Update: Remaining Batches shipped, partial Refund OfferShipping NotificationToday I was notified that the remaining 30k chips shipped (including DHL tracking numbers) and are expected to get delivered next week.
Those who did not yet enter and finalize shipping destination should do it now. This is your last call, without a valid destination your chips will be kept back and wasted.
so i've been out of the loop for like 2 months and i was in batch 3 and 4? judging from the first page i'm guessing shit has hit the fan and i can no longer obtain a refund?
More or less, yes, that is what the current state is. All who asked for refunds before a given deadline got their orders refunded in full. Now that chips are on their way, that's not possible any more.
In fact shit hit the fan, since after the mining profitability calculators out there bare chips won't ROI even at 50% of their bare chip price - not to mention that you have to pay for board manufacturing. Essentially, the remaining chips are waste and not worth the assembly - if you did not already paid for manufacturing.
Partial Refund OfferAlong with the wasted chips, there are numerous manufacturers around with lots of other waste (PCBs, components), who could utilize unused chips to at least make back what they spent for preparing production. If you plan to dump your chips into the next trashcan, I am offering everyone a limited partial refund for the chips that will be forwarded to those manufacturers.
I am paying 35% of the original Avalon price plus the risk margin I charged in full, totaling to
0.035BTC / chip. This is what most mining calculators spit out as break-even point, and that is sadly all I can offer you at this time. Also note that - independent of their profitability - if I ship your chips out, you have to pay the S&H expenses which for smaller orders already outreach potential mining income
This offer is
valid until chips arrive and an
all-or-nothing shot: either you refund everything you have left, or you don't (everything else seems irrational).