But nowadays I feel different about that whole charity of a thing—how they have turned it from a non-profiting NGO to now a profiting NGO by the founder, looking for more means to get funds that they can use to sponsor their lifestyle rather than how to improve the life of those the funds are made for.
So if there is ever going to be a casino that is built with charity funds and makes the proposal that its profit is charity support, I will object to it, as it's just another means to drag people to using the platform so that the few management can enrich themselves. I will never treat it differently because of the name that it's given.
That last statement of yours impacted to any changes that can be done, you can do charity works without incorporating things into gambling, you can directly gives your help to the respective recievers so if there's casino or anyone that will offer this type of service I can agree that directly or indirectly they will earn out from this idea, as there are gamblers who will join not just for the benefits of those recieptients but possible to have those gamblers who are aiming for the money.