This is the config i use in the dpool file.
POOL: stratum+tcp:// -dwal markus.markus -dpsw x
-eworker markus
POOL: stratum+tcp:// -dwal DskZM1YQeiqhWas2cVEHaRRabwZzQaJnc9G -dpsw x
and the epool config:
POOL:, -ewal 0x59c73395a50d79b2a675802581f34387a09aed** -epsw x
POOL:, WALLET: 0x59c73395a50d79b2a675802581f34387a09aed**
, PSW: x, WORKER: markus, ESM: 1, ALLPOOLS: 0
Today suprnova was down for a few min and i saw the claymore trying to connect the alternative pools and it didnt work. All red. What im doing wrong?
thanks in advance
your ETH address... ends with "24" and the other ends with "25" ~ typo???
Yeah i changed the original eth and nova address just for here but it work good in the config.
Can someone post their suprnova and eth "alternative pool" configuration. Something that works . Btw im using windows 10 i dont know if that affects in something. Thanks