LBRY is +14% today with sp-mod private #3 you make $2,4 a day with the gtx 1070 (300MHASH)
$3.2 on the gtx 1080 (400MHASH)
You should mine and donate so I can release #4 with more hash and bugfixes...
Your private Lbry mod does 300 Mh/s per 1070?
Epsylon3's 1.8.1 release does the same.
With optimal settings release #3 does 322.
never achieved 322 even with an amp extreme.. 305 max, more or less. If you take into account a 3.3% fee/+0.4/0.8% reconnection issue with lost/invalid hashrate, from 305 we're down to 290. Given that a common 1070 it's working at 290, heavily overclocked, we're talking of 278. Tpruvot 1.8.3 works flawlessly at 290, if not more.. Sorry to say but SP3 it's useless, since the 1.8.3 release, and we'll receive soon 1.8.4.
These are founders edition.
Thats why I like the 10603gb cards bether than the 1070.
I get 23 sol/s on the 1060 with only 43 watt.
Compare it to claymores the 280x use 250.watt and.produce 45 sol.
I do 133 sol with the same watt.
I can't speak for the 280, but my 270x cards are giving 38Sol and drawing well under their 150w design (probably 100w usage)
So by your numbers, the 1060 (@$400) is barely better than a used 270x for $70.
The price of a 1060 (23sol / 43w) you can have 5-270x cards (180sol / ~500w)
1060 3gb is cheaper than 400 bucks.
I mined with 10000 sol the first week of the zcash lunch with only 23sol per card.
Zcash price before claymore: 1-8 btc per coin
Zcash price after claymore(today) 0.35btc
So you're saying that you've had an hashpower of more than 420 gtx 1060 3gb? I am asking why then you're still here releasing kernels at 0.1 then, you should focus on your farm to do more
ps: claymore release have nothing to do with the price. The profit ratio was the main issue, given it's initial potential. Ethereum had a similar pattern, less speculative surely but better in the long term. This isn't the case. You all should know that these releases are just a lemon to be squeezed, like your private kernels customers.
still waiting for your lbry v4...
The value of LBRY is going down. The fee will not cover my expenses.
What are your expenses? You already programmed #4.
You already received payment through dev fees. Nothing you're saying makes sense dude. Dev fees literally are there for continued support. You provided none of it.You use a one time fee for a product you're selling that's complete. You use a progressive fee like a dev fee as a 'pay it forward' towards future updates.
As I've mentioned though Lbry hasn't been worth mining for some time now.
It's called greed, it's good to know that I'm not the only one that thinks that
There's nothing worst than loosing the trust of his customers, but .. alea iacta est. He made money with the "donations" and now he's praising himself; to not speaking about mentioning releases (N'4 SPMOD for lbry and SP9+ for spread - I've received SP9, not the plus) never "released", due excuses, to the ones that paid for them, but being utilized in the private farm tht he owns (with 420+ GTX 1060 equivalent hashpower, as he stated).
Game over guys.