The same can be said about the compass. Regardless of what you call different points on the map, I, and everyone else in these threads is quite far away from the ideology you constantly refer to. The compass solves the problem of semantics. Reasonable critics may argue its not completely accurate, a bit skewed, or unnecessary, but only a person who prefers a semantic debate would refuse to acknowledge the existence of 4 quadrants of political ideology.
Right, so now Florida and California are not real places you can go to, they are concepts. yeah. ok. This is a perfect example again of your Postmodernist mind mush. You aren't wrong, all you need to do is describe the premise into such a contradictory way until you are right again! You are a walking example of the Hegelian Dialectic.
Your pretty picture is subjective, and so are the topics within it. Your continuation of presenting false choice fallacies again is not a support of your argument.
The only argument you've made about it being "stealing the property of rights of others" is that printing money does that which is already standard procedure.
Not the only argument, but yet another argument you have been unable to refute. Printing money does steal buying power from the currency holders. Just because it is standard procedure already doesn't make it good or acceptable. By that logic since the system of Capitalism we operate under is standard procedure, we should keep being Capitalist. Again, I never advocated for inflation, you did as a requirement for your implementations of Socialism.
Who said anything about "endless money printing". This is a very specific policy used in a very specific way. Money loses some of its value when you grow the economy but where do you think the value of the dollar comes from? What has happened to the value of the dollar over the last 50 years? What is so bad about that?
The buying power of the dollar has plummeted over the last 50 years. What is so bad about that is people who work and save for a lifetime suddenly find their savings are worth a small fraction of what they worked for. What is so bad about that is you have to debase the ENTIRE ECONOMY to do this. It is like cutting off your legs below the knee, and taping them on top of your head then telling everyone to look at how much taller you are.
The value of the dollar constitutionally is a very specific amount of gold and silver. Over time this backing was removed and we entered into a system that essentially was backed by the utility of being easy to use for buying and selling oil. Over the years they have just printed so much money though the economy is completely debased and a global economic collapse is now unavoidable. You create a magic button that prints money and expect it not to be abused? Please.
When people do it its called counterfeiting, when banks do it its called "quantitative easing".
Yes, and? GM is moving overseas because they are failing. They are failing because people aren't buying the cars they are producing. People aren't buying cars because the value of the currency has been so debased, no one trusts the economic system any more. As a result people aren't taking risks and starting business that would employ people and allow them to afford to buy more vehicles.
This system is what makes the use of natural resources most efficient. Jobs that aren't creating profit are not creating resources, they are only burning them. Simply consuming is not the path to a functional economy.
No one said "burning through resources" was "automatically better". That was the straw man because the argument was about creating companies in areas of need with workers who are unemployed to fill in the gaps of the economy capitalism cannot address.
Actually, this is exactly what you advocated:
"...Higher wages for the working class means more disposable money for this large group of people to spend. Higher demand leads to an increase in production to meet the demand. This is a lot more activity than what the "money holders" who got "robbed" would have done with that money. "
Here your logical progression is, if we simply pay people more, they will spend more and the economy will be better! That is like someone telling you they have a huge credit card bill and you suggest they use their credit card to pay it off. The initial profit and resources still have to come from somewhere and can not just be invented into existence without theft via inflation, or some other form of theft of rights.
I am against pure democracy. Mobs do not make smart choices and are easily lead around because they don't make the effort to be informed and have no problem pretending to be. More importantly the rights of the marginalized, minorities, and individuals are sacrificed by the dictate of the majority.
The idea I have laid out have been done and do not strip any rights. You haven't mentioned any rights that would be stripped but have only repeated that statement. Its almost as if you have operant talking points that were crafted by someone else against something else.
Oh it has been done? Where, your precious go to one hit wonder Marcora laws that I already broke down as being capitalist in nature except for the government subsidies? I have mentioned exactly rights that will be taken. Property rights. Since all rights are forms of property rights, this is pretty fucking important. The right to have a dollar remain to be worth a dollar. The right to not be stolen from via inflation, confiscation, or taxation to fund ever expanding handouts.
I find it so cute when people like you take the "big words" they found most impressive out of my speech, and try to throw them back at me in a refractory manner, the whole time never even bothering to look up the definition of the word.
That word makes no sense in the context of that statement, and I used the term "operant conditioning" to describe your tendency to simply repeat yourself over and over in the hope that people will hear it enough times to just accept it via brute force much like a musical jingle in a commercial that gets stuck in your head.
This demonstrates to me you think language is just some kind of superficial game we engage in and the one who has the most sophistic skill wins, not that there is any kind of logic, critical thought, or meaning behind these words that determine their veracity. Of course why would I expect anything different from you Captain Postmodern?