I am having a bit of trouble starting this miner up. I am getting this error and not sure why so any help would be greatly appreciated:
I get a similar if not exact error with job timeouts etc etc whether i try dual mining or solo mining ETH only. Here is a snip of the log file if that will help.
15:03:29:498 1728 args: -epool eth.suprnova.cc:5005 -ewal BlueBills.BlueBills1 -epsw x -esm 3 -dpool dcr.suprnova.cc:3252 -dwal BlueBills.BlueBills -dpsw x -allpools 1
15:03:29:498 1728
15:03:29:499 1728 º Claymore's Dual ETH + DCR/SC/LBC/PASC GPU Miner v9.7 º
15:03:29:500 1728
15:03:29:701 1728 ETH: 1 pool is specified
15:03:29:701 1728 Main Ethereum pool is eth.suprnova.cc:5005
15:03:29:702 1728 DCR: 1 pool is specified
15:03:29:702 1728 Main Decred pool is dcr.suprnova.cc:3252
15:03:29:963 1728 OpenCL platform: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
15:03:30:017 1728 OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
15:03:30:018 1728 OpenCL platform: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
15:03:30:019 1728 OpenCL initializing...
15:03:30:020 1728 AMD Cards available: 1
15:03:30:020 1728 GPU #0: Ellesmere, 8192 MB available, 36 compute units
15:03:30:020 1728 GPU #0 recognized as Radeon RX 480/580
15:03:30:020 1728 POOL/SOLO version
15:03:30:021 1728 b370
15:03:30:021 1728 Platform: Windows
15:03:30:068 1728 start building OpenCL program for GPU 0...
15:03:30:441 1728 done
15:03:30:685 1728 GPU #0: algorithm ASM
15:03:31:116 1728 CUDA initializing...
15:03:31:117 1728 NVIDIA Cards available: 1
15:03:31:117 1728 CUDA Driver Version/Runtime Version: 8.0/8.0
15:03:31:118 1728 GPU #1: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, 11264 MB available, 28 compute units, capability: 6.1
15:03:31:119 1728 Total cards: 2
15:03:34:761 1728 NVML version: 8.382.53
15:03:35:020 25fc ETH: Stratum - connecting to 'eth.suprnova.cc' <> port 5005
15:03:35:110 1728 ETH: nicehash stratum mode
15:03:35:110 ba4 DCR: Stratum - connecting to 'dcr.suprnova.cc' <> port 3252
15:03:35:112 1728 "-allpools" option is set, default pools can be used for devfee, check "Readme" file for details.
15:03:35:113 1728 Watchdog enabled
15:03:35:114 1728 Remote management (READ-ONLY MODE) is enabled on port 3333
15:03:35:115 1728
15:03:35:180 25fc send: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": ["MinerName/1.0.0", "EthereumStratum/1.0.0"]}
15:03:35:181 25fc send: {"id": 5, "method": "mining.extranonce.subscribe", "params": []}
15:03:35:182 25fc send: {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["BlueBills.BlueBills1","x"]}
15:03:35:183 25fc ETH: Stratum - Connected (eth.suprnova.cc:5005)
15:03:35:259 ba4 send: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": ["dual 1.0"]}
15:03:35:260 ba4 send: {"id": 5, "method": "mining.extranonce.subscribe", "params": []}
15:03:35:260 ba4 send: {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["BlueBills.BlueBills","x"]}
15:03:35:262 ba4 DCR: Stratum - Connected (dcr.suprnova.cc:3252)
15:03:35:412 ba4 got 579 bytes
15:03:35:412 ba4 buf: {"id":1,"result":[[["mining.notify","deadbeefcafebabeff6a050000000000"]],"c6d4e2a0d9c5c05b1cf7a8f4",12],"error":null}
15:03:35:412 ba4 parse packet: 117
15:03:35:413 ba4 remove first packet 461
15:03:35:414 ba4 new buf size: 461
15:03:35:415 ba4 parse packet: 58
15:03:35:415 ba4 remove first packet 402
15:03:35:416 ba4 new buf size: 402
15:03:35:417 ba4 parse packet: 401
15:03:35:418 ba4 new buf size: 0
15:03:35:553 ba4 got 36 bytes
15:03:35:590 ba4 buf: {"id":2,"result":true,"error":null}
15:03:35:591 ba4 parse packet: 35
15:03:35:592 ba4 DCR: Authorized
15:03:35:593 ba4 new buf size: 0
15:03:38:462 25fc checkread timeout
15:03:41:682 25fc checkread timeout
15:03:44:926 25fc checkread timeout
15:03:48:168 25fc checkread timeout
15:03:49:844 25fc got 236 bytes
15:03:49:845 25fc buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x17febd0e80ef67c973a69fccb72f2830b87d56f6241cc8c889bf7591b45bceb5","0x68fc811a18084465eab2e58f91e5dff9010c0bf8dbbf1dc799e61e23ab9cc904","0x00000000ffb34c02420e9948eacd78cf33b059a88ade1ff0614f7f3c303cf3a7"]}
15:03:49:846 25fc parse packet: 235
15:03:49:847 25fc Received unknown response: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x17febd0e80ef67c973a69fccb72f2830b87d56f6241cc8c889bf7591b45bceb5","0x68fc811a18084465eab2e58f91e5dff9010c0bf8dbbf1dc799e61e23ab9cc904","0x00000000ffb34c02420e9948eacd78cf33b059a88ade1ff0614f7f3c303cf3a7"]}
15:03:49:848 25fc new buf size: 0
15:03:52:666 ba4 got 401 bytes
15:03:52:666 ba4 buf: {"id":null,"method":"mining.notify","params":["acb0","675377d715c8c41ee291f144525950542e53a80b899fce9a0000003500000000","d03938bd5a2167877421ed8c6c714d8fa398175698f25545e8c38e694d7a96598477890ac4e74a93bef2d093dcd29d71e15bee23fa08682b745482d2512711a70100fdb6e54644c905001400569d00006253011a6d0a1a5901000000c2520200bd3400002abb6f590000000000000000","04000000",[],"04000000","1a015362","596fbb2a",true]}
15:03:52:666 ba4 parse packet: 400
15:03:52:666 ba4 new buf size: 0
15:03:52:667 ba4 DCR: 07/19/17-15:03:52 - New job from dcr.suprnova.cc:3252
15:03:52:667 ba4 target: 0x000000000ffff000 (diff: 68GH), block #152258
15:03:53:009 25fc got 236 bytes
15:03:53:009 25fc buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x28170338f2097f310478ce5b93ae6b19eb3796c1a5c166c3af195db1253af2fc","0x68fc811a18084465eab2e58f91e5dff9010c0bf8dbbf1dc799e61e23ab9cc904","0x00000000ffb34c02420e9948eacd78cf33b059a88ade1ff0614f7f3c303cf3a7"]}
15:03:53:009 25fc parse packet: 235
15:03:53:010 25fc Received unknown response: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x28170338f2097f310478ce5b93ae6b19eb3796c1a5c166c3af195db1253af2fc","0x68fc811a18084465eab2e58f91e5dff9010c0bf8dbbf1dc799e61e23ab9cc904","0x00000000ffb34c02420e9948eacd78cf33b059a88ade1ff0614f7f3c303cf3a7"]}
15:03:53:010 25fc new buf size: 0