
Topic: CannabisCoin [CANN][X11][Official] Developments & Discussions - page 190. (Read 706133 times)

full member
Activity: 164
Merit: 100
Have a nice day everyone!

I'm a newbie in the world of crypto currencies especially in the mining procedures. Can anyone explain how to mine CANN on Linux Debian?
Thank you for your time.

These items from the OP might help:

CPU MINING in less than 6 minutes! VIDEO

GPU MINING in 3 minutes! VIDEO

If you are still having difficulties after that then ask again and we'll see what can be done to help Smiley

Thank you!! it works fine!!
hero member
Activity: 629
Merit: 500
Ponderously ruminative

While Debian is the distribution upon which Ubuntu was based there are some important differences involved when trying to build Qt files.

If you want to build on Ubuntu use the instructions found here.

The following was originally written as a text file and has been only slightly edited for use here.

# This file contains the sequence for building CannabisCoin wallets on
# debian systems. Builds were successfully completed on Debian version 7.8.
# Comments are particularly verbose in an effort to ease newcomers into building
# their own secure wallets on linux systems.
# While this file could easily be converted into a shell script please do not do so.
# Some commands must be run as root, most should not. Compile times will cause
# sudo permission sessions to expire, or at least they should and the script will fail.
# Commands are written here to be copied and pasted into a terminal session.
# Lines beginning with "#", like this one, are comments to help you understand
# the commands you are about to execute.
# Sometimes more than one command is included per line, joined with "&&", this
# is simply to reduce the number of times users need to copy and paste commands.
# Corrections, suggestions and comments are welcome and should be e-mailed to
# [email protected] or you can PM me here on bct.
# Good luck and may the source be with you Wink
# Open a terminal - open the Applications menu at top-left of the desktop
# => Accessories => Terminal or alt-F2 to open the run dialogue and type terminal.
# Copy and paste the next line of text into the terminal window and press return.
# You will be asked for your password because you are installing system software.
# Keep doing the same thing with the next line beginning without "#" when your
# prompt returns, which will happen when the previous command has finished execution.
# *** Note that you may not be permitted sudo use yet, so let's change
# that now - you'll need the root password to do this.
# Tip: you can paste into the terminal either via the keyboard with shift-ctrl-v
# or with right-click => paste.


# Yes, just the two-letter command, then your root password when asked.
# Now add yourself to the sudoers group by replacing [your user name here] below
# with your username and running "usermod -a -G sudo I_love_CANN" or whatever
# your username may be.

usermod -a -G sudo [your user name here]

# Now you need to give yourself the ultimate power by opening a special editor
# and adding a single line of text.


# It's not anything flash, no graphical WYSIWYG interface but it will check
# that you don't make any mistakes that will lock you out of your system Smiley
# With the down arrow move the cursor below the line that reads
# root  ALL=(ALL)  ALL
# and type

YourUserName  ALL=(ALL)  ALL

# it must be on a line all on its own, just like the root line above it.
# Then type control-o for write-out (which is just save), enter (or return), control-x.
# Provided visudo doesn't complain you should now be part of the elite
# superuser group. While you have your super powers we'll add another software source
# so that we can download the correct version of Berkeley database ( DB4.8 )
# The following command (series of commands, actually) will edit the list of software
# repositories searched by the system and will do so in neat, human readable form.
# Firstly it will add a blank line and then the comment reminding ourselves later
# just what we've done "# Add old stable and wheezy backports for DB 4.8 etc."
# followed by 2 older repositories.
# NOTE: look at the last two "echo" commands - see where it says
# "echo 'deb oldstable main'" and so on?
# I use .au because I'm an Australian located in Queensland and that's closest.
# You could change to your own country code for better service.
# Debian's mirror list is here:
# Copy the command into your text editor (type gedit and press return to open it)
# paste in the sample command, edit in your country code, ctrl-a then ctrl-c to
# select and copy it again, close without saving and paste your modified command into
# the terminal and execute by pressing return.

echo '' >> /etc/apt/sources.list && echo '# Add old stable and wheezy backports for DB 4.8 etc.' >> /etc/apt/sources.list && echo '' >> /etc/apt/sources.list && echo 'deb oldstable main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list && echo 'deb wheezy-backports main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list

# Make the system aware of the changes

apt-get update

# Congratulations, you have just used your super powers to edit a system file Smiley
# That's enough for the moment though, so relinquish your super powers by typing exit


# Now, everyone ready? Fine, let's begin. This is where we start adding software
# so we can build our lovely fresh and known clean CannabisCoin Qt wallet.

