it is funny how this thread feels like a ghost town...
0 communication from DZMC.
I actually posted twice two days ago with how long a refund can take as well as bobsag3 posted that same day.
You guys know my original post said week and a half till refunds started, I was able to get most of them early, but most will have to wait another 2ish days.
aha! ok now i get it. it is not about giving this attention or prioritizing it.
i think he simply does not have the bitcoins.
so for the mate who said "they didnt run off wih the money or anything", the story might have a twist.
The units were paid for in order to get the funds for a refund we need to request on a per machine basis a refund and wait till the BTC is sent so it can be distributed.
sorry but will you be so kind to explain to me how this relates to the fact that some people requested a refund on 11th and get it while some requested on 7th and not get it?
looking fwd to see your logical explanation to this question thomas
get well soon
Refunds didn't officially start until Tuesday February 11th, and could be completed for up to a week and a half after it was requested. Missing a piece of information or submitting your request too early could be the problem.Don't worry tho you'll get your refund, the logic behind the refunds is different from what you expect.
in any small bit of questioning you become defensive. cut the cr.p and explain to me how some people request refund on 7th, receive on 11th while all below people are still waiting?
AME________________________Shares________________________date asked for___________________________
1)tripppn ---------------------------3--------------------------------------------2/14
6)uozer---------------------------- 3 ---------------------------------------------2/8
9)Danleuthner ---------------------23--------------------------------------------2/10
11) Tragter--------------------------2--------------------------------------------2/12