I think the extreme versions of both Christians and Atheists are both a little odd. I can't understand the logic in either direction and usually find myself somewhere in between. Atheists like to point to the fact that Christians really don't know anything but what the Bible supposedly says happened and do so using Science as their weapon. "Real" Christians seem to think anyone not following the Bible word for word is a lost soul and needs to be saved using the Bible as their weapon.
Atheists believe their master, Science.
Christians believe their master, God.
I believe God(s) exists but I can't bring myself to believe, word for word, a collection of books & writings that has been compiled starting sometime 3,500 years ago (or however many years it is speculated) has somehow made it to modern times intact with the same information it was attempting to relay.... Let alone whether the information was even started off accurately or was passed between people multiple times before it was written into the book we call the Bible. I guess I don't have that much faith in us as humans?
There are several kinds of science. For example. There's a chemistry science where you throw a certain amount of known chemicals into a beaker, add some acid, and you get a reaction. This reaction is the same every time, simply because you control all the elements. Most Christians have NOTHING WHATSOEVER against this kind of science.
There is, also, a kind of science where you throw a bunch of chemicals into a beaker, add some acid, and you get a reaction. The difference with this process is, that there were a bunch of unidentified and unidentifiable chemicals already in the beaker. Since you knew there were a bunch of unidentified and unidentifiable chemicals already in the beaker, you did your science test behind a protective wall, mixing the chemicals with robotic arms, so you don't get hurt if the thing explodes.
This second kind of science is the kind that evolutionists and old-earth scientists do. The things they don't know about the mix in the beaker are all the things that they don't know about the past that might have happened. The wall these scientists hide behind is the wall of the little word "if" in their papers. They say, "
IF things in the past were such and such, and so and so, then evolution happened like we think it did, and the earth is 13 to 14 billion years old."
The scientists are reasonably honest. They say it like it is. They say "
IF." Even the universities that help them publish their papers are reasonably honest. But the governments, the politicians, the people who want to control society by building a big fat lie out of the scientific papers, are saying that the things that the scientists have discovered are "true, true, true." And the scientists and universities don't want to embarrass themselves (or lose their government subsidy) by countering what the politicians say, so they go along with it. And now we have a bunch of lies and potential lies published in the textbooks and encyclopedias all around the world.
If you want to believe what someone says, check your sources. It's a difficult thing to do with science, and impossible to do with the Bible (except in a general way). But, if you want to go to the trouble of seeing the truth in science, you ABSOLUTELY CAN with the scientific papers. Just don't become confused by all their mathematical mumbo jumbo, math that can be twisted every which way, often to prove things are mathematically true in directions that are opposite of each other... but we, the lay person will never know, because we don't understand higher math.
Consider, Big Bang, evolution, and chaos are still THEORIES, at their base, and in the pure scientific meaning of the word "theory." But because these and others are often touted as truth, they have become religion, with the politicians as "god," and the scientists and universities as high priest.
Let's get science back into the practical, and out of the stupid "daydreams," so that the engineers can build more gizmos and gadgets to help us in our way of life.