# Be tidy - make a home for our source code and move to that directory

mkdir src && cd src

# Download and install the other required packages.

sudo apt-get -y install git build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf  libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev libboost1.49-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev qt4-qmake qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqtgui4 libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev

# Download the wallet source code

git clone

# Move to the correct directory to compile our wallet

cd cannabiscoin420

# Now we set our desired options and generate the makefile, which is the instruction
# set for the compiler.

# To use UPnP for port forwarding behind a NAT router (recommended, as more connections
# overall allow for a faster and more stable user experience) set USE_UPNP=1

# USE_UPNP=0 to compile support for port forwarding but have it turned off by default,
# users can turn on in wallet options.

# USE_UPNP=- to compile without UPnP support, not sure why you'd do that.

# Notification support for recent Ubuntu family desktops is provided with USE_DBUS=1.

# QR codes are enabled with USE_QRCODE=1, USE_QRCODE=0 to compile without QR code support.

# The following should be completely safe as is or you can change the following command
# to suit your desired options.


# Now that our makefile has been written for us we simply execute the make command to
# build our CannabisCoin wallet


# When your prompt returns you know it worked or it will tell you if not.
# We'll move the executable to a directory on the path so we can run it at will

sudo mv CannabisCoin-qt /usr/bin

# We should just make our new wallet welcome

mkdir ~/.CannabisCoin && mv cannabiscoin.conf ~/.CannabisCoin

# Optionally we can add even more nodes to those originally listed in the config file,
# although the wallet will connect perfectly well without them. These last 3 were not
# included in the original file:

echo "" >> ~/.CannabisCoin/cannabiscoin.conf && echo "" >> ~/.CannabisCoin/cannabiscoin.conf && echo "" >> ~/.CannabisCoin/cannabiscoin.conf

# Also optional, the following command will place a shortcut link on the desktop. If
# you prefer you can simply open a terminal and type CannabisCoin-qt at the command
# prompt to run your CannabisCoin wallet at any time.

ln -s /usr/bin/CannabisCoin-qt ~/Desktop

# Can't see Computer, home, trash etc. on the desktop? No problem, just change a
# setting or two - open the Applications menu => System Tools => Preferences =>
# Advanced Settings, that will open a separate dialogue, click Desktop and then
# turn on "Have file manager handle the desktop", which is needed to display items
# on the desktop.

# If you have started your wallet please stop it now - we are going to speed up the
# block chain sync by importing a bootstrap file.

# I hate this section - users should not be downloading anything from a random like me!
# Please note that the same bootstrap.dat file is available from CannabisCoin's
# core developer, Esotericism, via bittorrent - if you are comfortable with
# torrents the address is
# Torrent link is to redundant bootstrap file - new version should be downloaded from below instructions
# That said, you are still following a link from a forum post, so...

# We will now download a bootstrap file. Its purpose is to dramatically speed up
# synchronization of the wallet block chain by providing a local source of blocks
# up to January 23, 2015. You don't have to do so but you'll be glad if you do.

# We will use our browser to download the bootstrap file from mega. The
# default browser is called IceWeasel on Debian (it's still just Firefox rebranded)

# The next command will open your web browser and go to the appropriate mega
# download page, click the download button when it is offered.
# The file will download to your Downloads folder by default. Once it finishes close
# the browser and your prompt will return to the terminal window.

iceweasel '!PZwzDLjR!YBVtMBegci1-o2z9d5_m69EhQ3fobkl77CLNDE0PcA0'

# After it finishes downloading we'll move it to where we want it and unpack it with
# the next two commands.

mv ~/Downloads/ ~/.CannabisCoin

cd ~/.CannabisCoin && unzip && cd

# Now that we no longer need our downloaded zip file we can remove it.

rm ~/.CannabisCoin/

# OK, all being well we can now sync CannabisCoin so either click your desktop shortcut
# or execute the following command in the terminal.
# Tip: if you do run from the terminal open another terminal window so you can proceed
# while the wallet is running - the prompt won't return to the 1st terminal instance
# until the initiated process finishes, that means until you close your CANN-qt wallet.


