Is it illegal if 10,000 people say, "It's legal," and 500 Congress people say, "It's illegal?"
That's not how it works... that's not how any of this works... where would you even get such ideas? "somebody", "a cop", "a senator", cannot make things illegal just because they say so... we have laws... laws make things illegal
words matter... learn some
His delusion goes like this: "Only God's laws are valid laws. Laws written by people are not just laws and should not be obeyed (I wonder where the Muslims got their idea about the Sharia Law). Only the Bible laws should be obeyed as they were given by God."
He omits the part that the laws in the Bible were written by people (if you can call the Bronze Age psychopaths such). The writers of the Bible decided what to put in and what to exclude, then in 325 AD some old cardinals decided what to include in the Bible. And there you have the finished product, created by the people for the people.
BADecker, you know why God is not updating the Bible? It is because all the potential Bible writers are drooling, heavily medicated in their mental wards.
These days psychiatrists can identify the conditions all the would be prophets, seers have. I bet you every US state has at least one Jesus in their mental facilities.
I believe what BADecker is trying to say is not about God, but rather that might is everything. What Moloch said about how senators, the police, the cops cannot make things illegal just because they say so is I believe to be false. If what he said was true, what happened to the power of the people? In the end, the idea that Rules are dead and People are alive applies here perfectly. Say that two persons are judged together because of a crime. Would you think that the one more powerful than the other let himself be judged fairly when he himself knows he was the one at fault? We, humans, are most afraid of punishment and the loss of power, so we would try, at the very best of our power, everything to win. This leads to false evidence, bribery of the judges and other illegal things BUT do you think the judges would think this is illegal? No, most of them wouldn't. and why is that? Because of the might of that party. Might can be defined not only by the physical strength of that person but can also be his/her political influence, financial power and other things.