Creating money does not necessarily decrease buying power. You seem to have an oversimplified understanding of monetary policy. Yes if you increase money supply without increasing economic output then you decrease buying power, but in this context, that only happens once the economy is already running at full capacity. Running at full capacity means all of the economy's resources are already put to use and you have more money chasing fewer goods. When the money is being used to put people to work and create businesses, you won't see this effect until no more resources (employees, buildings, or raw materials) are available to be purchased. You should fear deflation just as much as inflation and having resources sit idle is not a good thing for the economy. Also, the our purchasing power has been in steady decline for decades. Have you never noticed the debt? People only mention it as a doomsday scenario when we talk about using the new money to help people instead of using it to help large corporations. Its really not that big of a deal if the economy is doing well.
Yes the reform policies I am suggesting would take place within the current system. Thats the point. Its within reach. Current tax code is not very cooperative friendly and actually makes them pretty much illegal in a lot of states. Those would need to be updated as well to treat worker cooperatives as nonprofits. There aren't many lawyers who have the training to deal with cooperative disputes either. Very unfavorable right now yet there are still very successful worker cooperatives because the model is so superior.
As usual, it couldn't be that you are wrong, no I simply have a "oversimplified understanding of monetary policy". Its not that you provide little to no support for your arguments, it is just that I need to look it it from the position of your mental gymnastics to understand it.
Lets put aside over 100 years of your ideology actually resulting in the systematic removal of property rights, then redefine the laws of economics so that inflation magically now doesn't reduce buying power because "the economy is already running at full capacity" whatever the fuck that means. Your next statement is just word salad in a sad attempt again to give yourself a facade of authority by jibbering off some economic buzzwords in a nearly meaningless order that are in direct contradiction to what would happen under the inflationary solution you propose.
You then proceed to make vast baseless generalizations and postulations without referencing anything at all to back up your rambling senseless attempt at justifying this failed ideology. The existence of debt does not invalidate Capitalism or support the idea of Socialism. I also don't like corporate handouts any more than I like Socialist handouts. Just because they can get away with it does not validate your own ideology.
Creating a larger monetary base is MATHEMATICALLY PROVEN TO DECREASE BUYING POWER. This isn't something you can deconstruct your way around. Its not that big of a deal until Socialism burns up the remnants of the resources created under the previous Capitalist system, then it is a huge fucking problem. Sooner or later you run out of people to rob.
What if all building owners refuse to lease to your socialist co-operatives. But instead will operate their own businesses hiring people at $5/hr?
What you are going to do? Where you are going to get the building to operate your socialist co-operative?
You are going to confiscate the private property sooner or later. Just be honest about your plan.
If your socialist workers want to buy the building, they have to come up with the money (gold or bitcoin as your socialist money will not be worth much) and buy it from the owner. Then they can operate whatever business they want. There will be nothing socialist about it. Just a bunch of guys working in a limited partnership arrangement.
Unrealistic hypothetical. In the real world, large amounts of real estate sits idle. Real estate developers don't operate businesses. Thats just not the way our specialized economy is set up. Landlords just want reliable tenants. They gain nothing by letting their property sit idle while they continue to pay taxes on it. Once the cooperatives starts accumulating money, they can put profits into a fund to buy their own building.
People aren't going to take the 5 dollar jobs. Its an illegal wage and those businesses would fail anyway.
Oh he is being unrealistic? That is cute. In the real world companies holding large amounts of real estate that is not in use get tax cuts that effectively reduce their property taxes to zero. Yeah, you are right, who ever heard of speculative investment in real estate right?