So sick of this fake pill malware being posted.
I reported it to moderator.. Unfortunately they must be harvesting stolen creds from somewhere so they can peddle their malware..
It is that simple. The moderator will delete the post. Reporting off-topic ads (astro-turf), lol-cat speak nonsense posts, obscene abusive posts, and etc. helps keep BitCoinTalk clean, relevant, and informative. Thanks... -scryptr
If only ...
I have had a number of my posts deleted, even from WAY back in 2018 that have been deleted as recently as two weeks ago. The reporting/deletion is now becoming a complete farce, as it is really only about what 'others' say and not what 'you' say or what is supposedly 'on topic'. On our own self-moderated threads of CWI, I had a post of mine deleted also, even though I am the thread moderator.
It's becoming a systemic issue that is much more than just 'reporting'. Admittedly some of my posts were just a matter of posting to remain on the thread, but they are few and far between. The main issue here is that reporting doesn't always justify deleting.
So when a post like malware peddling is 'allowed' but my posts are being deleted, even from a thread as far back as 2018, then there is something much more at issue here than just posting - regardless of whether it is malware or not.
Let's see if this post gets deleted just because it is not 'really' about Claymore and the miner!
But I do remember some wild arguments from the dark ages. There have been some recent malicious posts that ARE being deleted by the moderator. And, I have run across some complete nonsense posts that were impossible to interpret. Eventually, I reported them.
Not you, not now, not this time. --scryptr
Ahhh ...
The days of the rip off merchant Rune Stensland and how we showed what little love we had for one another in - in public. Yes - I remember those hugely abusive and his nonsensical, but profiteering ways ripping the meek off. I agree mate, those were the days.
Not now though, not these posts, and to be honest, not even the posts that got deleted. Silly how things have got to the level they are in CryptoLand, that even posts as simple as 'Watching' are deleted from back in 2018. Amazing. You though have always (from memory) been a pillar of peace and logic.
Who ever you are behind the pseudo scryptr - cheers to you mate!
As for the mining industry as it was to what it is now, there is a lot to be said about competition and decency. There is less than mediocre miners currently out there that in one way or another are spawns of CCMiner or SGMiner, revamped and privatized to look like a new miner. From what I know, Claymore and TTMiner were the only ones built from scratch, but even they are not scrutinized to any legal entities to prove they are what they are. Still though, Claymore did himself a massive service by building these miners, and has done well out of them. TTMiner is still going.
If Claymore ever comes back to improve or evolve, we can rest assured it will be in the midst of a mining revolution, not what we are seeing now.
We however (at CWI) are growing by the month. Mainly because we have always gone against the grain and against the flow of miners that are what could be considered 'mainstream'. Thanks to many different miners available today and earlier on.
Let's hope Claymore can either come back, or join us to create THE miner of all time, like what we started a while back with Alexis78.