I mean it's one thing to help others to get out of a fee which has it's ethical implications, but a whole other thing to skim part of the stolen dev fee on top for yourself.
In the next release, I will add the option for users to leave part of the fees to Claymore to reduce the fee as they like to.
hmmm... instead, why not go jump off a building and save all reasonable people some time from reading your excuses of why you think it's ok to outright steal from others. This would also save you from going to prison, where you will most assuredly get what you deserve for your crimes. Amazing how many losers will make such a huge deal out of 1 freaking %! OP willing to go to prison for 1% and dolts who use his hackjob willing to risk all your crypto earnings by running a script from a cheat/hack/POS newb again... to save 1%???!!! how about actually trying to use that brain you supposedly have in your heads lol.
"Newbie" You do not know wtf you are talking about. BCT Post count means fek all, my man!
I've been in this game from the start mate.. multiple projects under my belt AND ongoing!.
As for defeating claymores v11.x Demion/nodevfee has 2 different approaches BOTH work Injection.dll method or Windows Packet Divert method! [https://reqrypt.org/windivert.html]
- If you bothered to educate yourself you would realise the dev fee which would have originally gone into Claymore's pockets is now redirected
into your own address.
- This then also makes the whole "Stole" part of this threads argument fall on its head. Nothing is being stolen, As its originally generated by own hardware and rerouted to own wallet NOT TO ANY DEVS but own address(es)
OP willing to go to prison for 1% and dolts who use his hackjob willing to risk all your crypto earnings by running a script from a cheat/hack/POS
Get the fek outta here. lmfao! if you are talking about a mear 30MH/s rig then yeah what's 1.5%+ on dual.
however, you scale up to 870MH/s ETH AND 17+ KH/s Cryptonight rig(s) Those fees add up fast.
I do this for fun, for others &
not purely for profits, that's just a happy byproduct and not a motivating factor.
I don't think I will be jumping off any building in the near future.. That is reserved for banksters and their ilk.
As per the verbose nature of my posts that's just how I roll..
Dev's should be paid for their work. If you don't like to pay their fees, don't use their software...
okey, you got me.. Dev by trade I'm an ASM, CPP, Py & InfoSec guru..
33.3% of me Totally agrees, the remaining 66.6% does not.
Made happy use of Olly\Scylla\Titan\Snowman\CustomP's..
Peace out!
NB: its good to see Claymore reduce the Dual mining fee by .5%.
Cheer's Claymore