You just love running around and redefining everything you like to Socialism don't you? Apparently to you everything is Socialism, except real Socialism. Socialism IS NOT the only method, and that statement is completely fallacious. Capitalists depend on workers. Workers depend on workers. We all depend on workers. WTF is your point? I see, so sweat is more valuable than financing is it?
Well we agree because we already established that you call workers owning the means of production (EVERYONE working their OWN fields with their OWN animals) capitalism and you call authoritarianism (people having little freedom over their labor or fruits of the labor) socialism. Since I have so much disdain for nonstop semantics, i'm just going to start adopting your definitions in discussion with you and add a (TS) indicator for external readers.
By these tecshare definitions, we need to move to capitalism(TS) and away from socialism(TS).
How exactly do you suggest we transition from the socialist(TS) authoritarian economy we have today to something more capitalist(TS) the OP describes?
So now with your arguments totally decimated, you resort to literally speaking for me? This is a really extremely low level of "debate" bordering on the level of some cheap mentalist act. Maybe you should move to Vegas and get a spandex sequin suit. Oh really you disdain semantics? Is that why you constantly just redefine anything you don't agree with or that conflicts with your existing bias? Really, tell us all again what you do for a living please. I want it to be clear where this stunning level of debate comes from.
The world is not just a word salad like you have flopping around in your cantaloupe. Not everything is subjective. Lots of things are objective, and your ideology totally ignores the objective to very destructive effect.