Windows 10 Pro, Drivers 382.43
6 x p106-100 cards.
H110 D3A mobo
8 GB ram
Any advice, been stuck for a couple days now.
13:28:14:226 1a70 Check and remove old log files...
13:28:14:238 1a70 args: -epsw x -mode 1 -ftime 10 -mport 3333 -esm 1 -r 1 -ewal 0x8daa535fc97819f1bf6401008af043d2c8ace2a5
13:28:14:252 1a70
13:28:14:283 1a70 º Claymore's Dual ETH + DCR/SC/LBC/PASC GPU Miner v10.2 º
13:28:14:296 1a70
13:28:14:503 1a70 ETH: 2 pools are specified
13:28:14:531 1a70 Main Ethereum pool is
13:28:15:278 1a70 OpenCL platform: Intel(R) OpenCL
13:28:15:285 1a70 OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
13:28:15:292 1a70 AMD OpenCL platform not found
13:28:15:783 1a70 CUDA initializing...
13:28:15:788 1a70 NVIDIA Cards available: 3
13:28:15:793 1a70 CUDA Driver Version/Runtime Version: 9.1/8.0
13:28:15:803 1a70 GPU #0: P106-100, 6071 MB available, 10 compute units, capability: 6.1
13:28:15:809 1a70 GPU #1: P106-100, 6071 MB available, 10 compute units, capability: 6.1
13:28:15:817 1a70 GPU #2: P106-100, 6071 MB available, 10 compute units, capability: 6.1
13:28:15:833 1a70 Total cards: 3
13:28:19:848 1a70 No AMD cards in the list, ADL library will not be used.
13:28:19:912 1a70 NVML version: 9.388.43
13:28:20:321 18d8 ETH: Stratum - connecting to '' <> port 4444
13:28:20:349 18d8 send: {"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_login","params":["0x8daa535fc97819f1bf6401008af043d2c8ace2a5","x"]}
13:28:20:354 18d8 ETH: Stratum - Connected (
13:28:20:370 18d8 got 39 bytes
13:28:20:374 18d8 buf: {"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
13:28:20:378 18d8 parse packet: 38
13:28:20:382 18d8 ETH: Authorized
13:28:20:393 18d8 send: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getWork","params":[]}
13:28:20:398 18d8 new buf size: 0
13:28:20:405 1a70 ETHEREUM-ONLY MINING MODE ENABLED (-mode 1)
13:28:20:410 1a70 ETH: qtminer stratum mode
13:28:20:415 18d8 got 248 bytes
13:28:20:421 18d8 buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0xc8e89f37cbdc358f313fa6d584a0986c815425aaccddebfa432d233264f516c7","0x1e9891b51a83da3e735c71999400fc8927e8614e86fc37e618d3781578d5c939","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x4767f6"]}
13:28:20:426 18d8 parse packet: 247
13:28:20:430 18d8 ETH: job changed
13:28:20:434 18d8 new buf size: 0
13:28:20:430 1a70 Watchdog enabled
13:28:20:445 1a70 Remote management is enabled on port 3333
13:28:20:454 1a70
13:28:20:503 17bc Setting DAG epoch #155...
13:28:22:769 189c Setting DAG epoch #155 for GPU1
13:28:22:775 17c8 Setting DAG epoch #155 for GPU0
13:28:22:775 189c Create GPU buffer for GPU1
13:28:22:769 17bc Setting DAG epoch #155 for GPU2
13:28:22:781 17c8 Create GPU buffer for GPU0
13:28:22:792 17bc Create GPU buffer for GPU2
13:28:31:907 189c GPU1 DAG creation time - 8936 ms
13:28:31:922 189c Setting DAG epoch #155 for GPU1 done
13:28:31:948 17bc GPU2 DAG creation time - 8941 ms
13:28:31:960 17bc Setting DAG epoch #155 for GPU2 done
13:28:31:960 17c8 GPU0 DAG creation time - 8952 ms
13:28:31:987 17c8 Setting DAG epoch #155 for GPU0 done
13:28:40:365 18d8 got 248 bytes
13:28:40:386 18d8 buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x7a4c452aa2855df87062f3140f54969193dfb1f1bfc783b2baa615316629fbd2","0x1e9891b51a83da3e735c71999400fc8927e8614e86fc37e618d3781578d5c939","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x4767f7"]}
13:28:40:399 18d8 parse packet: 247
13:28:40:411 18d8 ETH: job changed
13:28:40:419 18d8 new buf size: 0
13:28:40:428 18d8 ETH: 12/05/17-13:28:40 - New job from
13:28:40:436 18d8 target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch 155(2.21GB)
13:28:40:445 18d8 ETH - Total Speed: 62.838 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
13:28:40:454 18d8 ETH: GPU0 20.932 Mh/s, GPU1 20.941 Mh/s, GPU2 20.965 Mh/s
13:28:40:460 18d8 send: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_submitHashrate","params":["0x3bed3a9", "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000719b7ce1"]}
13:28:40:493 18d8 got 39 bytes
13:28:40:497 18d8 buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
13:28:40:501 18d8 parse packet: 38
13:28:40:505 18d8 new buf size: 0
13:28:44:577 1a6c GPU0 t=46C fan=48%, GPU1 t=46C fan=48%, GPU2 t=42C fan=48%
13:28:44:649 18ec em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 16,
13:28:44:655 18ec watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 125
13:28:44:661 18ec watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 0
13:28:44:667 18ec watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 62
13:28:44:673 18ec watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 187
13:28:44:677 18ec watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 156
13:28:44:681 18ec watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 31
13:28:50:447 18d8 ETH: checking pool connection...
