Hi all
pls help, the problem is:
sc:job timeout, disconnect, try out in
what is wrong?
Make sure your pool info is correct for Sia and it's in the right format. Post your config or command line for more help.
22:56:04:183 80c commandline: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eth-ru.dwarfpool.com:8008 -ewal 0x373aed1d5f4A2e4F437A993a6300BbE243cc4a83 -eworker 49 -epsw x -dpool sia-eu1.nanopool.org:9980/miner/header?address=e0a5937aeb8fbee93fec388d3b07110e5b87d10fb61c3f16055ee9a4d1f480d02ba7eb00b66a -dcoin sia -dcri 120
22:56:04:183 80c
22:56:04:199 80c є Claymore's Dual ETH + DCR/SC AMD GPU Miner v5.0 Beta є
22:56:04:215 80c
22:56:04:433 80c ETH: 1 pool is specified
22:56:04:433 80c Main Ethereum pool is eth-ru.dwarfpool.com:8008
22:56:04:433 80c SC: 1 pool is specified
22:56:04:449 80c Main Siacoin pool is sia-eu1.nanopool.org:9980
22:56:05:137 80c OpenCL platform: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
22:56:05:153 80c
Cards available: 6
22:56:05:153 80c GPU #0: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 28 compute units
22:56:05:153 80c GPU #1: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 28 compute units
22:56:05:153 80c GPU #2: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 28 compute units
22:56:05:168 80c GPU #3: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 28 compute units
22:56:05:168 80c GPU #4: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 28 compute units
22:56:05:168 80c GPU #5: name: Tonga, 4096 MB available, 28 compute units
22:56:05:168 80c Total cards: 6
22:56:05:184 80c Initializing...
22:56:05:184 80c GPU #0 recognized as Radeon 285/380
22:56:05:184 80c GPU #1 recognized as Radeon 285/380
22:56:05:199 80c GPU #2 recognized as Radeon 285/380
22:56:05:199 80c GPU #3 recognized as Radeon 285/380
22:56:05:199 80c GPU #4 recognized as Radeon 285/380
22:56:05:215 80c GPU #5 recognized as Radeon 285/380
22:56:05:231 80c POOL/SOLO version
22:56:05:231 80c b167
22:56:05:246 80c start building OpenCL program...
22:56:34:357 80c done
22:56:34:357 80c GPU #0: set -etha as 1 (ETH algo for slow cards)
22:56:34:357 80c GPU #1: set -etha as 1 (ETH algo for slow cards)
22:56:34:357 80c GPU #2: set -etha as 1 (ETH algo for slow cards)
22:56:34:373 80c GPU #3: set -etha as 1 (ETH algo for slow cards)
22:56:34:373 80c GPU #4: set -etha as 1 (ETH algo for slow cards)
22:56:34:373 80c GPU #5: set -etha as 1 (ETH algo for slow cards)
22:56:35:014 548 ETH: Stratum - connecting to 'eth-ru.dwarfpool.com' <> port 8008
22:56:35:076 548 send: {"worker": "eth1.0", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": ["0x373aed1d5f4A2e4F437A993a6300BbE243cc4a83", "x"], "id": 2, "method": "eth_submitLogin"}
22:56:35:092 548 ETH: Stratum - Connected (eth-ru.dwarfpool.com:8008)
22:56:35:123 e28 SC: Stratum - connecting to 'sia-eu1.nanopool.org' <> port 9980
22:56:35:123 80c ETH: eth-proxy stratum mode
22:56:35:139 80c Watchdog enabled
22:56:35:139 80c Remote management is enabled on port 3333
22:56:35:139 80c
22:56:35:154 548 got 39 bytes
22:56:35:154 548 buf: {"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
22:56:35:154 548 parse packet: 38
22:56:35:154 548 ETH: Authorized
22:56:35:154 548 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
22:56:35:170 548 new buf size: 0
22:56:35:232 e28 send: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": ["dcr 1.0"]}
22:56:35:232 e28 send: {"id": 5, "method": "mining.extranonce.subscribe", "params": []}
22:56:35:248 e28 send: {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["",""]}
22:56:35:248 e28 SC: Stratum - Connected (sia-eu1.nanopool.org:9980)
22:56:35:248 548 got 244 bytes
22:56:35:264 548 buf: {"result":["0x2e1c0d3a53ce938caa0909957664bb105dcc4462792e29396d4362e10ed1d744","0xa998a7268cab7876f04cd155486b95fb33ef2ffde2d8ea3f99cdd2397d327cfb","0x0000000225c17d04dad2965cc5a02a23e254c0c3f75d9178046aeb27ce1ca574"],"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3}
22:56:35:264 548 parse packet: 242
22:56:35:264 548 eth: job changed
22:56:35:264 548 new buf size: 0
22:56:35:404 754 Setting DAG epoch #62...
