I used to mine with an other soft but my rig crashes last week due to windows update.
I re-installed windows and I am now trying to mine with cast XMR.
I am following this tutorial :http://vega.miningguides.com/
I have installed blockchain drivers (after using DDU), set virtual memory to 60000 but I want to test Cast XMR before changing bios etc...
When I start it, the miner seems to find everything (network, gpu) but it indicates 64 compute units and then artefacts appear...
I have 5 VEGA56 so I don't understand why it indicates 64 instead 56 compute units and I think artefacts come from here... (I have not modified anything else)
thanks for your help !
edit : I have desactivated crossfire in Vega driver and it seems to work... but still 64 compute units.
DDU drivers in safemode, reinstall blockchain drivers, make sure crossfire is disabled, might have to use regedit, disable windows update permanently.