# Depending on the speed of your computer syncing the blockchain could take some time.

# Tests run on a virtual machine hosted on a 2009-vintage core2 duo permitted just
# one cpu took more than 3 hours to complete.

# There is a non-critical flaw in Debian builds of the Qt wallet - one a lot of people
# apparently never find but it could be annoying if you are not forewarned.
# Opening child windows from the wallet, e.g. "Show QR Code" does not add close
# window controls to the child instance. This may leave users wondering how to
# get rid of the window once they are finished with it.
# The simple answer is alt-F4, alternatively right-click the title bar on the child
# instance and select the close menu item.
# This seems to be an odd Debian quirk, one I haven't yet found elsewhere.
# Just another way Debian users are special, I guess Wink

# If you wish to save drive space you may remove the entire src directory we made
# earlier, which will remove no-longer required source code.

# Optional

rm -Rf ~/src

# After updating is complete we can ditch the now-redundant bootstrap file, which
# the wallet renamed .old when it was finished with it.

rm ~/.CannabisCoin/bootstrap.dat.old

# and that's it! Welcome to the Yes We CANN! community Smiley
# Come chat with us on #cann and/or
# Reddit: and/or
# Bitcointalk:

hero member
Activity: 629
Merit: 500
Ponderously ruminative

Let's see if we can change that Smiley

NOTE: while Ubuntu is Debian-based these instructions are not quite enough for Debian, which I'll cover in the next tutorial.

The following was written as a stand-alone text file, only slightly modified for posting here.

# This file contains the sequence for building CannabisCoin wallets on
# ubuntu systems. Builds were successfully completed on Ubuntu LTS
# versions 12.04.5 and 14.04.1; Linux Mint 17.1.
# Comments are particularly verbose in an effort to ease newcomers into building
# their own secure wallets on linux systems.
# While this file could easily be converted into a shell script please do not do so.
# Some commands must be run as root, most should not. Compile times will cause
# sudo permission sessions to expire, or at least they should and the script will fail.
# Commands are written here to be copied and pasted into a terminal session.
# Lines beginning with "#", like this one, are comments to help you understand
# the commands you are about to execute.
# Sometimes more than one command is included per line, joined with "&&", this
# is simply to reduce the number of times users need to copy and paste commands.
# Corrections, suggestions and comments are welcome and should be directed to
# [email protected] or you can PM me here on bct.
# Good luck and may the source be with you Wink

# Open a terminal - Ubuntu users can simply press control-alt-t
# Now, everyone ready? Fine, let's begin. This is where we start adding software
# so we can build our lovely fresh and known clean CannabisCoin Qt wallet.
# Select and copy the listed commands and paste them into the terminal - then
# press the enter or return key to execute the command. Your prompt will
# not return until the commands have completed execution so just wait for them.
# Tip: you can paste into the terminal either via the keyboard with shift-ctrl-v
# or with right-click => paste.

# Be tidy - make a home for our source code and move to that directory

mkdir src && cd src

# We are going to add a bitcoin repository to grab the required version of BerkeleyDB

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin && sudo apt-get update

# Download and install required packages. The next block of text is a single command
# so make sure you copy all of it from "sudo" to "libqrencode-dev"

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential git qt4-qmake libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libqt4-dev libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libssl-dev libdb4.8++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libqrencode-dev

# A lot of things will scroll by as the package manager installs what we just asked
# it to - that is what we want and expect to happen.

# Download the wallet source code

git clone

# Move to the correct directory to compile our wallet

cd cannabiscoin420

# Now we set our desired options and generate the makefile, which is the instruction
# set for the compiler.

# To use UPnP for port forwarding behind a NAT router (recommended, as more connections
# overall allow for a faster and more stable user experience) set USE_UPNP=1

# USE_UPNP=0 to compile support for port forwarding but have it turned off by default, users can turn on in wallet options.

