how to decred-only mine? I see only modes to do dual and eth-only. Thanks
I can't figure it out either. If I use only decred cmd switches I get an error.
Thanks to who ever has the answer.
only dual mode and eth only mode - refer to 1st post in this thread
Thanks for the info.
"This miner is free-to-use, however, current developer fee is 1% for Ethereum-only mining mode (-mode 1) and 2% for Ethereum+Decred mining mode (-mode 0), every hour the miner mines for 36 or 72 seconds for developer.
Decred is mined without developer fee.If you don't agree with the dev fee - don't use this miner."
The way this is worded it sounds like there may have been a planned or undocumented decred only mode. Even if there was a developer fee I would be interested in a decred only mode. The two cards I have running in dual mode have less rejects than the 1 I have running with cgminer.
I think it's best for Mr Claymore to attend to your request for DCR only mode.Perhaps, you should explore other mining app other than your current on, if you want to do stand-alone DCR mining (ccminer, sgminer etc)
Btw, the DCR mining pool is also a big factor in getting those rejects down. Also, Stratum compliant pools are preferred.
In my opinion, this Dual Miner by Claymore is a perfect way to increase revenue in mining 2 x coins at the same time using the same hardware - the combination of fast blocks in ETH and slow blocks of DCR, make this dual-miner unique as basically ROIs my investment in GPUs faster.
Thumbs up to Mr Claymore's excellent dual-miner!
Cant wait for the ETH solo mode version.