I updated to v3.3 from a previous 3.x version and was no longer able to mine due to failing to create a big buffer. I was forced to revert to v 1.2 to resolve the issue as any other builds replicate the problem. Absolutely no changes were made to the system in question; all I did was close the previously working miner and updated the directory's contents. All environment variables have been set as well as 2 x 8 GB pagefiles and I've also removed temp files as well as the dag directory which I additionally decided to provide an alternate one on a seperate hard drive to hopefully eliminate the problem. I also tried renaming the dag files successfully created by QTminer in hopes of using them with yours but that also didn't work. My other rig is also Hawaii-based and surprisingly doesn't suffer from this symptom. I just gave v4.0 a try but it still introduces the same error.
Any feedback would be much appreciated!
v3.3 takes may be 10-20 more GPU memory, that's the only difference between previous versions. You even did not mention what cards are used, how much RAM etc.
I'm clueless as to why all versions excluding v1.2 fail to create a big buffer despite the fact that they were previously working prior to updating to v3.3. I did mention that the rig in question is seated with a Hawaii-based GPU, more precisely a reference Sapphire 290x operating on Windows 7 x64, Intel Pentium D w/ 2 x 2GB RAM although only 3.25 GB are usable. I can send you my log along with any other information deem it necessary.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Why only 3.25GB are usable?
3.25 only because of WIN 7