# USE_UPNP=- to compile without UPnP support, not sure why you'd do that.

# Notification support for recent Ubuntu family desktops is provided with USE_DBUS=1.

# QR codes are enabled with USE_QRCODE=1, USE_QRCODE=0 to compile without QR code support.

# Because we are linking against a specific BerkelyDB version we will use

# The following should be completely safe as is or you can change the following command
# to suit your desired options.


# Now that our makefile has been written for us we simply execute the make command
# to build our CannabisCoin wallet


# When your prompt returns you know it worked or it will tell you if not.
# We'll move the executable to a directory on the path so we can run it at will

sudo mv CannabisCoin-qt /usr/bin

# We should just make our new wallet welcome

mkdir ~/.CannabisCoin && mv cannabiscoin.conf ~/.CannabisCoin

# Optionally we can add even more nodes to those originally listed in the config file,
# although the wallet will connect perfectly well without them. These last 3 were not
# included in the original file - as before copy and paste the whole text block:

echo "" >> ~/.CannabisCoin/cannabiscoin.conf && echo "" >> ~/.CannabisCoin/cannabiscoin.conf && echo "" >> ~/.CannabisCoin/cannabiscoin.conf

# Also optional, the following command will place a shortcut link on the desktop. If
# you prefer you can simply open a terminal and type CannabisCoin-qt at the command
# prompt to run your CannabisCoin wallet at any time.

ln -s /usr/bin/CannabisCoin-qt ~/Desktop

# If you have started your wallet please stop it now - we are going to speed up the
# block chain sync by importing a bootstrap file.

# I hate this section - users should not be downloading anything from a random like me!
# Please note that the same bootstrap.dat file is available from CannabisCoin's
# core developer, Esotericism, via bittorrent - if you are comfortable with
# torrents the address is
#Update: That torrent is an old version of the bootstrap file - the link has been updated in the download link below
# That said, you are still following a link from a forum post, so...

# We will now download a bootstrap file. Its purpose is to dramatically speed up
# synchronisation of the wallet block chain by providing a local source of blocks
# up to January 23, 2015. You don't have to do so but you'll be glad if you do.

# We will use our browser to download the bootstrap file from mega. The
# default browser on Ubuntu is Firefox.

# Please open your web browser and paste in the following link, click the download
# button when it is offered. The file will download to your Downloads folder by
# default. Paste in ALL of it, not just the "!PZwzDLjR!" part.


# After it finishes downloading we'll move it to where we want it and unpack it
# with the next two commands.

mv ~/Downloads/ ~/.CannabisCoin

cd ~/.CannabisCoin && unzip && cd

# Now that we no longer need our downloaded zip file we can remove it.

# Optional

rm ~/.CannabisCoin/

# OK, all being well we can now sync CannabisCoin so either click your desktop shortcut
# or execute the following command in the terminal.

# Tip: if you do run from the terminal open another terminal window so you can proceed
# while the wallet is running - the prompt won't return to the 1st terminal instance
# until the initiated process finishes, that means until you close your CANN-qt wallet.


# Depending on the speed of your computer syncing the blockchain could take some time.

# Tests run on a virtual machine hosted on a 2009-vintage core2 duo permitted just one
# cpu took more than 3 hours to complete.

# If you wish to save drive space you may remove the entire src directory we made
# earlier, which will remove no-longer required source code for CannabisCoin.

# Optional

rm -Rf ~/src

# After updating is complete we can ditch the now-redundant bootstrap file, which
# the wallet renamed .old when it was finished with it.
# Note that if you decide at some later date that you want/need to download the
# blockchain afresh you can simply rename bootstrap.dat.old bootstrap.dat and
# it will be used by the wallet as before.

# Optional

rm ~/.CannabisCoin/bootstrap.dat.old

# and that's it! Welcome to the Yes We CANN! community Smiley
# Come chat with us on #cann and/or
# Reddit: and/or
# Bitcointalk:

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1003
Well, That's Crypto :-\
Attention Fudsters:

sr. member
Activity: 286
Merit: 250
Activity: 1894
Merit: 1001
let them.  it's their right to do so.  it keeps the devs in check.  

 you're right; FUD can be a good thing. i think even the devs would admit that it is better to have the weak spots exposed before moving forward. but now can everyone say overboard?

respect and equal rights come somehow to mind

it is all good ;-D

[edit] much rather see the comunity coming together to help advertise and otherwise comunicate what we have to the general public than being embedded in each other's throats ...

        ...  might that be next?
Activity: 1876
Merit: 1014
Hidden Premine CANN??

