing... so it is not necessarily easy to get ahead of such inclinations that normal people have.
If you want to diversify your investment when you have already invested in Bîtcoin, buying altcoin is not a good step in diversification because if there is a failure in Bitcoin there will also be a failure in altcoin. You can diversify your investment in something different from cryptocurrency such as real estate investment or selling a variety of merchandise, so that if one market fails, success in others will reduce the impact of failure.
What is the need of diversification when we already have our investment on Bitcoin because most successful investors prefer to have only one source which is Bitcoin because there believe in Bitcoin can never be compared to any other investment so they decided to stick to only Bitcoin which is a very wise decision.
Just because diversification might not be necessary for a beginner investor, that does not mean that diversification is not helpful once a person starts to accumulate a lot of value in bitcoin, and the threshold in which some diversification beyond bitcoin and cash may well differ from people in terms of their determination whether it is triggered at when an investment portfolio reaches 25% of annual income or maybe not until it reaches 2x the size of annual income. In that regard, there are some discretionary aspects concerning when diversification beyond bitcoin and cash becomes more necessary.. and diversification may well be into equities, bonds, properties, commodities, cash and cash equivalents, but not necessarily into shitcoins unless that is less than 10% of the total value of the bitcoin that would go into shitcoins (for those who cannot resist shitcoins and/or gambling with their money).
And perhaps I see no reason why an investor will prefer altcoin as a diversification for investment because there is no future for an investor who believes on altcoin, however what surprises me at times is that how could an investor see how potential and how real Bitcoin is for investment but decided to choose other alternatives such as altcoin, perhaps the earlier most investors who sees ltcoin as a method of diversification realized they are making a terrible Mistake the better for them because is only Bitcoin and nothing else.
Some people get confused about what is bitcoin versus what are shitcoins, and they also might get confused about the investment thesis of each... which shitcoins do not tend to have any investment thesis.. or at least the presumption should be against them having any investment thesis absent finding some angle, and bitcon presumptively has an investment thesis, but still there are needs to be careful with position size, trading and/or leverage, even in bitcoin.
If you want to diversify your investment when you have already invested in Bîtcoin, buying altcoin is not a good step in diversification because if there is a failure in Bitcoin there will also be a failure in altcoin. You can diversify your investment in something different from cryptocurrency such as real estate investment or selling a variety of merchandise, so that if one market fails, success in others will reduce the impact of failure.
What is the need of diversification when we already have our investment on Bitcoin because most successful investors prefer to have only one source which is Bitcoin because there believe in Bitcoin can never be compared to any other investment so they decided to stick to only Bitcoin which is a very wise decision.
And perhaps I see no reason why an investor will prefer altcoin as a diversification for investment because there is no future for an investor who believes on altcoin, however what surprises me at times is that how could an investor see how potential and how real Bitcoin is for investment but decided to choose other alternatives such as altcoin, perhaps the earlier most investors who sees ltcoin as a method of diversification realized they are making a terrible Mistake the better for them because is only Bitcoin and nothing else.
Having another investment aside from Bitcoin is good because you will not rely on your Bitcoin investment before you can make money but it is also good to have a real or physical investment that will give you daily or monthly profit to enable you to hold your Bitcoin to the expected year that you want to sell it. This investment can help strengthen your Bitcoin accumulation power because you will have more money to take care of your financial challenges and still have the money to invest in Bitcoin
That is not necessarily true for the beginner investor, but it might become more and more true as the BTC investment portfolio grows.
If you want to diversify your investment when you have already invested in Bîtcoin, buying altcoin is not a good step in diversification because if there is a failure in Bitcoin there will also be a failure in altcoin. You can diversify your investment in something different from cryptocurrency such as real estate investment or selling a variety of merchandise, so that if one market fails, success in others will reduce the impact of failure.
What is the need of diversification when we already have our investment on Bitcoin because most successful investors prefer to have only one source which is Bitcoin because there believe in Bitcoin can never be compared to any other investment so they decided to stick to only Bitcoin which is a very wise decision.
I don't know why this issue of diversification is still coming up here when the thread is about buying Bitcoin to hodl. I think this discussion of diversification has repeated several times and is looking more like distraction. When we continue to compare different investment options in a thread the focus is supposed to be how to buy Bitcoin, many people might derail into making wrong investment decision in a bid to diversify his assets.
The forum is really big, so much that we can open a thread to discuss other investment instruments for the sake of those who might consider complimentary investment as a way of diversifying their Bitcoin portfolio.
