religion will teach you how to be a better person, we can't compare all religion where are good it's back to your self. where you faith believe in Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Catholicism, atheists, Unreligious. so i never think Christianity is Poison or other religion is Poison, in my view all religion is same.
I agree to this,
religion only tends to make us a better person, Believing that God do really exist is a good thing compared to not believing in any. When time comes and we see that God really exist then who will be the one that will regret his or her decision. You will lose nothing is you believe, so why not. I believe in the bible and the bible tells us that there will be what we call "anti christ", and as of now, I don't see someone bashing other religion, only christianity are always the one to be bashed. In that case, It strengthens by belief in the bible, saying the anti christ is coming, not anti budha, nor anti alah, but anti christ.
Only? Are you sure?
How can you explain people who kill in the name of their religion? You mean to say that religion makes them better people because without religion they would kill more people? How can you explain atheists who are good, compassionate people?
Religion has nothing to do with whether you are good or bad. Religion is about the control and about
your money. Just like a political party, only more damaging to your psyche.
Religion destroys or suspends your critical thinking skills, instills fear of death and provides a solution, for the right price of course
Look at cash as an example. Nobody knows how much counterfeit cash is out there in any country. But it is there, and if it is good enough, people accept it. So it is the intelligence of the people regarding recognizing something that is counterfeit, as though it were the real thing.
It's similar with formal religions and Christianity. There are counterfeit Christians, and there are people within and without Christianity who have tried to decide what Christianity should be... and therefore what it is or is not.
Christianity is based on what the Bible says about Christianity. Why? Because there is no fundamental source for what Christianity is all about, other than the Bible.
What do people think the Bible says about Christianity? Most true Christians understand that Christianity is about peace without violence. All the Bible scholars understand that the Bible never even suggests violence for Christian behavior. The only people who think that Christians are violent, are people who don't recognize that violent factions who call themselves Christian, are not really Christian.
Of course, there are the "trolls" who use the mix-up of understanding among people to speak badly against Christianity. Those trolls, whether or not they have understanding of what Christianity is, are liars.