Block #1 CANN created 21,882,000 CANN  Huh

21,882,000 CANN x 0.00001257 : 275 BTC  Shocked

It has been explained many times, but again:

In a nutshell, CANN was originally a scrypt coin with a 1% premine and max coin supply of 500,000,000 (500 Million), released 4/20/14 and was later swapped to the X11 algorithm with a maximum coin supply of 92,000,000 (92 Million) coins. Part of this transition involved a coin swap, old for new. To facilitate this enough coins had to be generated in a premine to cover all outstanding scrypt coins, some 21 Million plus coins when the scrypt version was stopped at block 52080, IIRC. These coins had low value at the time and a chunk may even have been mined by the dev but the bottom line is that many were not claimed and simply sent to offline wallets and forgotten about.

Six months after the initial launch the first pegged exchange of 1 CANN = 1 gram took place and coin speculators drove the price of CANN to almost 20K sat (BTC0.00020000) and the boys from cannacoin (CCN) went batshit crazy.

They hung their hats on two facts, namely that there were millions of unexchanged coins still on the block chain and that the 1:1 exchange of the 1% premine represented 5.4% of the new, reduced coin supply.

Unfortunately, in my opinion, ∆9 simply "burned" the majority of the left-over unexchanged coins by sending them to addresses for which there are no private keys, essentially destroying them. I call this unfortunate because I believe ∆9 deserved them as recompense for what he is spending setting up the grow sites and the crops to be donated for CANNdy supply or at least that they be used as a donor fund to supply mmj to patients when CANN inevitably rises to near-parity pricing some time in the future. The noise and distress created by team CCN made this impractical and ∆9 simply eliminated the source of contention (the coins that is, not team CCN).

On the second point, that the 1:1 exchange increased the premine percentage, that would be important if ∆9 was a pump-and-dump scammer attempting to enrich himself at the expense of everyone else. Since he is pouring his own funds into the enterprise and allowing others to enrich themselves from his efforts it becomes a complete non-issue. If he eventually makes money out of the commercial grows and gains from his CANN holding then more power to him, although I suspect he is more likely to donate his CANN than sell it.

Those rascally young fellows from CCN, however, have been relentlessly attempting to spin the above into a portrait of wrongdoing by ∆9. Despite having been told repeatedly they continue to claim they are onto some great scandal and insinuate that ∆9 is somehow trying to defraud the innocent and altruistically-intentioned cryptocurrency community. And if you believe that they'll tell you another.

hero member
Activity: 867
Merit: 522
Hidden Premine CANN??

Block #1 CANN created 21,882,000 CANN  Huh

21,882,000 CANN x 0.00001257 : 275 BTC  Shocked
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
Wonder when this thread will be locked again and wonder how many weeks/months till we hear nothing. I think the money makers have left the building.
Activity: 3976
Merit: 1421
Life, Love and Laughter...
let them.  it's their right to do so.  it keeps the devs in check. 
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000

have u nothing else better to do? uve been on cann from day 1 talking crap. if u dont like cann then F@uk off to another coin as nobody want to listen to a 12 year old crying about this and that. grow up!!
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1004
Did anyone ever recover a copy of the CANN v1 blockchain?
Activity: 79
Merit: 10
UBUNTU 12.04 on a USB with pre-installed Cannabiscoin wallet software


Ready to download and copy to 8Gb or larger USB with Mac/Linux dd or Windows HDD raw copy.

Please note that this is an UNOFFICIAL build compiled by B4zz4. Blockchain synced to about midnight (GMT) Saturday, February 7th, 2015.

Download does NOT include wallet.dat (you can copy in your own if you wish or simply run the wallet to create a new one).

Why would you want one?

Simple, boot into a clean operating environment to store/transfer your CannabisCoin with much reduced risk of malware and/or key loggers pilfering your coins. Provided you do not browse the web or download anything but keep the CANN USB solely for transacting your CannabisCoin business you are at very little risk of theft.

ALWAYS keep multiple copies of your wallet.dat file in multiple secure locations - USBs are not forever and will fail eventually. When the inevitable occurs simply construct a new USB copy, add a copy of your wallet.dat and you are back in business.

Where to get it? has been uploaded on mega - if there is enough demand I'll see what I can do about a torrent although my upload speed is appallingly slow (as the poor people trying to download bootstrap.dat at the moment will likely attest).

