Do NOT come crying to me when they stab you in the back.
Thank you. But it is not working, unfortunately. As you need an invite code?
I don't understand what is going on with the crying though ?!
Thought we are more adult people, and would just act like that, or am I wrong?
I appreciate warnings and co, but still, I do my own mind up.
Thank you in advance if someone has a working invite code.
Excuse me please. A question. CAN NOT YOU READ???
All XVG owners since 19.12.2017 have been cheated by C-CEX !!!
Are they missing the gift to understand this or are they a C-Cex employee like some of the others here who suddenly change sides or have their purchases repurchased because they knew how to hit c-cex? Like Q ..... 75! True, man without back wheel!
I'll stay tuned. And I will find them and if there is anything left of our deposits, they will have to repay it!
Unfortunately, everything is already up and running. Stopping is no longer possible, even if they would pay me off now!
Always keep twitter in mind!
Entschuldigen sie bitte. Eine Frage. KÖNNEN SIE NICHT LESEN???
Alle XVG Besitzer seit 19.12.2017 wurden von C-CEX betrogen!!!
Fehlt ihnen die Gabe dies zu verstehen oder sind sie ein C-Cex Mitarbeiter wie manch andere hier, die auf einmal die Seiten wechseln oder mit ihren Einlagen rausgekauft wurden weil sie wussten wie sie c-cex treffen können. So wie Q.....75! Stimmt's Mann ohne Rückrad!
Ich bleibe auf allefälle dran. Und ich werde sie finden und wenn von unseren Einlagen noch was da ist werden sie es auch zurückzahlen müssen !
Ist leider alles schon am laufen. Stoppen geht nun nicht mehr, auch wenn sie mich nun auszahlen würden!
Immer schön twitter im Auge behalten!
I don't excuse you. Why do you think at all that I can't read?! Maybe just because you can't ?!.
I'm not talking about anything that happened. Which is without any question unbelievable bad and I hope you guys who lost coins will find a way to get them back or a refund in any way.
But can't you understand that these are two different pairs of shoes.
Us asking for an invite code are obviously not affected, as I don't have an account yet!!!.
But I would like to trade a coin there nonetheless and withdraw them once the trade is done.
What does this please has to do with the other ongoing thing ??!!!
Anyway... I 'm still looking for an invite code, please. The referral by itself seems not to work.
Yes exactly. That's how I thought. 19.12.2017 6:00 Utc Deposit ETH
Credit an hour later. ETH swap against BTC about 8:00 Utc.
BTC swap against XVG at 10:00 Utc.
Then disbursement XVG with confirmation link by e-mail.
Answer. Payment must be checked by our support!
Then I had to leave for a few hours and at 16:00 Utc I was back.
Nothing happened in time.
XVG could not act any more!
So keep your fingers away. Find another Coin or another Exchange!