In version 7 I was having an issue with one card only working at half strength (vs 17 identical cards)
Now in version 8; that card is completely zero'd and crashing the machine if left in the config.
The card works fine, and at full strength, when using any other Claymore miner, just this ZCash one that it doesn't like.
Anyone got any suggestions?
try running a instance of the miner just for it. if this works run another instance (so two zecminer running at the same time) for the rest of the cards and see what happens then.
Tried. I isolated the card, then tested out all the overclocks, underclocks, resets, the works to rule them out. I then tried replacing the riser in case it was hardware but nothing seems to get this card to work with V8. and with V7, it was only working at half strength. I have an identical machine next to it (with a much lower ASIC quality across the cards) that is absolutely eating up the hash rate atm (1150H/s) machine is all 480 4GB Asus version
Bottom 3 are ALL 480 Sapphire Nitro+ 8GB - Figures off to the right are their ASIC scores.
That one card kills the machine in <2 minutes if I leave it in the config.