How do you use it?

To begin with you need a functional computer and a spare 8Gb or larger USB. Any files on the USB will be destroyed so don't use one containing anything you want to keep.

Once you have downloaded the 3.2Gb zip file you need to unzip it to any suitable location. You will need at least 8Gb of free space to do so.

I tried in a Windows 7 VM and even Windows can extract cann1204.dd so that shouldn't cause any problems.

Windows users will need to download HDD Raw Copy Tool if they don't already have it.

Check carefully that you select cann1204.dd as the source and your USB as the target. BE WARNED THAT THIS SOFTWARE WILL OVERWRITE YOUR HARDDRIVE IF THAT IS WHAT YOU TELL IT TO DO!

Linux users open a terminal and run "sudo fdisk -l" to list drives and identify your target USB, if you only have one HDD your USB will likely be /dev/sdb.

Then it is simply a matter of "sudo dd if=[path to cann1204.dd] of=[path to USB] bs=1M", it will look something like "sudo dd if=~/Downloads/cann1204.dd of=/dev/sdb bs=1M" without the quotes. If your distribution complains about bs=1M then use bs=1m.

Mac users have slightly more to do but not much.

Open a terminal and run "sudo diskutil list" to identify your USB (run it before and after inserting your USB if you have difficulty telling one from another).

Then run "diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN" (replace N with the disk number from the last command).

Now run "sudo dd if=[path to cann1204.dd] of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m (we are using /dev/rdiskN instead of /dev/diskN because it may be faster). Same deal as before, if your particular version does not like bs=1m use bs=1M.

If you get a "resource busy" error it likely means you forgot to unmount the USB, do so now using Disk (Finder => Applications => Utilities => Disk DO NOT EJECT THE DRIVE - UNMOUNT IT.

Once everyone has copied cann1204.dd to their USBs you can eject the USB, it is ready to use.

If you know how to use a bootable USB you can go ahead when ready.


I will be posting detailed instructions, with pictures, for changing language, keyboard and timezone for those not used to working in Linux. I should return to editing this post in a few hours.

In the meantime good luck everyone, have fun and smile.

Nice one!! will have a look later.
hero member
Activity: 629
Merit: 500
Ponderously ruminative
UBUNTU 12.04 on a USB with pre-installed CannabisCoin wallet software

Note: this ready-to-go USB flash drive image is for people who do not wish to compile their own CannabisCoin software from the git repository, for which I have posted tutorials for Ubuntu and Debian. Compiling your own wallet on Linux is definitely preferable to downloading one built by some random (that would be me, in case you missed it Wink).

What is this?

It is an image of an Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS installation, complete with a ready-to-use CannabisCoin wallet, zipped and ready to download and copy to an 8Gb or larger USB flash drive with Mac/Linux dd or Windows HDD raw copy. Mac users may also wish to consult "How to Boot a Linux Live USB Drive on Your Mac"

Instructions for expanding the image partition to make use of additional space on larger flash drives can be found here.

Please note that this is an UNOFFICIAL CannabisCoin wallet build compiled by B4zz4. The blockchain data is synced to about midnight (GMT) Saturday, February 7th, 2015.

Download does NOT include wallet.dat (you can copy in your own if you wish or simply run the wallet to create a new one).

Why would you want one?

Simple, boot into a clean operating environment to store/transfer your CannabisCoin with much reduced risk of malware and/or key loggers pilfering your coins. Provided you do not browse the web or download anything but keep the CANN USB solely for transacting your CannabisCoin business you are at very little risk of theft.

ALWAYS keep multiple copies of your wallet.dat file in multiple secure locations - USBs are not forever and will fail eventually. When the inevitable occurs simply construct a new USB copy, add a copy of your wallet.dat and you are back in business.

Where to get it? has been uploaded on mega - if there is enough demand I'll see what I can do about a torrent although my upload speed is appallingly slow (as the poor people trying to download bootstrap.dat at the moment will likely attest).

How do you use it?

To begin with you need a functional computer and a spare 8Gb or larger USB. Any files on the USB will be destroyed so don't use one containing anything you want to keep.

Once you have downloaded the 3.2Gb zip file you need to unzip it to any suitable location. You will need at least 8Gb of free space to do so.

I tried in a Windows 7 VM and even Windows can extract cann1204.dd so that shouldn't cause any problems.

