It just wont take another one.
I got another psu total 2600 watts continuous ... no help.
Drivers just crash.... funny takes almost exactly 3 minutes before it crashes every algo.
Again 2 980ti 2 970 gtx 1 750ti..have to take out the 970 gtx. Mb BTC 81 pro 16 gig ram 2 core intel cpu. Now a bookend.
I dont know why it takes 3 minutes then drivers crash doing a straight algo. Any algo.
After crash (Code 43) on first reboot then 2nd reboot fine.
EDIT:I just tried running 4 cards without running the 970 but still in the system .... crash 3 minutes.
The clocks core are 1425 there supposed to be 1219. Msi afterburner.
The clocks are way too high. Try downclocking and power limiting with nvidia-smi (-pl) to exclude too high clocks and PSU issues. Also try modifying the registry and increasing TDR (Timeout Detection & Recovery) delay. I'd also always run separate instances of ccminer for cards with different architectures - or even for different models.
If nothing helps at all try a different OS version or subversion and older nvidia drivers.
What is "Timeout Detection & Recovery" delay bathrobehero
sp had his oc'ing at 1600 but he has a 4 core if that makes a difference.
I tried alot of drivers switched power risers ect. Drivers crash after 3 minutes any algo straight mining.
TDR is the amount or time after the nvidia driver resets the cards (as in, crashes) if the cards wont respond to the OS. I think it's something like 2 seconds by default which used to cause issues back in cudaminer so I have it increased to like 30 seconds on all my rigs ever since.
I'm on phone so just google it to find more about it.
It might not be be helpful at all, but it's worth exploring.
EDIT: Wow yes TDR may be the problem. Resetting now.
Local Debugging with Multiple GPUs says to disable it... how many cards do you have on the rig you set it to 30 seconds?
Looking for Nsight app....?
I don't understand where to get the app. or how to set it.
EDIT: Is it regedit you make the change to 30?