13:28:50:460 18d8 send: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getWork","params":[]}
13:28:50:484 18d8 got 248 bytes
13:28:50:492 18d8 buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x7a4c452aa2855df87062f3140f54969193dfb1f1bfc783b2baa615316629fbd2","0x1e9891b51a83da3e735c71999400fc8927e8614e86fc37e618d3781578d5c939","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x4767f7"]}
13:28:50:497 18d8 parse packet: 247
13:28:50:503 18d8 ETH: job is the same
13:28:50:508 18d8 new buf size: 0
13:29:00:464 18d8 send: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_submitHashrate","params":["0x3bebec2", "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000719b7ce1"]}
13:29:00:493 18d8 got 39 bytes
13:29:00:502 18d8 buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
13:29:00:512 18d8 parse packet: 38
13:29:00:517 18d8 new buf size: 0
13:29:06:242 18d8 got 248 bytes
13:29:06:260 18d8 buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x1279750756acbe6b6de83e7fe6f2e97eb4f8073c5562f4f5ca244a40719dc324","0x1e9891b51a83da3e735c71999400fc8927e8614e86fc37e618d3781578d5c939","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x4767f8"]}
13:29:06:274 18d8 parse packet: 247
13:29:06:281 18d8 ETH: job changed
13:29:06:287 18d8 new buf size: 0
13:29:06:295 18d8 ETH: 12/05/17-13:29:06 - New job from
13:29:06:302 18d8 target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch 155(2.21GB)
13:29:06:306 18d8 ETH - Total Speed: 62.775 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
13:29:06:312 18d8 ETH: GPU0 20.940 Mh/s, GPU1 20.901 Mh/s, GPU2 20.935 Mh/s
13:29:09:907 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:09:912 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:09:916 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:09:921 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:09:926 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:09:930 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:12:939 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:12:957 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:12:967 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:12:978 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:12:990 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:12:997 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:16:003 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:16:018 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:16:020 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:16:030 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:16:042 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:16:054 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:16:062 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:16:068 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:16:074 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:16:079 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:16:086 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:16:093 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:16:099 1a6c GPU0 t=0C fan=0%, GPU1 t=0C fan=0%, GPU2 t=0C fan=0%
13:29:18:018 18ec em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 94,
13:29:18:031 18ec watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 11688
13:29:18:043 18ec watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 11578
13:29:18:056 18ec watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 11609
13:29:18:065 18ec watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 11750
13:29:18:066 18ec watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 11734
13:29:18:072 18ec watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 11625
13:29:19:108 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:19:118 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:19:126 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:19:133 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:19:142 1a6c NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:19:149 1a6c NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:20:479 18d8 ETH: checking pool connection...
13:29:20:492 18d8 send: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getWork","params":[]}
13:29:20:501 18d8 send: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_submitHashrate","params":["0x0", "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000719b7ce1"]}
13:29:20:515 18d8 got 248 bytes
13:29:20:524 18d8 buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x1279750756acbe6b6de83e7fe6f2e97eb4f8073c5562f4f5ca244a40719dc324","0x1e9891b51a83da3e735c71999400fc8927e8614e86fc37e618d3781578d5c939","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x4767f8"]}
13:29:20:532 18d8 parse packet: 247
13:29:20:541 18d8 ETH: job is the same
13:29:20:550 18d8 new buf size: 0
13:29:20:558 18d8 got 39 bytes
13:29:20:563 18d8 buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
13:29:20:569 18d8 parse packet: 38
13:29:20:574 18d8 new buf size: 0
13:29:20:973 10dc NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:20:986 10dc NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:21:000 10dc NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:21:009 10dc NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15
13:29:21:018 10dc NVML: cannot get current temperature, error 15
13:29:21:028 10dc NVML: cannot get fan speed, error 15