Diversification is only discussed because you can't hold any one coin. Some altcoins have much more potential than bitcoin. Right now, only bitcoin and a few altcoins are up. But when the bulls really come back to the market, the other coins will also show good growth.
You seem lost fzkto. Even if you can make money on shitcoins, you are off topic trying to pump that nonsense here, and also trying to act as if you know which altcoins are better (less shitty) than others tends to be quite a distracting approach.. so hopefully you do not waste too much time on that crap and if you are investing in various shitcoins, hopefully you are not investing more than 10% the size of your bitcoin holdings and hopefully you are not spending more than 10% of your time studying those kinds of convoluted baloney smoke and mirror products that are largely designed to enrich the founders rather than providing any much if any actual value in society.
[edited out]
I disagree with you mate, I haven't seen any altcoin that has potential than bitcoin, when it is a duplicate of bitcoin and they depend on bitcoin price movement for them to pump and dump. Some altcoins will even dump and will never pump again. Don't underestimate what bitcoin can do in the nearest future, and don't waste your time and resources on those fucking shitcoins that are worthless and can make one run at big loss when you invest in them. If is it not bitcoin, it can never be bitcoin.
This is a high tendency that in the
next ten years bitcoin price might increase and become more valuable but not for altcoins because they are not reliable. Newbies should say No to altcoins if they want to have an investment because altcoins are not investment because most of them have short life span.
Can you tell us one altcoin that have much note potential than bitcoin @ fzto ?
A good question might be if you are stuck to invest into the bitcoin versus shitcoins for 10 years and various other traditional assets (such as property, equities, bonds, commodities, cash/cash equivalents), and you get a budget of $400k and you have to invest it now.. within the next week or two, then when you come back after 10 years, that is going to be your total wealth (and/or income), then which investments are you going to pick.
How you going to divide your investment in the differing categories? You can even include traditional assets in there if you want, and provide us with your investment portfolio that has 10 years to grow and to become your total investment portfolio (and income that maybe has to last for the rest of your life.. let's say that you are 50 right now and you will be 60 when you are able to start to spend (and live off of your investment choices.. and you are not going to be able to work at that time).
Actually I realize that there are probably quite a few guys/gals here are in their 20s and 30s, but we have to try to use our imaginations to work with these kinds of hypotheticals to help us to better understand the ideas of longer-term investments, and get used to ideas of general commitment to longer term investment time frames - even though 10 years is not super-long period of time, but it is long enough to illustrate the idea of selecting investments and sticking with them for a fixed period based on information that you currently have and speculations about what might happen to your investments over the next 10 years (in terms of value going up or down or staying the same in terms of your $400k budget)...
** note this kind of hypothetical might sometimes be referred to as the man-in-the-coma kind of a scenario, and so you presume no action for the next 10 years, and then when you come out of your coma in 10 years (and presumptively you are a perfectly functional 60 year old rather than a perfectly functioning 50 year old prior to going into the coma.. . of course we could change the age, but then presumptively the person might have to live off the income for longer.. so if we say a 25 year old who comes out of the coma at 35 years of age... then has to live off of the investment choices for a longer period.. and we are presuming that s/he cannot work after coming out of the coma, but has to live off of the investment choices. When the price of Bitcoin was $25,000, I invested some amount of money I could in Bitcoin. When I had $25,000, I invested some money in Bitcoin and held it, and now I'm pretty satisfied with my investment. If I divide the amount of money I invested in two, the amount of money in each part will be the amount of money that I am currently seeing profit from my investment. As I got a good amount of profit, for a while I thought I should sell my investment but later I realized that since I don't need the money, I should hold this investment for a longer period of time. Apart from holding the capital and profit part for a long time, I will add some new investment and also keep the new investment amount for a long time.
As much as I have faith in bitcoin, I have enough faith in the long-term to expect better results from the market.
You sound like a potentially weak hand.. and struggling with the idea of taking profits or not..
There is a lot of power in compounding, sometimes there may be needs to experience several doublings of value before you really realize the power of such compounding.. but yeah of course, if you sell very much of your investment (maybe more than 10% for every doubling of the price), then you are likely going to be neutering your investment in a lot of ways that does not advantage from the compounding.
Of course, each of us needs to figure out an amount of value that we are willing to let ride, and that does not necessarily mean that we do not cash out some of if it from time to time, but how much we cash out may well depend upon other investment building goals that we have.
