Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with ROCm kernel
Vega 56 and 64 card in my system
� Claymore's Dual ETH + DCR/SC/LBC/PASC GPU Miner v10.0 �
ETH: 1 pool is specified
Main Ethereum pool is us1.ethpool.org:3333
DCR: 1 pool is specified
Main Decred pool is dcr.suprnova.cc:3252
At least 16 GB of Virtual Memory is required for multi-GPU systems
Make sure you defined GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100
Be careful with overclocking, use default clocks for first tests
Press "s" for current statistics, "0".."9" to turn on/off cards, "r" to reload pools, "e" or "d" to select current pool
OpenCL initializing...
AMD Cards available: 2
GPU #0: gfx900, 8176 MB available, 56 compute units
GPU #0 recognized as Vega
GPU #1: gfx900, 8176 MB available, 64 compute units
GPU #1 recognized as Vega
POOL/SOLO version
Cannot build OpenCL program for GPU 0
Cannot build OpenCL program for GPU 1
GPU #0: algorithm ASM
GPU #1: algorithm ASM
No NVIDIA CUDA GPUs detected.
Total cards: 2
AMD ADL library not found.
ETH: eth-proxy stratum mode
Watchdog enabled
Remote management (READ-ONLY MODE) is enabled on port 3333
ETH: Stratum - connecting to 'us1.ethpool.org' <> port 3333
DCR: Stratum - connecting to 'dcr.suprnova.cc' <> port 3252
DCR: Stratum - Connected (dcr.suprnova.cc:3252)
ETH: Stratum - Connected (us1.ethpool.org:3333)
DCR: Authorized
ETH: Authorized
Setting DAG epoch #144...
ETH: 10/02/17-02:16:03 - New job from us1.ethpool.org:3333
ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s
DCR - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0
DCR: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s
Setting DAG epoch #144 for GPU1
Setting DAG epoch #144 for GPU0
Create GPU buffer for GPU1
Create GPU buffer for GPU0
GPU1, OpenCL error -48 (0) - cannot create DAG on GPU
GPU0, OpenCL error -48 (0) - cannot create DAG on GPU
Setting DAG epoch #144 for GPU1
Setting DAG epoch #144 for GPU0
GPU 1 failed
GPU 0 failed
Did you download the latest Blockchain Drivers? V15.2 may not work with Vega unless latest drivers are installed. Look on AMD site for latest drivers
wow being a new member here really is a pain the ass, telling me i cant post for 360 seconds because I made a recent post, even when I didnt
Claymore does not support ROCm - therefore he doesn't support Vega on *nix.
Yet to find a miner that works on Linux with ROCm and/or 17.30, too bad those Vegas are just getting dusty in the corner right now, not gonna bother trying to get 3 or max 4 cards running on windows blockchain driver
It is going to be like being a kid on christmas morning when I can finally plug in my vega rigs and just let them chug away leaning back and sipping on a margarita...
Man, I'm so glad I'm not the only one having issues with Vega cards and linux! All weekend I've been messing with a Vega 56 and Xbuntu 16.04 64bit and had errors from Claymore's Miner saying no OpenCL GPU found. Tried installing only the openCL drivers from amdgpu-pro and ROCm. I've read that the Catalyst 15.2 drivers have been discontinued for newer cards and we are forced to use amdgpu-pro. I guess our only chance of using these cards with linux is if Claymore wants to support ROCm or if AMD somehow updates the amdgpu-pro drivers to be backwards compatible with Catalyst dependent programs. For now, our only other option is to use Windows...