22:56:35:514 e28 got 88 bytes
22:56:35:514 e28 buf: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: close
400 Bad Request
22:56:35:514 e28 buf: HTTP/1.1400BadRequest
22:56:37:295 328 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #2
22:56:37:295 ca0 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #3
22:56:37:311 fa4 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #4
22:56:37:311 c58 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #1
22:56:37:311 754 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #0
22:56:37:311 328 Create GPU buffer for GPU #2
22:56:37:311 c58 Create GPU buffer for GPU #1
22:56:37:342 ca0 Create GPU buffer for GPU #3
22:56:37:326 cc8 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #5
22:56:37:357 cc8 Create GPU buffer for GPU #5
22:56:37:357 754 Create GPU buffer for GPU #0
22:56:37:357 fa4 Create GPU buffer for GPU #4
22:56:40:233 e28 checkread timeout
22:56:44:467 328 GPU 2 DAG creation time 7050 ms
22:56:44:483 328 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #2 done
22:56:44:483 c58 GPU 1 DAG creation time 7050 ms
22:56:44:498 ca0 GPU 3 DAG creation time 7050 ms
22:56:44:498 ca0 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #3 done
22:56:44:498 c58 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #1 done
22:56:44:514 cc8 GPU 5 DAG creation time 7048 ms
22:56:44:514 cc8 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #5 done
22:56:44:514 fa4 GPU 4 DAG creation time 7048 ms
22:56:44:530 fa4 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #4 done
22:56:44:577 754 GPU 0 DAG creation time 7141 ms
22:56:44:577 754 Setting DAG epoch #62 for GPU #0 done
22:56:44:936 e28 checkread timeout
22:56:45:295 548 ETH: checking pool connection...
22:56:45:295 548 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
22:56:45:373 548 got 244 bytes
22:56:45:373 548 buf: {"result":["0x2e1c0d3a53ce938caa0909957664bb105dcc4462792e29396d4362e10ed1d744","0xa998a7268cab7876f04cd155486b95fb33ef2ffde2d8ea3f99cdd2397d327cfb","0x0000000225c17d04dad2965cc5a02a23e254c0c3f75d9178046aeb27ce1ca574"],"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3}
22:56:45:373 548 parse packet: 242
22:56:45:373 548 eth: job is the same
22:56:45:389 548 new buf size: 0
22:56:47:639 868 ETH: put share nonce 34f3c2001c944e3
22:56:47:655 868 ETH round found 1 shares
22:56:47:670 548 ETH: 07/10/16-22:56:47 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 1)
22:56:47:670 548 send: {"worker":"49","id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":["0x034f3c2001c944e3","0x2e1c0d3a53ce938caa0909957664bb105dcc4462792e29396d4362e10ed1d744","0xd4fb3d0741e0167c247de5972d005c45617875018c15d6493a7c83194d43587e"]}
22:56:47:749 548 got 40 bytes
22:56:47:749 548 buf: {"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
22:56:47:749 548 parse packet: 38
22:56:47:764 548 ETH: Share accepted (94 ms)!
22:56:47:764 548 new buf size: 0
22:56:49:639 e28 checkread timeout
22:56:54:358 e28 checkread timeout
22:56:55:296 548 send: {"id":6,"worker":"49","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_submitHashrate","params":["0x7539cd4", "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005148610f"]}
22:56:55:311 548 ETH: checking pool connection...
22:56:55:311 548 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
22:56:55:374 548 got 40 bytes
22:56:55:374 548 buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
22:56:55:374 548 parse packet: 38
22:56:55:390 548 new buf size: 0
22:56:55:436 548 got 244 bytes
22:56:55:436 548 buf: {"result":["0x2e1c0d3a53ce938caa0909957664bb105dcc4462792e29396d4362e10ed1d744","0xa998a7268cab7876f04cd155486b95fb33ef2ffde2d8ea3f99cdd2397d327cfb","0x0000000225c17d04dad2965cc5a02a23e254c0c3f75d9178046aeb27ce1ca574"],"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3}
22:56:55:436 548 parse packet: 242
22:56:55:436 548 eth: job is the same
22:56:55:452 548 new buf size: 0
22:56:59:062 548 got 244 bytes
22:56:59:062 548 buf: {"result":["0x1481e23892b079aeb22ca94244187dc58dc03078740f15af5d387826b6ea8e2c","0xa998a7268cab7876f04cd155486b95fb33ef2ffde2d8ea3f99cdd2397d327cfb","0x0000000225c17d04dad2965cc5a02a23e254c0c3f75d9178046aeb27ce1ca574"],"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0}
22:56:59:062 548 parse packet: 242
22:56:59:077 e28 checkread timeout
22:56:59:077 548 eth: job changed
22:56:59:077 548 new buf size: 0
22:56:59:093 548 ETH: 07/10/16-22:56:59 - New job from eth-ru.dwarfpool.com:8008
22:56:59:093 548 target: 0x0000000225c17d04 (diff: 2000MH), epoch #62
22:56:59:093 548 ETH - Total Speed: 122.912 Mh/s, Total Shares: 1, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
22:56:59:093 548 ETH: GPU0 20.476 Mh/s, GPU1 20.508 Mh/s, GPU2 20.504 Mh/s, GPU3 20.486 Mh/s, GPU4 20.463 Mh/s, GPU5 20.474 Mh/s
22:56:59:109 548 SC - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0
22:56:59:109 548 SC: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
22:57:03:796 e28 checkread timeout
22:57:05:328 548 ETH: checking pool connection...
