LOL a lot of ignorance and bandwagoning bull shit passing itself off as facts there. A lot of 'LOLOL US BAD JUST WANT TO BITCH AND MOAN'
Let's compare the respective size of economies of US and china. Now consider the fact that it used to be china's growth of over 10 to 9% of GDP per year was the norm, yet now even after the recession has passed it is barely struggling to meet 7.5% target this year. This emphatically states that the economy is slowing down. Still yet, Chinese gpd lingers around 50-60% of nominal US GDP.
It is a known fact that much of this gdp figure counts activities and transactions of questionable economic values that are usually discounted when especially discussing PPP in the west and other parts of the world. Everyone knows about exorbitant government lending and borrowing, empty housing and ghost towns and buildings, and corruption ridden local officials with no accountability what so ever that pad their pockets with government money. That's a topic that needs a thread all by itself, and many say that the housing bubble and shaky loan investments in chinese government and local levels have actually grown bigger then US subprime mortgage crisis.
In the mean time, US has managed to dodge a bullet that could have led its economy into a severe depression, and the world along with it. It was actually late in terms of financial cycle because the system was due for another depression, and relatively speaking it was handled better then what it could have been.
Now the US economy GDP growth supposedly lingers between upper 2% and 3%, while chinese economy about 55 to 60% its size lingers below 7.5%.
However, the core difference here is the difference between an economy that is just getting back on its feet, vs. and economy that is steadily slowing down. One with a lot of places to go up vs. one that is desperately trying to buttress its growth even as it sags lower and lower. The one with a lot of places to go up also happens to be almost twice as big as the other, and that's not even counting in the political, diplomatic, economic, geolocation, and military factors.
Of course, add the fact that foreign manufacture and investments are leaving china steadily for better grounds obviously means the world is ready to move on from using china like a cheap whore that she is.
Certainly US is in a period of transition. However the capitalist system was due for one, and china is just now finding out the limits of its own power in uncharted waters.
The recent news about PPP was brushed off for a justified reason - PPP is a local and substandard measure of economic power because we are living in a global age where such measures are meaningless due to interconnectivity of each economies. What it does measure however, is to degree which a nation such as china is basically playing the economic manipulation game of trying to stem the tide of justified inflation while essentially scamming international law in order to artificially buttress is economy.
Most projections of economies and nominal GDP places china to lag behind US at least until 2030, and even those predictions so far have been ones that were pushed back from 2007, 2010, 2015, 2020 and so on. That is assuming china even maintains the present level of growth, which has proven to be not the case.
Now we will see the true nature of strength, not one that a chinese wishes to think.
You got legitimate questions, or just a bitch fest where you want to talk shit about Americans?