Seems there's a consensus that for an RX 580, BLAKE2S for Verge at dcri 50+ is the way to go?
That seems to be a winning combination regardless of the GPU engine you're using. I have my two RX 580's single mining, for now, but I'll add them to the NLpool here within the next day or two when I have a little spare time. Maybe closer to -dcri 70 for some cards, but I am seeing a little decrease in ETH speed, so I went back to 60 to see how it rides.
Right now I am monitoring a new Kickstarter that we launched at noon here (NYC time) for playing cards ("DeNovo" / UC2018 decks).
I have to redo my OC but I found that going over 50 has quite an impact on the ETH hashrate (from 184 to 174).
It's going to vary a good bit depending on your specific luck in the "silicon lottery", really. Just card vs card is not the only difference. I have settled around "-dcri 65" for my 1060/6GB rig right now, and it doesn't have much - if any - impact on my ETH mining.
Is there a topic benchmarking blake2s and keccak for the RX 580?
I have Spec edition 580
at dcri 50 30.5 Eth + 1.500 xvg with same power DCR mining.
I write here my bat file. Edit your wallet, mail etc.
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal "ETH WALLET" -cvddc 900 -mvddc 900 -cclock 1133,,1200,1200,1200,1200 -mclock 2100,2200,2200,2200,2200 -tt 65 -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal "XVG WALLET" -dcoin blake2s -dpsw c=XVGB -dcri 40,50,50,50,50
My 'sweet spot' appears to be about -dcri 50, also. I haven't really screwed around with it too much yet, but I started at 25 and adjusted it over the first few hours when I moved my 2nd coin over to after leaving it in single mining mode a few days after 11.0 was posted.
My cards are GTX1060/1080 and RX 580's, all with 8GB except the 1060 = 6.
Not advertising here, but I am getting VERY good results using's BLAKE2S pool, and haven't tried anything beyond that with 11.0 version. I had been single mininng for a while after I realized that all of the previous coins had been eat up by ASICs coming out (sounds right - "A-sicks").
Setup was truly easy, quick and couldn't be simpler.
Yep nlpool is the best pool for xvg now. I tried a few pools but they stole about %50. Dcri 50 is the best config for sapphire spec rx 580. I use "40" for rx 570,Wth 50 I got black screen.
Very nice for me, so far. I seem to usually have pretty good luck, but I am doing more than 50% better on than I was on my previous 2nd coin attempts, although that was prior to the ASIC deaths of the Pascal and SiaCoin mining.
As noted above, my "-dcri 65" seems to have virtually no impact on the ETH side, given that a 1% varience isn't really worth mention. I was running at almost exactly 21MH/sec on that specific card, and now it's at least 20,9 - so no issues here.
"Your mileage WILL vary", almost inevitable. You have to tune that parameter using the "+" and "-" keys on the keyboard - for every rig. No two rigs, no two cards, even if they are the same model & manufacturer are going to be precisely the same.