Windows users will need to download HDD Raw Copy Tool if they don't already have it.

Check carefully that you select cann1204.dd as the source and your USB as the target. BE WARNED THAT THIS SOFTWARE WILL OVERWRITE YOUR HARDDRIVE IF THAT IS WHAT YOU TELL IT TO DO!

Linux users open a terminal and run "sudo fdisk -l" to list drives and identify your target USB, if you only have one HDD your USB will likely be /dev/sdb.

Then it is simply a matter of "sudo dd if=[path to cann1204.dd] of=[path to USB] bs=1M", it will look something like "sudo dd if=~/Downloads/cann1204.dd of=/dev/sdb bs=1M" without the quotes. If your distribution complains about bs=1M then use bs=1m.

Mac users have slightly more to do but not much.

Open a terminal and run "sudo diskutil list" to identify your USB (run it before and after inserting your USB if you have difficulty telling one from another).

Then run "diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN" (replace N with the disk number from the last command).

Now run "sudo dd if=[path to cann1204.dd] of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m" (we are using /dev/rdiskN instead of /dev/diskN because it may be faster). Same deal as before, if your particular version does not like bs=1m use bs=1M.

If you get a "resource busy" error it likely means you forgot to unmount the USB, do so now using Disk (Finder => Applications => Utilities => Disk DO NOT EJECT THE DRIVE - UNMOUNT IT.


Once you have copied cann1204.dd to your USBs you can eject the USB, it is ready to use.

If you know how to use a bootable USB you can go ahead when ready.

If not then there's a simple tutorial on booting from a USB here.

People with different keyboard needs should not change their password until after you change your keyboard settings.

The supplied user name is cann with the default password of YesWeCann
. You are going to need to change that for the sake of simple security. The system is set for automatic login and cann has administrative rights.

NOTE: If your keyboard will not type "YesWeCann" then copy it to the clipboard and paste it into the terminal with right click => paste or with ctrl-shift-v when the time comes.


Click the following image to go to a brief tutorial on changing the time and date settings in Ubuntu:

I'm trying to do this pictorially for the benefit of those for whom their first language is other than English. They will need to change their language and keyboard settings.

Add the necessary keyboard files:

Add the necessary language support:

Once you have the right keyboard and language set it is time to change your password, so open a terminal by pressing ctrl-alt-t or by clicking on that big button at the top-left of the screen and type terminal (you'll be offered a terminal before you type the whole word).

In the terminal type "passwd" without the quotes (make sure you remember your password - you are the only one who can change or reset it):

You will need to enter "YesWeCann" without the quotes and then your chosen password twice. You won't be able to see the characters as you type them.

Don't worry if you make a mistake entering your new password, the worst that can happen is that your password will not change:

Just type "passwd" again and try again.

OK, you have set your local time, your keyboard is correct and system menus and messages are in the language you are comfortable with, you just want to copy in your wallet.dat file and you are good to go... but where?

Linux hides many settings and data directories by preceding their name with a period - to show them in the file manager press ctrl-h or go to "View" => "Show Hidden":

and all will be revealed:

Go ahead, open up .CannabisCoin and see that there is no wallet.dat there (there will be either when you put one there or start your wallet, whichever comes first - if the wallet finds no wallet.dat file it will create a new one for you).

Alright, you want to get on with it. You have a few choices in how you open your wallet, you can click on the CannabisCoin icon in the bar at the left:

Or start typing cannabiscoin in the Dashboard:

And a familiar splash screen will open:

This might persist for a while as it rescans the blockchain, just let it do so and then it will connect to the network and sync.

Hopefully the above has been sufficient to help you get started with your own fairly safe environment from which to make your CannabisCoin transactions.

Anyone having trouble can PM me here or email me at [email protected].

In the meantime good luck everyone, have fun and smile.

Activity: 3976
Merit: 1421
Life, Love and Laughter...
We have a patient appreciation idea for patients all over the globe that will allow them to get some CannabisCoins if they don't already have some.

We will utilize social networks and would like to discuss the idea with the community members online and offline.  Rules or guidelines will be posted regarding the topic.


