On driver level the scheduling of kernels is implemented also on driver level probably the bandwidth of memory can be influenced as not only the CGNs need access to memory but also the other parts of the GPU that do the actual graphics rendering. Random access memory bandwidth (not compute) is for CryptoNight the limiting factor, as the algo is mainly reading and writing to random parts of memory.
So if I would make a driver for compute only stuff I would give the CGN kernels higher priority and max memory bandwidth and thereby slow the graphics rendering. Which can be experienced with the blockchain driver.
Can only guess if the AMD engineers manage or are willing to combine both use cases in on driver. As they managed for the RX 570/580 with the 'compute mode'.
Do the blockchain driver not work with non reference cards? As the OEMs are just building different cooling designs on the cards?
Why does the Blockchain driver provide increased performance over the Adrenaline drivers with the compute option toggled?
It is concerning that there has been no improvement for cryptonight based mining on the Vega with the latest drivers, and AMD coming out and saying that the Adrenaline drivers are "already optimized for the Vega" is hugely disappointing. In short, without the August blockchain drivers we would never have this performance for cryptonight, which I know I am not the first person to ponder this issue.
Do you have any insights on this issue? Have you had any contact with AMD driver developers?
I am not a conspiracy type person but I find this completely crazy, odd and so on...
This also does not bode well for NAVI cards using GDDR6 as AMD may never allow true mining performance to be recognized via the driver. Right now the Blockchain compute drivers look like either a fluke, mistake or some devious ploy to deny. If you have a reference AMD vega 64 you should consider yourself very lucky.
Any thoughts??