Eleuthria, been noticing the drop in hashrate over the last week is this due to the fact that you will not be updating much and merging?
I plan to keep my rigs pointed at scryptguild everything has been paying me out perfect.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Yes, I'm sure it's related to the news that the pool won't be seeing a bunch of new coins pop up.
Just to be clear, the merge will not happen on short notice. The current plan is once I have BTC Guild's frontend ready for allowing Scrypt coins as well as BTC, I will post a notice on ScryptGuild stating that the pool is now available on BTC Guild, and is recommended for all users. At that point, I will give people one full month to clean out any remaining balances on ScryptGuild. The ScryptGuild pool will still be operational during that time to give users time to move over. The pool server (not the web server) will turn off one week before the site shuts down.
I'm expecting this will probably happen around May 1st - May 7th, meaning the site will remain available until June 1st - June 7th. I'm pretty slow when it comes to website design, especially when I've been extremely happy with how BTC Guild's frontend has worked out. I don't want the merger to disrupt/alter the interface for users that are not interested in it, so I have to be very careful with how/where the integration shows up.
One thing that was nice to have on ScryptGuild was getting to see the hash speed of a coin. like if I want to see the speed of WDC I could,
but not long after ScryptGuild opend that want bye bye