... sucking other peoples dick ... right up your alley.
You guys got determination. I'm looking for the real business angle here. I work next to countless engineering geniuses with free reign to solicit grants and hire programmers. That's why I gave DJ props. Presumably he made a decent return on his time invested, which is what interests me. I'm debating using my orgs' business incubator to put together a non-profit (no tax on mining, reinvest while gaining market share then go for profit), hire grad CS programmers to make and sell custom miners to the existing big farms (unless they can't consistently code the best versions), and use our EE's to crack asic's on previously gpu-only algos. Because mining alone with US tax, facilities, energy, maintenance, and other overhead costs looks unprofitable or highly risky as an investment over any appreciable time frame.
You can do that, but I think your odds of success are questionable. The road is littered with corpses of guys who gave their boss the middle finger, said "I'm smarter than all of you", and left to chase bitcoin. Every once in a while they come on our radar and soon are gone. Yes, there are angles for profit but the industry you would be in is extremely irrational and erratic. Nobody in their right mind would loan you money, and your competition is people with free power / zero opex.
EEs cost money, SW guys cost money, Fabs cost a LOT of money, and each and every one of these things you bring in runs you the risk of IP theft. It's not going to be very long before your key SW guy or EE guy realizes how underpaid they are, and walks away. So you either destroy your profit margin or watch your IP and principals walk.
There isn't enough steady margin in this business to find a workable angle. And even if there is, what you've described is a really hard way to make money. Better off putting that energy into mowing lawns or building a restaurant or real estate. Greater returns, simpler, more scalable.
I do mine, but to me this is beer money.