22:57:05:328 548 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
22:57:05:406 548 got 244 bytes
22:57:05:406 548 buf: {"result":["0x1481e23892b079aeb22ca94244187dc58dc03078740f15af5d387826b6ea8e2c","0xa998a7268cab7876f04cd155486b95fb33ef2ffde2d8ea3f99cdd2397d327cfb","0x0000000225c17d04dad2965cc5a02a23e254c0c3f75d9178046aeb27ce1ca574"],"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3}
22:57:05:406 548 parse packet: 242
22:57:05:421 548 eth: job is the same
22:57:05:421 548 new buf size: 0
22:57:05:828 80c GPU0 t=64C fan=47%, GPU1 t=64C fan=47%, GPU2 t=62C fan=45%, GPU3 t=66C fan=50%, GPU4 t=62C fan=45%, GPU5 t=63C fan=47%
22:57:05:828 80c em hbt: 0, dm hbt: 30703, fm hbt: 46,
22:57:05:843 80c watchdog - thread 0, hb time 203
22:57:05:843 80c watchdog - thread 1, hb time 31
22:57:05:843 80c watchdog - thread 2, hb time 187
22:57:05:843 80c watchdog - thread 3, hb time 16
22:57:05:859 80c watchdog - thread 4, hb time 62
22:57:05:859 80c watchdog - thread 5, hb time 250
22:57:05:859 80c watchdog - thread 6, hb time 47
22:57:05:859 80c watchdog - thread 7, hb time 234
22:57:05:859 80c watchdog - thread 8, hb time 31
22:57:05:875 80c watchdog - thread 9, hb time 219
22:57:05:875 80c watchdog - thread 10, hb time 31
22:57:05:875 80c watchdog - thread 11, hb time 219
22:57:08:265 548 got 244 bytes
22:57:08:265 548 buf: {"result":["0x63a85a692e0b3f3d2e921b1d259db350eec5882cb2de4412502d4ee5b9eaaa3e","0xa998a7268cab7876f04cd155486b95fb33ef2ffde2d8ea3f99cdd2397d327cfb","0x0000000225c17d04dad2965cc5a02a23e254c0c3f75d9178046aeb27ce1ca574"],"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0}
22:57:08:265 548 parse packet: 242
22:57:08:281 548 eth: job changed
22:57:08:281 548 new buf size: 0
22:57:08:281 548 ETH: 07/10/16-22:57:08 - New job from eth-ru.dwarfpool.com:8008
22:57:08:297 548 target: 0x0000000225c17d04 (diff: 2000MH), epoch #62
22:57:08:297 548 ETH - Total Speed: 122.373 Mh/s, Total Shares: 1, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
22:57:08:297 548 ETH: GPU0 19.918 Mh/s, GPU1 20.466 Mh/s, GPU2 20.478 Mh/s, GPU3 20.478 Mh/s, GPU4 20.527 Mh/s, GPU5 20.506 Mh/s
22:57:08:312 548 SC - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0
22:57:08:312 548 SC: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
22:57:08:515 e28 checkread timeout
22:57:13:234 e28 checkread timeout
22:57:15:313 548 send: {"id":6,"worker":"49","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_submitHashrate","params":["0x7540a1d", "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005148610f"]}
22:57:15:344 548 ETH: checking pool connection...
22:57:15:344 548 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
22:57:15:391 548 got 40 bytes
22:57:15:391 548 buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
22:57:15:391 548 parse packet: 38
22:57:15:406 548 new buf size: 0
22:57:15:453 548 got 244 bytes
22:57:15:453 548 buf: {"result":["0x63a85a692e0b3f3d2e921b1d259db350eec5882cb2de4412502d4ee5b9eaaa3e","0xa998a7268cab7876f04cd155486b95fb33ef2ffde2d8ea3f99cdd2397d327cfb","0x0000000225c17d04dad2965cc5a02a23e254c0c3f75d9178046aeb27ce1ca574"],"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3}
22:57:15:453 548 parse packet: 242
22:57:15:469 548 eth: job is the same
22:57:15:469 548 new buf size: 0
22:57:17:953 e28 checkread timeout
22:57:17:953 e28 SC: Job timeout, disconnect, retry in 20 sec...