Casimero won the fight but not the kind of fight that we want to see, it's one of the boring fights I've seen and Casimero is so frustrating because Rigo is not here to fight but to run it should have been a unanimous decision because Rigo is out to run but still glad that he gets the fight, I think the Inoue fight should happen after this.
Fans show displeasure of Rigo that is why they are booing him.
Really far from our expectations. So it was all trash talk from Casimero that he will put Rigo to sleep at early rounds. Same old same old with Rigo. Don't know what will happen to Rigo's career after this? But for Casimero, if he wants to give a good fight with Inoue, he better improve his training. Let us see how Inoue's camp will react on this. Can Casimero get the bout from Inoue?
But how can you knock out someone when your dance partner, in this case Rigo, plays defense all the way? As you can see, Casimero really tried his best to get a knock out and continue to chase Rigo.
I think the round 1 should be count as knock out for Casimero, it's obvious that Rigo was hurt as he hug Casimero after that and then change his stance. That left hook of Casimero has so much power in it. Might not look very technical as Donaire's left hook but the power behind is very natural.
Rigo should retire and then Casimero wait for the Inoue vs Donaire fight.