After the hundreds of promises you wrote in this topic, I don't trust you anymore Smiley
It's like nothing happened since october

man dont talk such rubbish, you must not have no patience lol
if you knew anything about trading and a strong coin you would be buying cann.

well a lot of people did...  at over .0001!  those same people are either pissed, getting impatient or/and fudding the shit out of their wits.
full member
Activity: 123
Merit: 100
There is no good timing to bring up the information I provided and I'm certainly not waiting for your market cap dreams of 100 million before posting.

100 million coin cap, you twit, reduced to 92 million atm.  Roll Eyes
jamesonotc is from a scam coin , be very careful he has no job and trying to take cann from people  Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked he just a troll scammer that no one care for his words .  End story
Activity: 3976
Merit: 1421
Life, Love and Laughter...
Nice little run-up to 1244 today, don't see anything to explain it though.

Dude, What's not to understand? D9 made 2000 BTC on the last pump n dump. Now he has bought all his coins back at 95% off, so only 100 BTC to get them all back. D9 is back on bitcointalk. D9 is trying to pump n dump the shit out of this coin again on 420! DUH. It looks like it's going to work out well for anyone who was accumulating CANN at 1000 over the past months.

did you?  i hope you all did.  making a profit in trading isn't a bad thing.
hero member
Activity: 629
Merit: 500
Ponderously ruminative
There is no good timing to bring up the information I provided and I'm certainly not waiting for your market cap dreams of 100 million before posting.

100 million coin cap, you twit, reduced to 92 million atm.  Roll Eyes
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1000
I'm mining cann. I don't have a high powered rig, but some things brewing lately got me to start mining it again. I don't believe in coinspiracies. See what I did there? Wink
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
Total coin supply - unchanged.

The coin supply has changed drastically, from the initial scrypt coin supply to being severely decreased with the x11 protocol switch, this further inflated the pre-mine funds being held by the developer.

Coins held by rich list - unchanged.

The rich list has changed for the negative IMO and may impact miners whos coins were destroyed in the pre-mine burn fiasco.  These miners may still come to claim their coins in the future if they gain value. I've heard of many people who go searching for their missing .dat files when BTC prices reached $1,000. (Oh, I remember mining CANN back in the old days! let me see if i can find my wallet! oh wait, my coins are transferred to a new protocol and burned?).

28 addresses containing 500k each being removed adding a larger percentage of the holdings to positions below and above each of the addresses on the list. CANN richlist contains #1 and #3 & #5 being bittrex trading wallets with your lead developer being at #4 with 5,095,932.1 CANN pre-mined coins.

Intent of coin - unchanged.

The intent of this coin will not move forward without transparency and accountability from your developers and those leading the direction of the coin.

IF it were true, the worst case would be ... that ∆9 had more cash at his disposal to expand his grow base even faster? Gosh, wouldn't that be terrible?  Roll Eyes

Sounds as if you may be seeing the potential my arguments may be truth. After all I'm using facts here to make points valid.

The man's spending a literal fortune getting grow licenses and establishing grows and your huge conspiracy is he "might" have moved BTC10 worth of coins?

This is not fact whatsoever and only judgement you have made based on assessing the information told to you by the developer with no proof to back up the statements.There is no evidence to support that the developer is using his own funds to obtain grow licenses and establishing grows for cannabis coin whatsoever.

Regarding the 10BTC sell off on bittrex, it's possible. However, at any point had an opportunity to cash out 20,465,380 x .0001700~ = 3,479.11~ BTC. The reason it did not happen? It would not be wise after being discovered by another person. Im guessing he wouldn't think twice if nobody knew about said coins, I just wouldn't want to see that scenario played out. Lay it out on the table for accountability, transparency, and our communities protection.

At the rate of BTC on Oct 16th, day of all time high for CANN, price peaked $399.00 per BTC.

This theoretically could have fetched a good $1,388,164 USD in the developers favor with very little effort.  (sale priced Oct 16th 2014)

This is why pre-mines are bad, especially non transparent ones.

These theories of developer cashing coins our are hypothetical and we as community members must do something to protect ourselves from this ever happening.

Man you have been trying to say the same thing again and again and again.
Its simply so boring, even the dumbest would have understood by now that no one cares what you wanna say.

Move on dude, if you don't want to put money on CANN simply don't do it.
There is a strong community behind d9 who believes in what he does even if that means to wait for years to come.
So just keep your fucking question/investigation to yourself.  Roll Eyes
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