Lately I am reading a lot of posts asking: is this airdrop a scam? Is that free ICO a scam?
So I am wondering how can something that doesn't cost you a penny be a scam. Sure, they get your email adress and maybe a ETH Adress, but how can you really be scamed with only this informations? I am not talking about airdrops that require kyc registration, that for sure can be dangerous.
Everything could happen and scam is our risk as player, how and when happen is important knowledge we should have. Scam can happen if the product are fail ( has no value ) because of what? developer team doesn't have enough preparation to face reality market. When it happen? no body knows that and as player, prepare for the worst by using stop loss is better. About free ( no coast ) it doesn't matter because become scam not see from this factor. Keep practice and learn from experience can safe us from scam.