No country is perfect. We can learn from their advantages and improve our shortcomings.
It's just that the government personnel of every country are above the top and feel that their policies are fine and they don't know how to improve.
Everyone has a high degree of attention to China, and I often see the keyword "China" on forums. Why is this?
Unfortunately, there will never be an ideal state structure. All those close to the ideal are decades, if not centuries, of finding compromises. At the same time, the dissatisfied will still remain
But unfortunately there are much more non-ideal regimes, and this is influenced by many nuances - geographical location, accepted historical traditions, the presence or absence of resources, culture, religion / belief, and much more! I will not speak for other countries, it will not be very correct, I can only speak for the territory where the USSR used to be - we still suffer from remnants of totalitarianism, many decades of lawlessness, lack of freedom, and respect for individuals and private property. And the real struggle for change, at least in my country, began actively only 5-6 years ago !!! For 30 years of the existence of independent Ukraine, 25 years the country was ruled by the "heirs" of the communist regime, the neighbors are still in power by "ghouls" for whom a person is an empty phrase ... At the same time, I cannot say that we are very bad live, even despite the status of one of the poorest countries in Europe. One "positive" feature is that with noticeably lower official incomes, the real income base is 2-5 times higher, depending on the areas of work. And frankly, there are not so many poor people as it should be in 2nd place from the end, in terms of income. At the same time, prices for a significant part of the products are lower than those of their neighbors and do not lose in quality.
The level of real "poverty", I think, is a situation when income is either not enough or only enough for the minimum necessary food, the inability to buy the necessary medicines, clothes and shoes, the lack of housing or the ability to rent. If there are no such problems, it's just a low standard of living. But there you can try to move to the "middle class" or the average standard of living.
And returning to China - a rather interesting situation has developed there - the communist regime, a technologically backward agrarian country of the 3rd world (30 years ago), on the one hand, and on the other hand, a "cunning" policy as a state, almost at the state level legalized violation of international copyright law. law, massive "copying" of Western goods and services, aggressive economic and financial policies in the zones of influence, manual control of the economy if necessary, and as a result, in 30 years, the "sleeping tiger woke up" and begins to return "its positions", and it seems not only positions will return but also new areas "acquire". At the same time, China has regions sparkling with wealth, and regions with wild poverty and lack of prospects ... But we will always pay attention to China - the situation in Southeast Asia, Oceania, Africa, and part of Central Asia depends on it ...