When the price of Bitcoin was $25,000, I invested some amount of money I could in Bitcoin. When I had $25,000, I invested some money in Bitcoin and held it, and now I'm pretty satisfied with my investment. If I divide the amount of money I invested in two, the amount of money in each part will be the amount of money that I am currently seeing profit from my investment. As I got a good amount of profit, for a while I thought I should sell my investment but later I realized that since I don't need the money, I should hold this investment for a longer period of time. Apart from holding the capital and profit part for a long time, I will add some new investment and also keep the new investment amount for a long time.
As much as I have faith in bitcoin, I have enough faith in the long-term to expect better results from the market.
You sound like a potentially weak hand.. and struggling with the idea of taking profits or not..
There is a lot of power in compounding, sometimes there may be needs to experience several doublings of value before you really realize the power of such compounding.. but yeah of course, if you sell very much of your investment (maybe more than 10% for every doubling of the price), then you are likely going to be neutering your investment in a lot of ways that does not advantage from the compounding.
Of course, each of us needs to figure out an amount of value that we are willing to let ride, and that does not necessarily mean that we do not cash out some of if it from time to time, but how much we cash out may well depend upon other investment building goals that we have.
Yes, you can try to figure out which shitcoins are less shitty.
Seriously I don't really think it easy to figure how shitty a shit coin can or would be it's just a 50-50 hope of rise to fall even if there's a high tendency for it to appreciate we all know it will get dumped and abandoned forever. Sometimes, I wonder if this so called shit coins are used for money laundering as there will be a big pump all of a sudden and all becomes shitty
in just a hour or less.... just saying though . The best choice is to just stay away from it or just consider it as pure gambling, a win good for the winner
a loss acceptance of fate
It’s really not easy to figure out which shitcoin is less shitty but I wouldn’t say it is pure gambling if you know what you are doing, there are ways to figure out coins with higher potential
when you carry out proper research and you will come out on top. In my opinion most of these shitcoins are mainly there
for the wise to utilize them to make profit, we all know how they behave so all it takes is to understand when to own them and sell but
only those wise enough can understand the perfect timing. Since we are aware this shitcoins don’t have the ability to last forever so it means they are there for us to make profit out of them.
The wise (and those who have pride in their own conduct) don't waste their time getting caught up in studying scammy ideas and various ways to pump and dump your crap onto more vulnerable (purportedly less wise) people. Ultimately you can do whatever you want, but it seems quite distracting to be talking about shitcoins in a good light, especially in this thread... the more you try to pump your various shitcoins and to describe which shitcoins are less shitty, the more off topic we get when we should be focusing on various bitcoin related investment/buying and/or even portfolio management techniques rather than lauding shitcoins as if they were a good thing.. and again, like I mentioned to other members posting such nonsense, i hope that you are at least able to limit the amount of your investment in crap like that to less than 10% of the size of your bitcoin holdings, even though I understand it is a slippery slope for anyone going down the shitcoin path, they get sucked into more and more and more bad ideas and bad investments.. even if there might be short term ways to get in and out and make a profit, it hardly seems worth it to be going down such a path.
Although shotcoins can be a pain in the ass sometimes and are generally ugly, without them the market would be boring;
There are all kinds of dumb, stupid, crazy and even violent things that happen in the world, and so sometimes we can be aware about those kinds of things without actually investing very much of our time, money or energies into such projects. Rage crimes and serial killers are interestesting too... but I doubt it is a good idea to get involved in those kinds of behaviors, even though they make the world more interesting and "less boring."
instead, they add excitement and interest.
Yes.. you are distracted, and probably you should have more respect for this thread than to be pumping such nonsense as if it were either topical or something that we should be weighing as part of our own bitcoin accumulation and/or BTC portfolio maintenance strategies.
It's exciting for investors to attempt and outmanoeuvre them in their game because of their erratic behaviour,
For you it might be. .but it is still off topic, and hopefully not too many members are losing too much money on such distractions when there are a lot of interesting and exciting things about bitcoin that would probably better uses of time.. although some of the less dramatic aspects of bitcoin does seem to be features rather than bugs.. so there can be considered to be some exciting things about being involved in grandpa coin.
which alternates between a massive pump and a rapid fall. They are highly profitable and risky, so anyone up for the challenge is welcome to give them a try. However, as bitcoin is the most trustworthy investment, I would encourage them to consider it more carefully.
At least you do see some value in bitcoin, and hopefully you are not more than 10% in the crap that you are so excited about, and if you are pumping that crap then there are plenty of other threads (or create your own thread) to get yourself involved in such other threads and to show your various feelings of excitement about the various kinds of drama and/or scamming going on in the shitcoin space.