I am planning on building a mining rig with more than 8 gpus. I've bought 1 to 4 pci express splitters but I had no luck getting the motherboards to boot with more gpus than the number of its actual physical pcie ports. (tried z87, h97, h81, b150). The person who sold these to me said he heard ASROCK X99 EXTREME supports up to 32 GPUS.
Now I've seen somewhere on the ethereum dual miner thread that somebody managed to use around 18?, i think, amd cards on linux, but I cannot find that post anymore.
Anyone have any info on this? Will a motherboard with X79 chipset be just as good, as they have the same number of lanes? Or it depends more on the bios ?They are rather expensive and I want to hear some opinions before I throw my money.
Most miner software doesn't support more than 8 cards. (hardcoded in the client). I ccminer sp-mod I support 32 cards, but NVIDIA only.
Looks like a great plan, but I'm wondering if you will manage to get your ROI back. Do you have a certain strategy for that? WIll you mine different coins from time to time like XMR or ETH?
Really it's a more like a for-fun project, to get things a bit to the extreme, although it should pretty much lower my ROI or keep it the same, not increase it (i will save the cost of 3 mobos, 3 cpus, no ram (will use 16gb on it), and the cost of about 2 psus - although an x99 mobo + cpu is a lot more expensive, it will be actually easier to resell one of those at good value than four crappy h81 btc pro and celerons which nobody will want except at shit prices when mining will be very little profitable for most people and the markets will be full of second hand mining hardware)
I will use a 2450w psu to power the pci connectors of the 28 cards i will use (7 slots x 4 slots per spliiter, already have the psu online). Right now they are mining on 4 rigs with 7 slot mobo each. I got the server psu for $55 including shipping. and the connectors cost like $20, cables another $20 and a friend soldered them for free. so $95 for a 2450w psus is not bad. And for the risers I will use either a 2000w computer psu or two 1200watt ones which I already have.
I am not sure how many amd gpus can windows use with the amd drivers, but I think there is no limit on linux and claymore's support 32 gpu as far as I know. Or was that 16?
The only concern would be stability, if one card crashes it could hang the whole system.
So please, if anyone has any info on more than 8 gpu on one system.. please enlighten me, what motherboard would be best?