Socialism is human development , smart people will lead the rest of the people and develop humanity, even if you were born in a poor family socialism will give you the opportunity to get a good education in order that you could realize yourself
Excellent to have a honest socialist. Its all about control, coerced control. You obey or else... Socialism is the opposite to freedom, pure and simple.
In a free market you live in freedom, you can exploit but you can also give on your own will, without someone pointing a gun at you. Of course, that means one type of society is more mature than the other, and its not exactly the socialist one...
Let me debunk the lie of inequality. Is inequality bad? NO. You don't care the 1% is richer than the 99%, but that the poorest of those 99% still have better lives than the majority of "equal" societies ruled by an iron fist or a dystopian police state, like socialism produces in the end (see east Germany).
Socialism wants control of the means of production (and the economy). Do not be fooled by any sweet words, it is about coercion. "Humans are egoist so they must be coerced into sharing", is what they are deep thinking. They come with a thousand excuses to justify this exploitation on a state level, and even try to paint it a "democratic" face, but its all about obeying the leader, and in some extreme cases, paying cult (and tribute, of course).
And this also means, no leader can ever be questioned, because you are an enemy "of the people" for daring to question him or the party or the ideology. Then corruption creeps in and now everything is in hand of corrupt bureaucrats which will burn the last bit of wealth by managing somehow to do nothing for the people they collected that money for...
Let me tell you, this is one of the worst systems ever devised by man, and its so scary because you only get it once you are trapped in it.
"Capitalism" may lead to injustice. Yes, because you have the freedom to do the good and the bad, but in socialism, you will either do "the bad" or you won't be able to survive.
A free market economy is power directly in the hands of the people. You cast a vote with your wallet on every single purchase. This is a decentralized system which scales to the last individual member of society with grace and elegance, producing information real time and adjusted to the situation of everyone.
In socialism this power is snatched away from the hands to the people and given to a small select few who suddenly decides who eats and who doesn't. Who is going to question these decision makers when tomorrow you risk not getting food or worse?
This "select elite" can never replace a free market economy. They can't get the information fast and well enough, they can't process the amount information needed in the required time, they can't ensure the resources allocated reach their intended recipients, they can't come with a solution that works well for every single person at every single moment either, etc, etc. In it terms, its centralized, and un-scalable.
In our context, one way to understand socialism is centralization, with all its risks and weaknesses, and injustice, oh the injustice. Of course, everyone gets the same level of injustice under socialism, except those close to the rulers, that is... Socialism makes monarchies look tame.