In case you missed it, Claymores Zcash is out. Looking at 50sols on a 470. Haven't found a 480.
Are people so excited about the Claymore Zcash miner because it supports Windows? My SILENTARMY Zcash miner is as fast as (if not a hair faster) than Claymore. And open source. And zero dev fee.
Maybe I should prioritize Windows support higher?
Yup... Not sure who is pedaling it, but the majority of miner are on windows... by a long shot.
That and Claymore is a full featured, almost bug free, very stable, and long term support miner. Very close to what a professional company would put out. The mining community generally does not have software like this. Although miners would use a faster piece of software if available, but if there are choices, they're going to use something like that.
... sucking other peoples dick ... right up your alley.
How about we both just say Fuck You and move on.
Picked up 7x480's for fun. MB and parts arrive Monday. Even at $1.75/d after elec during low profitability times it looks like these cards break even quicker, but then I guess they get out paced by newer faster cards and there goes your actual profit. Which makes hobby mining itself seem like madness. You guys got determination. I'm looking for the real business angle here. I work next to countless engineering geniuses with free range to solicit grants and hire programmers. That's why I gave DJ props. Presumably he made a decent return on his time invested, which is what interests me. I'm debating using my orgs' business incubator to put together a non-profit (no tax on mining, reinvest while gaining market share then go for profit), hire grad CS programmers to make and sell custom miners to the existing big farms (unless they can't consistently code the best versions), and use our EE's to crack asic's on previously gpu-only algos. Because mining alone with US tax, facilities, energy, maintenance, and other overhead costs looks unprofitable or highly risky as an investment over any appreciable time frame.
lol, you mean fuck each other or do I have to fuck myself before you're satisfied? Of course that's what you always set out to do, so that makes sense. XD
Profitability goes up and down, before Zcash release it was getting towards the bottom and would probably be pushed sub $1 before the net hashrate would stop growing on Ethereum due to large, long term investments.
SP just said he made 6-7 BTC on his last release which was about 100 hours of programming... That's $4200-4900 or $42-49 a hour... which is pretty good for a job you can do on your own and need no infrastructure or investments to produce besides your own time. If he continued to release it and add features, he probably would've made a lot more off his fee, instead he dropped it.
Claymore is in it for the long run and I'm sure he makes a fuckton of money through % based mining. Surprisingly dev fees haven't caught on around here, instead they go for quick cash and hope to make a wad real fast.